Tuesday, October 22, 2024

Weekend Update – Bloody Wall Street Week Coming!

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Thursday Update...

(to watch on youtube: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4AadFWTPwuY)

The Bulls did exactly what I feared... they gaped over the 1320 resistance area.  While we could still see a down day tomorrow, the chance of a crash in now extremely low.  We'll have to wait until 03-11-2011, as that's when Lindsey Williams said that the Muslim Brotherhood is having their "Day of Rage".



Wednesday Update...

(to watch on youtube: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gxknoQN_iYU)

I'm looking for a move to about 1320 on Thursday and then for it to rollover into the close. This will leave a high chance of a Friday crash. To avoid the crash on Friday, the bulls need to gap open above the 1320 area tomorrow morning, and close above 1332.09 on the spx.



Tuesday Update...

(to watch on youtube: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lAaJCJiViKI)

When Lindsey Williams has a track record near perfect for the last couple of decades, I listen when he speaks.  He stated today on Alex Jones to lookout for 3-11-11, because the Muslim Brotherhood is planning a "day of rage" then.  This will likely be the day the stock market crashes as oil goes through the roof overnight due to something that gets blown up over in the middle east, and disrupts the oil supply from that area.  Lindsey said oil could hit $225.00 per barrel, and that the dollar will collapse once it breaks the $75.00 level.  Scary stuff everyone!

Here is Lindsey William on Alex Jones today (part one)

(to watch on youtube: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H-ejWiDuVEc)

Here is Part Two

(to watch on youtube: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zNC0V8l7OLk)



Monday Update...

(to watch on youtube: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e9qH3hufbLM)



Lookout Below, as this Week Coming Has the Highest Odds of a Stock Market Crash!

The moment all us Bears have been waiting on has most likely arrived!  While nothing is guaranteed, this coming week is lining up to produce a wave 3 down, which should start on Wednesday or Thursday.  I'm looking for Monday to close down, but not take out the current low.

It should be a wave B down, with Tuesday to give us our wave C up... which should complete this ABC (wave 2) move, allowing for wave 3 down to start right after that.  As for targets, that's hard too say?  It will depend on how far down we go on Monday.

If we only go down and retest that 1300 level, then the C wave up on Tuesday should go to about 1325-1330 max.  There is a gap around 1327.50 that is showing up on the 15 minute chart, so that's a likely target... as you know "gaps" are like magnets to the market.  So, whenever the market is close to one, it tries to fill it.

Another reason that would support this ABC move up, with the market being down on Monday and up on Tuesday, is the fact that the first trading day of most months is an UP day.  This is the day new funds come into the market, which is why that happens a lot.  It's not every month of course, but most of the time this is true.

(to watch on youtube: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gZG84BOvwY0)

POMO Money and extra Supplementary Financing Program fail to rally the market...

This is more signs that Primary Wave 2.x could be ending and P3 starting.  This link to ZeroHedge shows you that every Thursday the government injects an extra few Billion in a 2nd program called... "Supplementary Financing Program", which was used last Thursday, but the market continued to sell off.

With both the POMO and the SFP supporting the market and it still going lower, it should be a telltale sign that things are changing now.  The money isn't having the same effect, or the gangsters aren't really using the money... because they want the market to tank!  Either or... the results are the same!

Just like a crack head trying to get high, it doesn't have the same affect after the hundredth hit as the first one did.  The market is slowing dying, and I really don't think the wallstreet gangsters could hold it up too much longer, even if they wanted too (which of course they don't)!

Just like what Lindsey Williams said, they plan to destroy America!  Gas will likely be $6.00 per gallon as oil will be $150.00 to $200.00 per barrel, by the end of the year just as he said it would.  This is certainly going to cause the market to tank.

I believe that many people will die this coming winter as they can't afford to pay the heating bill and will freeze to death, as seen in the fake documentary "Oil Storm".  These 12 men that rule this world need to be beheaded for crimes against humanity in my opinion!  They are sick and evil people.  Planning the death of millions world wide just to make more money and have more power is insane!

Their justice will be served to them when they enter the gates of Hell I believe!  Bad Karma will haunt them forever!  It's something that every video or article I seen, told by people in contact with different alien races, all said the same thing... you can't move on to the next level of existence if you have Bad Karma.

