Tuesday, October 22, 2024

Weekend Update – P3 Delayed Again But Very Close Now

Tuesday Update...

Probably up tomorrow, as the new VIX FP of 14.86 will likely be hit before we sell off. Also, the website with the video I want you to watch (that I speak of in the this update) is located at: http://endofamerica3.com



Monday Update...

(to watch on youtube: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bI6IJFd5Lcc)

The weekend secret meeting at the White House was likely about the new currency coming, which happened to be at the same time the Legatus Pilgrimage ended.  Coincidence?

Ben Fulford just posted this...


Another link (http://iamamalaysian.wordpress.com/2011/02/06/the-world-is-on-the-verge-of-a-monumental-change/) about the coming new currency, as well as a video by Colleen Thomas where she speaks of these thugs being arrested.  The website she speaks of is http://www.global-settlement.org/cms/, which are the one's funding the arrest of Obama and his minions (according to her).  I believe it won't be too public and O'bomb'us will just be allowed to resign.

The link to the video on Gerald Celente's site is...


Here's the bottom line... something BIG is about to happen and the market is going to react with uncertainty and/or panic.  What usually happens with a panic in the market?  Remember Lindsey Williams speaking of the dollar being devalued 50% or more this year?  It could happen over night with this currency change.



Are We Still In P2.1 Or P2.2?

(to watch on youtube: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0SbS7bSwb8k)

Could Be P2.3, or P2.4.... Who Knows?

This insanely controlled market should have started into Primary Wave 3 (P3) down months ago, and ended this P2 rally up from the March, 2009 low of 666 SPX, but it just keeps on going... just like the energizer bunny!

It should have ended back in January of 2010 when the market peaked around 1150 spx, but instead extended into the April top of around 1200.  Was that P2.1?  If so, then the extension again to last Thursday's top was P2.2, and I guess that's still not enough yet so it's going for P2.3!

Just CRASH will you!  This B.S. is annoying the hell out of me and every other bear on the planet!  What's next... 1400?  Then a small correction and back up to 1500 for P2.4?  Why do I even play this rigged game?  There is no way to win!  Even if you are right you still get screwed some how.

This market should be trading at Dow 5,000 right now... or lower!  This crap is really pissing me off right now!  The market rallies on every disaster and bad news event released!  WTF?  Tell me they are going to clean out the White House and kill all the gangsters by some nuke or something and I'll celebrate and go long the market with everything I got!

I'd like to see  Bernanke's head on the end of flag pole in my front yard, as the American flag sure doesn't stand for freedom anymore!  At least I'd be showing my patriotic side by honoring the master of our money scam to my neighbors.  All hail "The Bernanke" our savior of our 401k pension plan, and retirement accounts.  Never fear as the stock will never lose value and go down again... we've outlawed it!

(insert 6 hours break here)

Ok, I'm feeling much better then I did this morning.  Sometimes I have too air it all out and this blog is the only place I can do it at... so just forgive me for my moment of weakness.

Moving on to the markets.  I'm going to cover most of that in the video, so here I'm just going to go over a few points of interest.  The Legatus Pilgrimage was the 3rd through the 5th, and the day I'm typing this is Saturday so it's over about now.  In the past, these dates were good at predicting a turn in the market, but I'm not sure if that's still the case now with them being so exposed by Reinhardt?

The last one in September of last year didn't produce a turn at the bottom or top, but instead just rallied the market more.  The market was around 1100 spx in early September, and had risen from the 1040 low in late August.  The market didn't turn back down from 1100, but instead rallied to the current high today.

So... does that mean the event does work anymore for giving us a turn in the market?  I'm not sure about that?  I can only say that they still likely decide the fate of the economy at these meetings.  I would speculate that they decided to secretly inject another round of stimulus into the market at that prior event... hence the reason the market rallied to 1300 today!

The question now is... did they decide to inject another round (secretly of course) into the market currently, at the meeting they just had?  Or, did they decide to take out the money and let the market collapse?  Personally, I think they don't have the ability to continue pumping money into the market without upsetting the rest of the world to the point that they do something crazy that spooks the market anyway.

(Sunday, another 12 hours later)

Recent Video Update from Clif High of HalfPastHuman...

[pro-player width='425' height='344' type='video']http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2ZrjdNzKvzs&NR=1[/pro-player]

Sometimes I write these posts in increments as new things come to me and I want to get them out there before I forget them.  I wanted to find out what the latest news is from our insider Ben Fulford, and I was lucky enough to find his most recent update on this website below (and this one)...


