
ES Morning Update January 9th 2018
Nothing new to add here today gang. The market is still grinding away, an inch at a time. I'm still focusing on tomorrow or Thursday...

ES Morning Update January 8th 2018
A little weakness in the futures this Monday morning but not much. This is too be expected I guess with such overbought condition right now...

ES Morning Update January 5th 2018
Looks like this move up this morning is some kind of 5th wave from the low last Friday. Hard too tell for sure but the...

ES Morning Update January 4th 2018
I thought we might have that small pullback yesterday but the market is too strong it seems. Today we are up again and I'm still...

ES Morning Update January 3rd 2018
Nothing has changed much from yesterday's outlook. The bears are getting squeezed a little more this morning but it's looking overbought now. If we can...

ES Morning Update January 2nd 2018
Welcome to a new year gang. I hope everyone had a great holidays. Today is the first day back to work so I wouldn't expect...

Cliff High 2018 Web Bot Predictions
Clif High Web Bot Prediction for 2018 from Truth Warriors on Vimeo. Greg Hunter did a great interview of Clif High recently to go over...

ES Morning Update December 29th 2017
Looks like the bulls decided to ignore my suggestion of drifting down some to get a better launching pad for the bull flag and instead...

ES Morning Update December 28th 2017
More of the same is expected today... a whole lot of nothing. Here on this 6 hour chart of the ES Futures we can see...