Basically, these 5th dimensional beings are what we would call Angel's, while we are currently stuck in a 3 dimensional existence.  The evil Illuminati gangster reptilian worshiping thugs will be stuck and doomed to repeat their life until they get it right.  Let's all hope that their next life has them being born in some third world country as a starving baby like the poor one's that they currently are trying to kill through starvation.  Truly sad...

Benjamin Fulford Update: Obama, Biden, Geithner, Bush Jr, Bush Sr, Greenspan, Romney, Guennette, Herzog, Bill and Hilary Clinton are caught laundering their stolen money...

In this report it shows that the "white hats" are tracking the gangsters and where they move their money from and to.  Here is a list of stolen money that is being removed from secret accounts...

  • President Obama Vatican Bank One Billion
  • President Obama Bank of Santander One Billion
  • Vice President Joseph Biden Vatican Bank $100 Million
  • Tim Geithner Vatican Bank $700 Million
  • George Bush, Sr. Vatican Bank $700 Million
  • George Bush, Jr. Vatican Bank $200 Million
  • Alan Greenspan Vatican Bank $500 Million
  • Mitt Romney Vatican Bank $400 Million
  • Paul Guennette (Friend of Bush Sr) Vatican Bank $700 Million
  • Michael Herzog Vatican Bank $500 Million
  • Bill & Hillary Clinton Vatican Bank $400 Million

Clearly these thugs are worried, as the America people are getting very angry with the gangsters.  The full story is here...


Here's a good video by Lindsey Williams' about the planned destruction of America with the coming $6 dollar per gallon gas...

(watch the video on youtube: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bMm7QYI7Bbg from 2009)

Here's the bottom line... "The Stock WILL Crash" because the gangsters want it too!  Of course no one but the insiders know the exact time, date, and level it will happen... but it's coming, and soon!  Personally, I think it will start this coming Friday with a huge down day!

Here's what I'm expecting...

  • Monday: Down, for wave B of an ABC (wave 2) up, which shouldn't go past the current low (possibly 1300 spx).
  • Tuesday: Up, for wave C to complete the wave 2 which could go to 1325-1330 area.
  • Wednesday: Flat/Down... could be a doji day?
  • Thursday: Down, should start the sell off of the coming crash.
  • Friday: Down Big, as the market tanks in fear of something (whatever news is released will be planned).

This is the time I do believe that Primary Wave 3 down starts.  While it's possible that this is just a short correction with another high to come later, the odds are extremely against it.  I'm sure that the current high will be visited again one day and taken out, but I think we will be in a hyper-inflation time period when that happens.

For now, I'm expecting a that 106 spy FP to be hit, and then after a bounce I'll be looking for the 8300 Dow FP.   I don't know if that will be the final bottom or not, as I also have a 20.16 spy FP (about 200 spx and 2,000 Dow)... now that scary as hell!

This of course isn't something I'm expecting this week, but it's coming this year for sure I believe.  As for this week, I think Tuesday will be the last chance to get short before another wave of selling hits.  I leave you with the latest interview Lindsey Williams did with Alex Jones on February 23rd, 2011...

Alex Jones - Lindsey Williams - February 23rd, 2011 (Part 1)

(to watch on youtube: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_5zOuQcoo7E)


Alex Jones - Lindsey Williams - February 23rd, 2011 (Part 2)

(to watch on youtube: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=38LZxMyyaxk)


Alex Jones - Lindsey Williams - February 23rd, 2011 (Part 3)

(to watch on youtube: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i4FfEQeslFM)


Alex Jones - Lindsey Williams - February 23rd, 2011 (Part 4)

(to watch on youtube: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bnkn7PUWBhc)

Good luck everyone...


Author: Red

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13 years ago

So this is the week huh?

Red Dragon Leo
13 years ago
Reply to  Goldieee

I don’t know for sure of course, but odds favor this week. Lot’s of turning points happen on the 26th of the month, as Gann states too. Cobra has posted many times that the 25th-27th produces lots of turn dates.

Plus, the charts (especially the weekly) are looking ready to rollover to the downside right now. While I’m sure they could stretch it out another few weeks, they don’t act like they want too?

Last Thursday was a sign that either POMO isn’t working anymore, or they aren’t using it to keep the market up because they want it to crash. Either way, odds are high for a crash this week.