After reading the report I went to the "You Must Listen to the Call" link and read it too.  I listened to all four (30 minutes each) audio links and I've highlighted and bulletpointed the things I found interesting in them.

Here they are:

  • Chinese took away the processing authority for the global settlements (concerning the buying of oil) from the Americans Friday night. There was an emergency meeting over the weekend at the White House with the Chinese Dragons, and the secretary of state Hillary Clinton.
  • The new currency is the "US Treasury Dollar", and is already in all the major banks of the world.
  • The Iraqi Dinar will be revalued and used to purchase oil with, and the Chinese Yuan will be the new world reserve currency.
  • The Chinese are going to announce a new bank system on Monday the 7th.<THIS IS HUGE! IF IT HAPPENS ON MONDAY, I DON'T THINK THE MARKET IS GOING TO LIKE IT!>
  • Gas is going to go up to $5.25 per gallon because oil will now be bought with the Dinar instead of the US Dollar.
  • The workings of this are already happening as meetings were held at the White House this weekend.
  • A new currency is coming, and it will be backed by "something" (gold, oil, silver, etc...)
  • The "Good Guys" of the world are disassembling the old cabal bad guys.
  • 911 was done to hide the theft of $43 Trillion Dollars in Gold owed to the Chinese from a 75 year old lease from WW2.
  • The gold was being loaded onto a 4 garbage trucks every night and secretly stolen a little at a time until it was all gone (64 tons at a time).
  • Then the Twin Towers were brought down by remote control flown planes and planted nano thermite explosives, that can be painted on concrete which vaporizes when it goes off.
  • You can't make a cell phone call on an airplane flying that high (unless they installed a cell repeater on the plane... and that didn't exist back then).
  • The pentagon was most likely a smaller drone plane, as the wing span on a Boeing 757 is 175 feet and the planed needed to fly between the light poles standing on the street which are only 90 feet apart.
  • Five of the reported terrorists have been found alive in Saudi Arabia and Morocco.
  • The missile fired off the coast of San Diego last November was a Chinese sub showing the Gangster Cabal that they could have sunk the 2 American Aircraft carriers that intentionally went into China's Exclusive Economy Zone (too close to their borders).
  • They politely asked the US Aircraft Carriers to leave. They refused. So China sent a sub to 35 miles off the coast of San Diego and fired an EMP missile that exploded in the air behind the US Ronald Regan (one of the carriers in China's Zone).
  • The carrier wasn't damaged too much as it had harden steel protecting the electronics, but the nearby Princess Cruise Ship had all it's electronics' fried and had to be towed into harbor.
  • The Chinese sent the Cabal a message, which was that they could take out those 2 carriers anytime they wanted too. But they don't want war, the American gangster cabal does. The Chinese want peace, and want to help the American public by assisting in freeing us of our slavery from the gangster cabal.

I've copied the audio links for you to down and listen to on your computer.  They are below:

Each part is approximately 30 minutes.

MP3 Links (click to play, or right-click and “Save As” to download)

Part 1: http://tinyurl.com/4kutdv9

Part 2: http://tinyurl.com/4bfdm7w

Part 3: http://tinyurl.com/48yxzub

Part 4: http://tinyurl.com/4r7ho7z

You can of course just play them from that person's blog if you find it easier.  The link is here:


More conformation of the coming 50%-70% Dollar Devaluation, as previously stated by Lindsey Williams...


(thanks to MyGitana for finding this)

Important highlights from this part 4 of 4 interview:

  • The plans for the destruction of the dollar are set for as early as March of 2011.
  • In the dreams of one those interviewed he see's coffee costing $10.00, grade school meal for $30.00 and a Thanksgiving meal "3 for $99.00".
  • Gas will cost $6.00 or more per gallon.
  • The 9 year girl that died in the shooting of Gabrielle Gillfords was born on 09/11/2001 and was killed 9 years and 119 days later on January 8th, 2011... 9119!

Back to message and how it will affect the stock market...

This meeting that was held could very well be the "catalyst" needed to crash the stock market, as the gangster cabal doesn't want to lose their power and may decide to tank the market as a "last ditch effort".  The new currency that the "White Hats" (many in China, who are the good guys here) are proposing will stop the gangsters from continuing to enslave the public.

