
Are Mass Killings Real Or False Flags?
Ever wonder about all the school shootings, bombings, train killings, etc...? I mean, they can't all be "False Flags" can they... or are they? If...

ES Morning Update May 26th 2017
Looks like the Russell and the DOW are the only one's left that haven't made a new all time high. If they manage to make...

ES Morning Update May 25th 2017
Well, so much for the pullback. Up again afterhours and premarket in the ES Futures. We have hit the 2410-2415 area where it should stall...

ES Morning Update May 24th 2017
Not much to add that wasn't said yesterday or Monday. I'm still looking for a small pullback before ripping through 2400 but it's certainly not...

ES Morning Update May 23rd 2017
The grid up continues it seems. I was really looking for a small pullback to maybe the 2380 area again, and then a rip through...

ES Morning Update May 22nd 2017
Well, I'd love to tell all the bears out there that we are going to top out Monday or Tuesday and tank into a nasty...

ES Morning Update May 19th 2017
The picture is getting a little clearer now on what "I think" SkyNet is going to do. In the past when we saw a big...

ES Morning Update May 18th 2017
WOW! They bears certainly kicked some butt yesterday! It was unclear at the open yesterday whether or not the 2380 horizontal support area would hold...

ES Morning Update May 17th 2017
Looks like the rising wedge finally gave way last night as the futures fall back down to horizontal support around the 2380 area, which is...

ES Morning Update May 16th 2017
Yippee, the bulls finally hit 2400 and scored a touchdown... it's about time! So were are we at now? Yesterday's strong rally, with the small...