13 years ago
Reply to  Red Dragon Leo

I’m watching Tuesday’s action carefully. If first day of March isn’t a blowout, it could be interesting…

13 years ago

I must say, quite the impressive graphic upon arrival.
BLOODY, arghhhh, run for the hilllllls.
futures up a bit, aren’t you glad you did nothing?
then again, sitting on hands is something.

Red Dragon Leo
13 years ago
Reply to  Gold_Gerb

Yes, I’m very glad I did nothing. Who knows how much of a B wave down we will get? I could be very little, and then a really big C wave up tomorrow. Remember that 135.14 spy FP is still a possible target. While the odds are low, in this gangster controlled market… I wouldn’t put it past them.

13 years ago
Reply to  Red Dragon Leo

like you said many days ago…
“they won’t let the bears on the ride down so easily”.

Red Dragon Leo
13 years ago
Reply to  Gold_Gerb

Exactly! A strong up move today and tomorrow would fool everyone, and all the bears would give up and throw in the towel. Double tops are more common anyway, when it comes to a turning point.

13 years ago
Reply to  Red Dragon Leo

135.14, Hmmmm – we would have to have a Mutual Fund rally correct?
I posted this Friday. it would be a V recovery then.

Red Dragon Leo
13 years ago
Reply to  Gold_Gerb

Ahhh.. the “T” theory. You could be dead right on that call. Were you also pointing to 1342 as a level to be hit, or just the time period of 9pm Tuesday?

13 years ago
Reply to  Red Dragon Leo

I avoid calling levels in the same chart with a T.

I try to state there is positive rising pressure on the right side of a T.
hence I color it green.

Red Dragon Leo
13 years ago
Reply to  Gold_Gerb

On the fifth line down… “The stock market is traded by human beings” LOL. He missed that one! 😉

13 years ago

so red,

in celebration of a potential market adjustment downward, should i part my hair down the middle or off to the side??? good trading everybody!!

Red Dragon Leo
13 years ago
Reply to  richie

LOL Richie… Even if we rally up past the 1325-1330 target I stated, I don’t see us going past that double top area and that 135.14 spy print. However, if that happens, then the crash shouldn’t happen this week. It will be pushed out another week (no surprise there… huh?).

Red Dragon Leo
13 years ago
Reply to  SAN

Thanks San… I missed that H&S pattern when I did my video. What’s the upside target on it playing out?

13 years ago
Reply to  Red Dragon Leo

If price sustains above 1320 the neck line. It should target 1330 and 1334.

13 years ago

FP – SPY 131.75 at 8:14 will email Red with screen shot…

Red Dragon Leo
13 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

That’s not very far away… probably a real trade.

13 years ago
Reply to  Red Dragon Leo

A buck is a buck!!! LOL! at this point I will take anything that I can get.

Red Dragon Leo
13 years ago

Here’s Dee’s FP of 131.75 spy gang…


Thanks Dee…

13 years ago

Amazing…they really have this coordinated…I haven’t seen one single frame of Libya video on cnbc during this rally. It’s as thought it’s not happening now. You’ll know when to sell when you start seeing Libya video again. Hell, if they even start mentioning it!

Red Dragon Leo
13 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

Yes, this is amazing! Technical Analysis said we would have a B wave down today, but these gangsters defied gravity and pushed it up instead. Now tomorrow was supposed to be bullish, but if it doesn’t have a B wave down today, we could see that on Tuesday?

Then maybe a rally into the close and/or into Wednesday to complete the C wave up. Since this A wave up has already hit the 1327.50 target, I’m inclined to believe we will have a double top with a possible slight pierce (which could hit that 135.14 spy FP).

13 years ago
Reply to  Red Dragon Leo

What about the 131.75 FP 🙁

Red Dragon Leo
13 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

That could be the target for the B wave down Dee? Since it’s obvious by now that we’re not going down to reset 1300 spx for that B wave, a move down to 131.75 spy could be all we will get?

However, I think a partial short position could be taken today… just in case “mutual fund” Tuesday doesn’t happen tomorrow. Just because the first day of March is usually bullish, that doesn’t mean it will happen this time.

I’m looking at the 5 and 15 minute charts right now. I think they will push this up again later in the day, as we are now forming a bull flag and those 2 charts are looking ready to roll up from negative to positive at anytime.