You see, as long as the money isn't backed by gold, oil, or some other real physical asset, they can print as much as they want and keep everyone in American in debt prison.  They can also continue laundering their CIA drug money, and it can't be tracked.  This new money will help us sheep, and destroy the wolves as only they will be the ones' losing out during the switch.

Most of the debt is these crooked CDO's (Collateralized Debt Obligations) that the gangsters fraudulently sold to the rest of the world during the 2007 mortgage bubble.  These debts won't be paid, and will be wiped clean instead.  This will free many American's and some will even walk away with their home free and clear of any liens.

This is a good thing, but the gangster cabal (aka... the Fed's, which is run by the Illuminati Elite) will become powerless as all the money owed will vanish and be disturbed back to millions of people through the forgiveness of debt.  These gangsters don't want this, and I believe they plan on crashing the market to try and save themselves by insuring panic and violence... which is what they thrive on!

On another note, things are never what they appear it seems...

[pro-player width='425' height='344' type='video']http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uxqJXPcWooU&feature=player_embedded[/pro-player]

What a disappointment to see Ron Paul holding up the Illuminati hand signal in the video above 🙁  I had hoped that maybe he was "the one" (as in the matrix), but I guess he's just another cleaver distraction that the gangster elite used to mislead us sheep.  Bummer!

I'm going to stick with the hope that Gabrielle Gilfords will recover and run for President one day soon (as in, this coming election).  I know it's unlikely, but stranger things have happened.  I do believe these gangsters will lose this war they have been waging for centuries by enslaving us sheep, as they follow the bible, which in it... THEY LOSE!

On to the short term...

I have NO idea what is going to happen next week!  Sorry, but the chart are unclear right now.  I see bullish charts and bearish charts.  I don't know what to make of them?  They say the dollar is going to be devalued but right now the charts look bullish.  The market should correct when the dollar goes up, but that hasn't been happening lately?

So what gives?  More of the same old B.S. manipulation... until they decide to pull the money plug and crash the thing I guess.  When will that happen?  If the Legatus Pilgrimage turn date period still works, then it should start this week or next week at the latest.  However, if they inject more funny money into the system (secretly of course), then that could push the market up higher into March.

I honestly don't know what to expect next week.  We'll just have too take it one day at a time and see when the charts all line up in one direction, giving us a better clue of what's too come.

Good luck everyone...


Author: Red

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13 years ago

RDL, you didn’t get the memo? P3 is outlawed, hehe

Red Dragon Leo
13 years ago
Reply to  steveo77

LOL… I got the memo, but I put it in the shredder!

13 years ago
Reply to  Red Dragon Leo

Did some serious shredding, cleared out 20 binders of investing information from 2005 to date. Condensed into 1 binder of keepers. Including a good future post of notes and thought from the pre-crash days. Did you see my “dog post”, somehow it went away, reposted today.

and upcoming Cheeshead post


Red Dragon Leo
13 years ago
Reply to  steveo77

How about SuperBowl post? Let the winner decide where the market is going next… up or down?

13 years ago
Reply to  Red Dragon Leo

Check the new post, you get the Superbowl win, the Cheese, or CZJ? Take your pick.


13 years ago

I’m surprised we haven’t heard more about the debt ceiling. The debt limit should be reached around late March to early April. Are we going to continue to piss off our creditors?

Inflation could already be at 5-10%.

I see other problems in March and April.

Red Dragon Leo
13 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

Well, they could stretch this out until March or April if they secretly put more stimulus into the market (which would have probably been decided at the Legatus meeting).

The current POMO money isn’t likely too be enough to rally up another 1000 points on the Dow, as it’s likely factored into the market already.

As for inflation, it could be that high already as the government lies about all economic reports… so who knows how high it really is?

13 years ago

Apart from a couple of revealing pictures, that video was pretty insulting to watch. And replete with tons of spelling errors. The spelling errors looked almost deliberate, so as to disguise that it was a disinformation tape.

Red Dragon Leo
13 years ago
Reply to  Ceo

Which on? I’m assuming you mean the last video on the page, as the Clif High one didn’t seem too insulting… and of course my video is PG rated, so that leaves the last one.

Yeah, pretty rude… but the picture of Ron Paul giving the Illuminati hand signal was what I really wanted everyone to see. Sorry about the rest of it, as I didn’t make the video.

13 years ago
Reply to  Red Dragon Leo

Yeah that one. Great masonic snaps. But apart from that, it seemed eerily “inside” itself. with deliberate spelling errors.

