
ES Morning Update April 9th 2018
No much of an update this morning gang. The futures seem trapped between a decending black trendline (targeting around 2630-2640 area, depending on when you...

ES Morning Update April 6th 2018
Clearly this market is not out of danger yet with the futures tanking last night afterhours, but short term we are still more bullish then...

ES Morning Update April 5th 2018
Looks like we finally got that strong up move started that I was expecting by Thursday or Friday. It came a day early and fooled...

Fed Panic Stricken About Inflation – Michael Pento
By Greg Hunter’s USAWatchdog.com Money manager and financial writer Michael Pento says the federal government is “burning the furniture to heat the house.” Pento contends,...

ES Morning Update April 4th 2018
Yesterday I was thinking that the move up off Monday's low is some kind of smaller wave 4, and in the chatroom I discussed it...

ES Morning Update April 3rd 2018
Yesterday's drop did catch me by surprise a little as while I was expecting it to happen I thought it would do so over 3...

ES Morning Update April 2nd 2018
I hope every had a good holiday weekend. Always remember that Easter has nothing to do with bunny's and egg's... it's about Christ rising from...

ES Morning Update March 29th 2018
Ok gang, we had a very choppy day yesterday going basically nowhere. This morning I'm still not sure if the next rally is ready to...

ES Morning Update March 28th 2018
WOW! What a drop late yesterday! I have to say it took me completely by surprise. I wasn't expecting much more then a small pullback...

ES Morning Update March 27th 2018
I love it when a plan works out! Yesterday I guessed that we'd have a move down to make the right shoulder of an inverter...