13 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

let’s review the list.
Greece, Italy, Ireland, Portugal, Spain, maybe Iceland, Egypt, Tunesia, Bahrain, Libya, and oh, I almost forgot Dubai.

(be afraid, no. be afraid, no. be afraid, no, rinse repeat)

13 years ago
Reply to  Gold_Gerb

You know it GG 🙂

13 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

let’s review the list.
Greece, Italy, Ireland, Portugal, Spain, maybe Iceland, Egypt, Tunesia, Bahrain, Libya, and oh, I almost forgot Dubai.

(be afraid, no. be afraid, no. be afraid, no, rinse repeat)

13 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

let’s review the list.
Greece, Italy, Ireland, Portugal, Spain, maybe Iceland, Egypt, Tunesia, Bahrain, Libya, and oh, I almost forgot Dubai.

(be afraid, no. be afraid, no. be afraid, no, rinse repeat)

13 years ago

1330 may have shaped up to be a lower high I hope.

Red Dragon Leo
13 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

The volume is light right now, so I’m waiting until the last hour or so to see what happens. I think they might dip down here midday and push back up later. I just don’t trust these gangsters in this light volume environment.

13 years ago

Falling off some… do we go down from here?

13 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

Just shows you how weak this rally is becoming.

I think we will be able to sustain rally after POMO kicks in (just taking a small breather)

This whole rally today is probably based off Buffett anyway. He is just so confident in 2011.

13 years ago

Breadth just falling way down from earlier Keep your eye on that 🙂

Red Dragon Leo
13 years ago

Wow! If you were to simply look at the charts and ignore the volume, you’d conclude that we are heading down into a wave 3 right now… but volume doesn’t support it. Meaning that it’s likely only a B wave down, which should reset the charts so they can ram it up the bears behind tomorrow. Thugs!

13 years ago
Reply to  Red Dragon Leo

Seasonal weakness playing out today as advertised. Be advised, tomorrows ramp up could see a failure.

Red Dragon Leo
13 years ago
Reply to  Robert

That would be great news Robert, as I think tomorrow we’ll put in the high for the week. What’s your thoughts on the rest of the week?

Red Dragon Leo
13 years ago

Here’s what’s coming on Friday…

Mar 04 08:30am ET Productivity-Rev. 2.3% Medium
Mar 04 08:30am ET Unit Labor Costs – Revised -0.3% High
Mar 04 10:00am ET ISM Services 59.0 Medium
Mar 04 08:30am ET Nonfarm Payrolls 180K High
Mar 04 08:30am ET Nonfarm Private Payrolls 193K High
Mar 04 08:30am ET Unemployment Rate 9.1% High
Mar 04 08:30am ET Average Workweek 34.3 High
Mar 04 08:30am ET Hourly Earnings 0.2% High
Mar 04 10:00am ET Factory Orders 2.1% Medium

If those NFP’s aren’t good, look out for big sell off…

Red Dragon Leo
13 years ago
13 years ago

If The CME Hiked Gold And Silver Margins By 50% And Nobody Cared, Did A Tree Fall In The Precious Metal Price Suppression Scheme?

Red Dragon Leo
13 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

LOL… Wouldn’t that be a shocker to the market!

13 years ago
Reply to  Red Dragon Leo

Looks like they already stopped paying some of their employees. My friend who works for the VA said his check will be delayed for 1 week up to 1 month.

13 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

That was from a week ago… old news and some how the gangsters will manage to pull off what ever they have planned…. the latest that I heard (actually a couple days ago) is that they will pass something that just extends the date… SSDD just delaying the vote (Man I sound cranky today)

13 years ago

The 1:52 SPY FP to 132.986 was surpassed by close.

13 years ago

no more living bears left in sight..

Red Dragon Leo
13 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

Hey… I’m still alive! Barely, but I’m here. I was wise enough to stay in cash over the weekend. 🙂

13 years ago
Reply to  Red Dragon Leo

This made me think of “Three Amigos” — “I’m still here El Guapo!!” —

You know what happens afterwards….

Red Dragon Leo
13 years ago

Is this a “Knock Knock” joke? Ok, what happens next?

13 years ago
Reply to  Red Dragon Leo

Well, if it’s the joke from “Catch Me If You Can…”

13 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

Thats a good sign.. it means.. market will tank 🙂

13 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

Ursa Bless!