Red Dragon Leo
13 years ago
Reply to  Ceo

Well, you and I both know they put out “dis-information” video’s to confuse us… that might be one of them?

13 years ago
Reply to  Red Dragon Leo

mp3 link #1, chinese are going to re-value the currencies? my mid feb flash crash pullback time table, is based / only happens, on some action from overseas.

Red Dragon Leo
13 years ago
Reply to  zstock7

I really don’t know what type of impact it will have on the market, but I don’t think it will rally from the news… that’s for sure!

The question is… does it happen on Monday the 7th or not? Who knows? Maybe it gets delayed like everything else?

13 years ago
Reply to  Red Dragon Leo

who’d have thought the chinese want to helpthe US worker, by annihilating the gansta’s ?

Red Dragon Leo
13 years ago
Reply to  zstock7

Funny how the public is lead to believe that China is the bad guy, when the bad guy is who the public thinks is the good guy… the Fed’s! Kinda of Ironic… isn’t it?

13 years ago
Reply to  Red Dragon Leo

I’ll take a Chinese flash crash oversea’s. HSI down 1500, sometime in FEB. I hope they don’t have to halt the DIA’s.

13 years ago

The color of the text was very hard to read (I am also colorblind, so that probably didn’t help).

Not sure the reason to repeatedly call everyone a fool. Some people just don’t know the truth.

Wandering sheep need a good Shepard.

13 years ago

What if you make a fortune shorting the market in US bucks/ And your dollar falls off the table? Maybe it would be better to short it in another currency? Only problem is that the US buck looks like it is ready to ZOOM up. Tons of layers of bullshit all over.

13 years ago

strange buildings, or free energy Tesla Coils. you decide.

13 years ago

mp3 link 1—this guy already made a mistake about gasoline prices in the US, at 12:15…
we don’t have $5.25 gasoline in the intermediate long term, because 30% of the US supply is home grown. and home grown, is $10 a barrel.

Red Dragon Leo
13 years ago
Reply to  zstock7

The public doesn’t know how much oil comes from America. Most people think it’s all from other countries. If they want to take prices of gasoline up… they will, regardless of the actual cost of a barrel of oil.

13 years ago
Reply to  Red Dragon Leo

The end game is WMT, who controls the price of gasoline. something most folks ignore.

13 years ago

hey Red…
Good ones die young…well sort of … RIP
Red, they got everyone confused, just the way they like it…But is obvious that market is tired…I know it’s difficult to be short (or own puts that keep dropping in value), but I use to invest in biotech, and some of my biggest wins were most painful…it’s by design, don’t let the little guy in…However, lots of money was lost by put sellers last time around, and they are just not willing to give signals…as I said before, it will likely by 1987 style, no time to get in or out…I think it will happen sometimes before end of March, when debt ceiling has to be raised and Spain debt refinancing blows up…Bill Gross is already lining up bond vigilantes, not that administration is cornered with debt ceiling…
Here is a view I agree with… http://evilspeculator.com/?p=19432 he is not really evil…

Red Dragon Leo
13 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

Yes MsChemeng, Mole isn’t really evil (he just like’s to pretend…. LOL). That was a good post he did, and I’m in agreement with him. Monday will likely be a trend day up, followed by Tuesday and/or Wednesday putting in the topping tail candle and then closing down.

That leaves Thursday and Friday to either rally back up, or continue the move down. Hard too say which will happen, as it will depend on when the selling starts? The quicker it starts the more likely Thursday will rally back. But the later it starts, the more likely Thursday and Friday will just continue the selling pressure.

Red Dragon Leo
13 years ago
Reply to  anoopsan

What do you see in the qqqq, as I believe it’s the weakest and will lead the coming sell off.

13 years ago
Reply to  Red Dragon Leo

Transports is weaker.

13 years ago

BULL forth.

13 years ago

If you buy and wait long enough, you’ll make money in this FED juiced market. What nonsense are we moving up on today while ignoring the important facts about the economy. LOL!

Red Dragon Leo
13 years ago

Yes, a big short squeeze it seems…

13 years ago
Reply to  Red Dragon Leo

yep. like you’ve said – they won’t let bears get on board for a easy entry. got to snap higher first. frankly, i’m tired of it.

13 years ago

Maybe you should buy your SPY puts 1 year out.

Red Dragon Leo
13 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

LOL… or just give up shorting the spy and just go long gold, as we know it’s going up over the long haul.

13 years ago
Reply to  Red Dragon Leo

I don’t think it matters if you buy gold. They’ll just bring back confiscation. We’ve seen a rise in power of the banks and other criminals to higher heights than ever before.

Double Dee
Double Dee
13 years ago
Reply to  ACP

I was talking to a guy at Goldline and he told me which coins would not be confiscated. Don’t buy silver rounds or bullion… I can’t remember which ones but I am buying walking liberty silver halves and washington quarters. I think Franklins were good too. The guy there “Jan” can explain it all to you.

13 years ago
Reply to  Double Dee

Ah, but those are the CURRENT rules…if they need something, they’ll do as they always do and CHANGE the rules…

13 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

all my puts are April to June… I don’t know when “snap” will occur, just that it will…
All of the little selloffs were nearly vertical, until PPT intervened…upside is always a melt up style…it may be that big move will come after Feb option expiration, but it may be sooner…Stock market is counting on QE3, based on bad jobs numbers, I doubt it will ever happen, either bond vigilantes will stop it, or the debt ceiling…I have a feeling that market will punish Ron Paul comments this week, just to let him know who is the boss…will see…

Red Dragon Leo
13 years ago

Ok, so who won the Super Bowl?

Answer: The Bulls

13 years ago

Dow 500,000 here we come!

Red Dragon Leo
13 years ago
Reply to  ACP

Yeah, and a gallon of milk will cost you $500 dollar at that point!

13 years ago
Reply to  Red Dragon Leo

No matter – just keep those presses working. No wonder nobody gives a crap about the US budget. Who needs a budget when you have the central bank creating the ultimate ponzi? People are talking about inflation cutting into profits – who cares? Just keep buying stock.

13 years ago
Reply to  Red Dragon Leo

The joys of compound interest.
I now understand the evils of usury.

13 years ago
Reply to  Gold_Gerb

There’s only one person who used high interest rates to do something good and productive for society. And that person was bamboozled, ridiculed and his name used for a so-called “rule” that was watered down so much that it is essentially ineffective.

13 years ago

QQQQ Looks strong in hourly chart for now.

SPY Chart: http://niftychartsandpatterns.blogspot.com/2011/02/spy-intraday-update.html

13 years ago

XLK false print 12:03 candle.
if you believe in these things, I would not be owning AAPL right now.
my 2 grams.

13 years ago

SPY false print now @ 12:10 candle.

13 years ago
Reply to  Gold_Gerb

It seems like all the lower ones are just being ignored. The upward ones are hit exactly on the money. Maybe the code was changed or they just decided to hit all the lower ones when the market finally falls apart?

13 years ago
Reply to  ACP

Ignore the ones against the trend. I like it.

13 years ago
Reply to  Gold_Gerb

Yeah, that is, until Moose and Rocco show up at JPM HQ to “help Jamie Dimon find his checkbook”.

Red Dragon Leo
13 years ago

New intraday FP of 131.69 spy at 12:10 pm EST.

Red Dragon Leo
13 years ago

Looks like we might be going down now to fill that FP at 131.69?

13 years ago
Reply to  Red Dragon Leo

Hopefully further…

13 years ago
Reply to  Red Dragon Leo

The legatus signal heard round the world…a CSCO earnings miss on Wed—get ready!

Red Dragon Leo
13 years ago

I did a new video, but it seems to be stuck in the “Finishing Processing” mode with youtube? It’s been stuck there for over an hour now, so I’m not sure what’s going on? But, I did go ahead and put up the new update anyway.

Just refresh the page and read the links on it. Lot’s of new changes coming, and I don’t think the market will celebrate them. As for the video, check back tomorrow I guess? I don’t know how long youtube is going to take to process it? Sorry…

13 years ago
Reply to  Red Dragon Leo

Wow, I’m confused.

Red Dragon Leo
13 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

Me too? Why is my video done processing? I tried to upload it again, but it gets stuck at 99% done? Arrrgggh!

13 years ago
Reply to  Red Dragon Leo

Processing time varies greatly depending on the format of your original video, file size, and upload traffic. This could take anywhere from a few minutes to several hours.

If after 8 hours you still see a status message next to the video saying Uploaded (processing, please wait), try removing the video from our site and uploading it again. To do this, access My Videos and click the Remove Video button below the video in question. Then, go through the full upload process again.

check image appears here Make sure your video is under 15 minutes in length. We accept most video file formats, including .wmv, .mov, .mpg, or .avi. If your video meets these minimum requirements and still won’t upload, there may be a problem with the video compression you’re using. We recommend the MPEG4 format at 640×480 resolution with MP3 or AAC audio.