2011/2/28 Disqus

13 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

I went into hibernation.
that’s what bears do when it’s BLOODY COLD.

Red Dragon Leo
13 years ago

Refresh page for new video update…

13 years ago

Futures up tonight, I suspect it will continue till dawn.

Red Dragon Leo
13 years ago
Reply to  Gold_Gerb

That arrow is point to 1349, which is about where the 135.14 spy FP is… LOL.

13 years ago
Reply to  Red Dragon Leo

if we get a rally today, here would be my expectant path.
A “C” wave as you said in the video.

Red Dragon Leo
13 years ago
Reply to  Gold_Gerb

That would take us into Wednesday before piercing the double top, which makes sense… as they rarely break through on the first hit.

13 years ago

Red, please stop calling for a crash. Every time you do, it hurts my short positions. LOL

13 years ago

Red, please stop calling for a crash. Every time you do, it hurts my short positions. LOL

13 years ago

Red, please stop calling for a crash. Every time you do, it hurts my short positions. LOL

Red Dragon Leo
13 years ago
Reply to  cletus

But it good for rating! 🙂 It’s Called Sensationalism!

13 years ago
Reply to  Red Dragon Leo

no no no.
the would be over on yellow dragon Leo.

13 years ago

The Bulls are BLEEEEEEDING ^^

Red Dragon Leo
13 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

This looks like it will continue all day, as all the short term charts have topped and are rolling over right now. The 60 turned down, instead of going up a little further like I spoke of in the video. That very bearish…

13 years ago

Don’t worry Red, one of these times you’ll have to be right.

Red Dragon Leo
13 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

It does seem that “they” are reading my blog and doing the opposite just to make me look stupid. LOL

13 years ago

Red, you are very quiet …. all things considered 🙂

Red Dragon Leo
13 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

Yeah, well not much too say. The short term charts rolled over without making a double top. So, that leaves me wondering if they plan on reversing it back up tomorrow? Right now that seems unlikely, but you know you can’t trust these gangsters to rob you.

13 years ago

Feds grant eminent domain as collateral to China for US debts:

Red Dragon Leo
13 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

Gangsters selling us out! Figures!

13 years ago

Hit the 131.75 FP from yesterday … still have 55.80 on Q’s

13 years ago

Lindsay Williams will be on Alex Jones in 20 minutes (1:30 eastern)

Red Dragon Leo
13 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

Cool, I’ll have to listen again to see if anything has changed. So far, today’s selloff seems very controlled. I’m not trusting it. It could be the B wave down I was looking for with a C wave up tomorrow? Don’t know for sure of course, but you know how many times they fool us.

13 years ago
Reply to  Red Dragon Leo

Listening to L Williams? Did you just hear him mention 3-11-11 for the
Muslim Brotherhood “day of rage”?
That is when that disaster (LA) movie starts too… ironic… oil going to
the moon and faster than we thought. This could be the beginning of that leg
down. They should just let it fall instead of fighting it …. I am tired…

Red Dragon Leo
13 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

LOL… we are thinking the same thing! 111… the number of the Illuminati!

13 years ago

oh red….oh red,

what’s happening …. did i miss anything?? just got in….. or did aliens come down and snatch up the red dragon leo disqus club???

Red Dragon Leo
13 years ago
Reply to  richie

LOL… just a nice and controlled sell off I believe Richie. Not down as much as I’d expected, which leads me to believe it’s the B wave down I’ve been looking for… which leaves tomorrow for the C wave up. But things are looking better for the bears I believe.

13 years ago
Reply to  Red Dragon Leo


it does look controlled – ie, lacking impulse. could this be a set up for an impulse, rather than a b wave?? it could be a 1-2, i-ii set up perhaps…. i am counting 5 small waves so far – B waves should be corrective (3 wave look to it)…..

well i guess we will find out soon enough….

Red Dragon Leo
13 years ago
Reply to  SAN

If silver sells off, what will the market do? That’s the real question?

Red Dragon Leo
13 years ago

Lindsey Williams just said March 11th is the day the oil could explode upward as the Muslim Brotherhood are planning a riot/attack/invasion/…something that will disrupt oil flow to America.