Red Dragon Leo
13 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

Thanks… but I already tried to upload the video again. It still gets stuck at 99%. I’ll just give it all night I guess.

13 years ago
Reply to  Red Dragon Leo

that’s how it all starts. first you can’t access your site, then you can’t upload a video. pretty soon there will be a man in a suit going thru your garbage. you probably already have clicking sounds on your phone.

Red Dragon Leo
13 years ago
Reply to  zstock7

LOL… some how I think they are too busy right now trying to save their own ass, as to have time to mess with me!

13 years ago
Reply to  Red Dragon Leo

try to upload again.

Red Dragon Leo
13 years ago

Ok gang, I uploaded the video to my hosting account until youtube can fix the problem. Hopefully it will work this time? I have unlimited bandwidth on my account, but they probably won’t like it if slows down the server I’m hosted on. Anyway, here is a direct link…


Once the youtube link works, please use it instead… thanks.

13 years ago

Super Bowl ritual numbers::::Once I thought the “elightened ones” favorite teams the Jets and Bears were eliminated, I thought the rituals might subside in the football “arena”. But watching the pregrame show, I noticed the two murals outside of Cowboys stadium, one of Aaron Rogers #12 and one of Steelers Troy Polamalu #43. It took me a little while to put 2 and 2 together and realize it was a veiled 127number ie 12 plus 43 or “7”. And I noticed outside the studio, there was a “plant” errrr “fan” waving a sign with 777 on it with the words season #77 beneath the numbers and Big Ben beneath that. Steelers QB is #7. It turns out this was the Packers 13th overall championship.

As for the heroes of the game, they were Jordy Nelson #87 and Greg Jennings #85 (58crash number). They had all of G.B.’s offensive touchdowns with Nelson leading the team in receiving. WSJ featured a photo Jennings on its front page and it was interesting to see his number 85 was reversed to 58 on his shoulderpads as opposed to the 85 on his back. As for GBs roided up super robo QB, I couldn’t figure out how he played a role in the ritual except that he threw for 3TDS (666)….

Let’s see if today was a fakeout. Some markets like copper put in a nominal new high with a lower RSI while others like oil dropped. Dow’s RSI level is getting worrisome again. Otherwise, 67tds from Nov 5 high will be Friday. There have been many 67tds cycles during 3-6-9 on run.

13 years ago
Reply to  Mnytzfan30

Nick Collins, a defensive player had GB’s other TD, a 37yard interception return. His number is 36 (666). Tomorrow will be 703calendar days from 3-6-9…..

#23 ritual played out in the Pro Bowl the previous week when DeAngelo Hall, a defensive back,#23 won the MVP which is quite an unusual feat for a defensive player to accomplish especially in a game with a 55-47 score. Hall is most famous for picking off Bears quarterback Jay Cutler #6 4 times back during Week 7 (The Bears had a bye the next week which was Halloween). Curiously, 2-6 is 23 months from 3-6-9 bottom,23 weeks from the August bottom and 2years 3months 23or 24days from 10-10-08 financial crisis panic low. It’s also in the vicinity of 23years 3-4months from October 19,1987.

13 years ago

That’s a stretch Red, but whatever happens, it won’t be too far in the future that people start taking matters into their own hands. Remember, for every middle-class American citizen who gets shafted by the criminals in the govt and has nothing left to lose, that’s one more wild card in the mix.

Like the old saying goes, “All it takes is one motivated Marine and his rifle…”

13 years ago
Reply to  ACP

put 2 of those guys together, and you get an overthrown gov”t.

13 years ago

Leo, I’ve been following your site for a few weeks now and I do appreciate your technical analysis of the market, but I am curious if you really believe your conspiracy theories? I thought I was a bit radical when it came to that, but alas, I have been trumped. “…the end of the IRS”,really??? “China are the good guys”, c’mon… I’m still waiting for ANY reputable media organization to pick up the “Vatican Bank slush Fund” conspiracy. I doubt we will have anything remotely close to a currency revaluation in the near term either. Again, I appreciate your enthusiasm and your charting T.A., but you seem to be a bit of a radicalist when it comes to some of your theories. A GOOD radicalist though. 🙂

Red Dragon Leo
13 years ago
Reply to  Bennysux

I guess I’m just an Optimist, and hope that the gangsters really do lose power and get arrested. I just refuse to give up. I really do believe that big changes are coming in the near future, and that those changes will be positive for all of humanity.

For that to happen, the gangsters must lose power. I think that the 2012 end of the world theory is simply the end of the old ways and the beginning of the new ways.. IE: Free energy devices, enough food and clean water for everyone, jobs, less debt, etc…

Yes, it’s a stretch, but it’s a good dream. While I don’t have any power to make it happen, others do. Maybe my constant exposure of it helps wake up the masses, and therefore I’m doing my small part to make the world a better place for everyone.

Who knows? But I’ll keep hoping and remain optimistic that those changes really will happen.

Double Dee
Double Dee
13 years ago
Reply to  Red Dragon Leo

Bennysux may need a tour of our Dachau concentration camp ….

13 years ago
Reply to  Double Dee

Now that you mention it, I wouldn’t be at all surprised if the Israelis take matters into their own hands against certain criminals for creating so much unrest around their country.

Double Dee
Double Dee
13 years ago
Reply to  ACP

True… what choice would they have… the final battle is supposed to take place in the holy land…

13 years ago

Mkt Reluctant To Press Trends Ahead of Fed Speakers…bernakium toilet paper co. testifies to congress on wed.

Red Dragon Leo
13 years ago
Reply to  zstock7

I think we are going to 1333 spx before topping for good. The March, 2009 low of 666.79 x 2 equals 1333.58 spx. But tomorrow and and Wednesday I think we could see some selling happen. Then back up on Thursday I believe.

13 years ago


Double Dee
Double Dee
13 years ago
Reply to  NOPOMO

If I would have recognized what is really going on and just got on board I would have made a million – it was just too hard for me to grasp that this charade would go on this long… it has really been free money for anyone long.

Red Dragon Leo
13 years ago

Video now working (at youtube). Refresh page and try again.

13 years ago

anybody getting an odd reading from the VIX this morning??

Red Dragon Leo
13 years ago
Reply to  richie

Yes, I see a 14.86 print! Is that a real print or a FP? Did we go there this morning?

Double Dee
Double Dee
13 years ago
Reply to  Red Dragon Leo

it was a split second spike down….

Double Dee
Double Dee
13 years ago
Reply to  Red Dragon Leo

it was a split second spike down….

13 years ago
Reply to  Double Dee

yeah, that is what i am trying to figure out – why the spike?? if this is a FP well that means a 30 point up in the S&P or higher……yeesh! i will cover my shorts if this is a FP

13 years ago
Reply to  Double Dee

yeah, that is what i am trying to figure out – why the spike?? if this is a FP well that means a 30 point up in the S&P or higher……yeesh! i will cover my shorts if this is a FP

13 years ago
Reply to  Red Dragon Leo

good question red,

i dunno??? seems odd to me when we were negative at the open??

13 years ago
Reply to  Red Dragon Leo

good question red,

i dunno??? seems odd to me when we were negative at the open??

Red Dragon Leo
13 years ago
Reply to  Red Dragon Leo

It’s gone now, as I refreshed the page?

13 years ago
Reply to  Red Dragon Leo

that vix number was the bottom of the bollinger band?? i dunno how to take it… it is still referenced on cnbc http://data.cnbc.com/quotes/VIX

13 years ago
Reply to  Red Dragon Leo

14.86. I see it.
still there on the $VIX.
it’s the 9:31AM candle.

13 years ago
Reply to  Red Dragon Leo

Its not gone. still on stock charts.

Red Dragon Leo
13 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

Thanks, I see it now…

Red Dragon Leo
13 years ago
Reply to  Red Dragon Leo

It’s gone now, as I refreshed the page?

13 years ago


can you confirm a FP on the VIX this morning to about 14.82???

13 years ago
Reply to  richie


13 years ago
Reply to  skaps112

was this a trade??? or a FP???

13 years ago
Reply to  skaps112

was this a trade??? or a FP???

13 years ago
Reply to  richie


Double Dee
Double Dee
13 years ago
Reply to  richie

I had on my chart …. same reading that you got at 9:31

13 years ago
Reply to  Double Dee


was it a trade or FP??? this is odd??

13 years ago
Reply to  Double Dee


was it a trade or FP??? this is odd??