13 years ago

how does the BULL MEAT TASTE TODAY ? lol

Red Dragon Leo
13 years ago

Well Dee, I don’t need to guess at the “Crash Date” anymore and Lindsey has just told us when… March 11th, 2011.

Oil is likely going to $225.00 per barrel…
Once the dollar hits $75.00, it will collapse…

It’s all being told to us right now! Hang on to your money Bears, the crash is coming next week!

13 years ago
Reply to  Red Dragon Leo

Red, I didn’t watch videos, but March 11 is day of protests in Saudi Arabia…

13 years ago

how is the volume levels right now??

Red Dragon Leo
13 years ago
Reply to  richie

About 133 million right now Richie… not bad, but not much fear!

Red Dragon Leo
13 years ago

Remember gang, this screen shot from the new movie “Battle: Los Angeles” coming out on 3-11-11?


We also had “Wall Street 2” and “Unstoppable” come out last year, and “Inside Job” and “Black Swan” come out this year. The writing is on the wall folks!

This Illuminati Elite “Must” tell us ahead of time what they are going to do to us, as it’s part of their code. It’s all a ritual game to them, and “111” is one of their favorite numbers.

The coming crash will be 3-11-11, as they have now told us through Lindsey Williams’ interview with Alex Jones today. Between now and then I don’t know what will happen? We could make new highs or sell off some in front of next Friday? Just hang on tight bears, and it’s going to get ugly soon…

13 years ago
Reply to  Red Dragon Leo

how ugly red?? sarah palin ugly or hillary clinton ugly or BARNEY FRANKS UGLY?? (oh barney franks be real Uuuuugggly!!!)

Red Dragon Leo
13 years ago
Reply to  richie


13 years ago
Reply to  Red Dragon Leo

oh helll to the NO!! i best get me some extra baked beans (the kind with the quebec maple syrup in it) and some extra ammo (for my CZ-550 which loads with the 600 Overkill which fires a 900-grain (58 g) bullet at more than 2,400 ft/s (730 m/s)) – to add along side my heavy short positon!!

13 years ago
Reply to  Red Dragon Leo

You mean Barney Fwank?

That wasn’t un-PC, was it?

13 years ago

cover…. some of my shorts… for some profit… will short again when these foos… pump it up…..saving my bullets 🙂

13 years ago

looks like.. they gonna try to ramp it up…kids

Red Dragon Leo
13 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

Yeah, this could be the B wave down, with C up tomorrow? Hard too say at this point, but the short term charts are all over sold right now.

13 years ago

made some lunch money lol

Red Dragon Leo
13 years ago

I just seen a 131.86 print show up. Looks like we will go up tomorrow and probably into the close too…

13 years ago

how was todays volume ? soso ? avg ? low ? THanks

Red Dragon Leo
13 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

178 million right now… not bad. But it will top 300 million when fear sets in.

Red Dragon Leo
13 years ago

The cracks are showing now… while we could and should have a 50% retrace tomorrow, it’s likely just another spot to go short at. This means Thursday and Friday could us out of this rising channel… and that’s bad news for the bulls. I think we will break 1300 by Friday, after a bounce back up tomorrow of course.

13 years ago

Red, check email – I just sent you screen shot of FPs on SPY and Q’s

13 years ago

Red just emailed another FP on GLD from earlier in day – just caught it.

13 years ago

Perma bulls got caught on the wrong side of trade today. Classic. Hope you got the tip in yesterdays post Red. Faz was Fab…. Bulls will be fighting at 50 dma but if it breaks which i doubt (heavy Pomo tomorrow) look out below.

Red Dragon Leo
13 years ago
Reply to  Robert

Thanks Robert… and keep the tips coming.


13 years ago

just checking in…really red day.
haven’t read todays comments..

oh, looking for an explanation of C wave… what now? did we have one?
did the wave pattern change?

13 years ago
Reply to  Gold_Gerb

oh, just to promote the T-theory as a cult follower myself, may I present..

13 years ago
Reply to  Gold_Gerb

Damn, I have to get my blog up and running…

13 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

a great way to keep your notes out in the ether.

Red Dragon Leo
13 years ago

Refresh page for new video update…

And GG, the ABC moved failed…

13 years ago
Reply to  Red Dragon Leo

just heard it in the video 60sec ago.

Red Dragon Leo
13 years ago

Refresh the page one more time and I’ve included Lindseys’ interview with Alex today.


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