Double Dee
Double Dee
13 years ago
Reply to  richie

I had on my chart …. same reading that you got at 9:31

13 years ago

I got a 14.86 FP on the VIX on my screen…

13 years ago
Reply to  Yorx

yeah yeah,,it is 14.86 is this a FP????

13 years ago
Reply to  Yorx

yeah yeah,,it is 14.86 is this a FP????

13 years ago

We did not get to 14.86, so it is a FP. Just like the 17.10 one we had last week, which was hit.

Red Dragon Leo
13 years ago

Gang, I definitely believe that we have another FP on the VIX now. For this 14.86 print to be hit the market will likely rise up to that 1333 spx level (or a little higher?). Unfortunately, I didn’t get a screen shot… bummer, but we know the target now. So we wait for a short entry at that area.

13 years ago

Silver just broke $30 again.

13 years ago

Here we go… Market ignores China rate hike, as usual. Nothing economic-wise matters. LOL!

13 years ago

Gonna break the shorts backs this morning. 1333 may very well get hit by noon.

13 years ago

Gonna break the shorts backs this morning. 1333 may very well get hit by noon.

13 years ago

Gonna break the shorts backs this morning. 1333 may very well get hit by noon.

13 years ago

this market has the feel now of a blow off top… it is relentless in accelerating upwards, it shows no weakness, it disregards any and all fundamental and technical risk – these are characteristics of a blow off.

13 years ago

That rising wedge on the S&P will be addressed,..eventually. Just not sure how violently it will happen.

Red Dragon Leo
13 years ago

The market is coming to the end of the apex of this triangle/wedge pattern. The 15 and 30 chart support a breakout to the upside, over the current resistance at the multiple top area.

The 60 minute chart is pointing down and has yet to reset back up. So it’s supporting a breakdown from the rising support line that started around 1275 spx, back on January 31st.

Who will win, the bull or the bear? (Duh… stupid question I guess?)

13 years ago
Reply to  Red Dragon Leo

Bulls hands down.

Red Dragon Leo
13 years ago
Reply to  skaps112

Of course… but it’s possible that the market fails to break the overhead resistance today and falls back down (breaking the rising wedge) and fills the gap around 131.20 spy area.

Then rally back later this week to fill the VIX FP area, topping out around 1333 spx or so. I still see several FP’s from yesterday that are around the gap fill level. Not sure if they are just late fills or FP’s signaling where the market will close today or tomorrow?

Hard too say, but any move down to that area is likely just a buying opportunity for the move back up to fill the VIX FP level (for those brave enough to put on a bull suit for a day or so).

13 years ago
Reply to  Red Dragon Leo


let me guess, yet another improbable ramp job. Throwing over major wedge and closing above the upper BB!!

Red Dragon Leo
13 years ago
Reply to  richie

Or a drop back and punt (fill the gap) and then go for the finally touchdown later this week or early next? They might not break the line right now, as the 60 minute chart is pointing down, with no signs yet of turning back up.

13 years ago

I expect some kind of peak 11-14th.
If there’s softness on the SPX, beware the ides of March.
(a low looking like P3 beginnings, could be just another dip)
a chart i’ve shared over at TTW.
3rd time a charm?

Red Dragon Leo
13 years ago
Reply to  Gold_Gerb

Well, that could be a top instead of a bottom… especially if the market fails to break the overhead resistance today, as it should then fall back and fill the gap (at least, if not go lower?).

Then it would rally back up to fill the VIX FP, and probably hit 1333 spx, or high. We bears just can’t get suckered into any sell off today or tomorrow as being the big move, because we know the VIX print will be filled before the crash really starts.

13 years ago
Reply to  Red Dragon Leo

yep. i’ve learned that key points can be exactly opposite what one figured.
anybody trading nowdays, should know they are playing with power tools and no safety guards!

Red Dragon Leo
13 years ago
Reply to  Gold_Gerb

Well, in the beginning of his article I got the feeling he was a “blue pill” taker (sometimes I wish I was too), but the last two sentences he typed were…

“Technical indicators do not work, neither does fundamental analysis. The Fat Boys use both to trap investors. It gives them the other side of the trade, allowing them to enter positions.

I offer one on one, learn to trade courses. There is also a powerful video set available. Both will get you on the right track in the new year. It is the same track the Fat Boys are on. They control the markets and if you are not with them, then you are a victim.”

…which of course made me realize that he took the “red pill” but learned to how to play the game in the blue pill world. Which is something I haven’t done yet, so “Agent Smith” is always chasing me! LOL.


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