Thursday, February 6, 2025

Weekend Update – Still In A Topping Period

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More Complex Options Greeks Spreads Think or Swim Platform

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Thursday Update...

(to watch on youtube:

A beautiful day in the market today... if you're a bear! As for Friday... I expect a bounce in the morning and then selling into close. While it's possible the bounce takes all day and ends the day with a positive close, the odds are low. Tomorrow has NO POMO money and once the 30 minute chart gets overbought again, I think we'll see selling into close... which "could" lead to a mini stock market crash? Meaning 500 DOW points or more? I won't stay it's going to happen, but instead stay that the charts support it.



Tuesday Update...

(to watch on youtube:

We could have more upside tomorrow, and even a possible double top (with a slight pierce to make a new high), but a crash is just days away.  If it doesn't start by this Friday, then I expect some event to happen over the weekend to start the sell off on Monday.



Monday Update...

(to watch on youtube:



Stock Market Crash Delayed Again... (no surprise there!).

(to watch on youtube:

The Bulls are slowly dying but I suspect they will try for one more new high this week, before finally rolling over and giving up.  The pattern that we are in is very similar to the topping period in late April.  The weekly chart is showing clear signs that the market is doom and will rollover very soon.

However, the daily chart says that the market "could" go put in a new high?  We are still in a rising channel and haven't broken out of it yet.  This whipsaw action is too be expected when the bulls are finally running out of steam.  Oil is telling us the real story here, at it's been rising steadily every day like Lindsey Williams said it would.

The coming Friday, 3-11-11, is when the Muslim Brotherhood is scheduled to have their "Day of Rage", which is funded by the CIA, who was told to do so by the Elite Gangsters in an attempt to disrupt the oil flow out of that region.  If they succeed, then the Muslim Brotherhood will probably blow something up over there and cause the oil price to skyrocket over night... again, just like Lindsey Williams stated.

Will it happen?  I don't know... but so far oil "IS" rising in price very rapidly.  Trying to short the market seems like throwing money away when the gangsters manipulate it back up with POMO money... just like they did on Friday in the last 30 minutes of the day.  Going long on oil seems to be a safer bet (I'd say "investment", but you all know that it's just gambling when you are playing in a rigged market).

So, it seems that we could still be in Primary wave 2.4, or something... as it looks likely that the bulls are going to attempt to take out the current high.  If they don't, then I guess we have started the P3 move down.  We won't know until it's half way into it anyway, so who really cares!

Ben Fulford did an interview with Jeff Rense, which is below...

(to watch on youtube:

Ben's latest in text...

Ben speaks of how the Federal Reverse cabal is now freezing rich peoples' money so they can continue to fund the ponzi scheme with the paying of interest on debt.  A Rothschild member told Fulford that from numerical calculations that can't go past June of this year... at the very latest!  That's why this market hasn't crashed yet... they are robbing rich American millionaires to keep the game going for a little bit longer.  What Thieves!

I think every bear will just throw in the towel if they push this market up into June.  But, that's not a prediction, only a calculation of when the crap "Must" hit the fan... it certainly could hit it much earlier, (as in next week?).  Soon, oil will reach a level that will be viewed by the market as bad for the recovery... which means a sell off in equities.

That FP of 135.14 spy could be our upside target for next week?  Just remember, these FP's (that are "real one's" and not false one's) only indicate that the market "will" go to that level... not that it will immediately rollover when it hit's it.  You seen what happen with the DIA 118.16 print... the market hit it, rolled over to 117.04, and then rallied back up past it.

I wouldn't call that much of a "turn" in the market... one point!  Please!  But it was hit, just like it was meant to be.  Maybe if I hadn't exposed it so much it might have been the top?  Who knows?  I doubt that they changed their plans simply based on my little website exposing it, but anything is possible.  I think the more plausible answer is that the money they are currently stealing from rich American's (and every other trick they are using to raise capital) is what they are using to fuel the rally a little longer (and higher of course).

Of all the video's, audio's and article's I seen, hear, and read... no one knows what it really going to happen!  From now until December the 21st, 2012 we are in "uncharted territory.  Even the aliens don't know, and they have the ability to travel to the future and the past.  Of all the interviews I've seen, every person that is in contact with any or all of these aliens... all say the same thing "The Future is Unwritten"!

How interesting is that?  I think it's pretty cool that "history" isn't already written and that "We The People" can change it into something positive instead of negative.  Clearly, from listening to Ben Fulford, we can have a bright and wonderful future ahead of us.  Maybe the market won't crash and hyper-inflation will keep it up... just like it did after the 1999 tech bubble crash.  It's possible?

While I believe that TPTB want to crash the market so they can buy up everything at 10 cents on the dollar, they seem to be losing control.  While I total believe that Lindsey Williams is telling the truth and has been correct in the past on every call, what if TPTB are using Lindsey to spread fear (unknowingly of course) and they actually "need" him to be able to pull it all off?

It's hard too say what's "real" and what's "allowed" anymore.  They haven't shutdown Alex Jones yet... why?  Do they support him?  Alex is helping them by spreading "fear", but at the same time he is promoting peaceful actions to over take and arrest the gangsters.  It can all be mind boggling sometimes.  I'd like to just throw it all out and just go back to reading the technicals on the charts to forecast the market, instead of trying to forecast what the gangsters plan to do next.

Problem is, the technical don't always work.  Sometimes they work very precisely and then TPTB throw you a  curve ball and manipulate the market higher on no logical reason... just like they did the last 30 minutes of the day on Friday.  So what's in store for Monday?  More upside probably.  The daily chart seems like it wants to push back up, and it oil backs off a little next week, then the market could go higher.

Oil is hitting a triple top from the first week of April, 2010 and the third week of October, 2009.  Triple tops are rare of course, but that doesn't mean it's should just push right through on the first hit of it.  It should back off some, which could happen next week and then push up past it to new highs.  If it sells off some next week the market could rally a little higher.

That's what I expect to happen... a move down to retest low resistance now support, and then for an explosive move up the following week.  The weekly oil chart is very bullish, with the histogram bars coming up to the zero level from being in oversold territory for quite a long time.  I suspect they we simply reset the daily charts this week and allow them to work off how overbought they currently are.

The question, even if oil backs off a little next week, will the market be able to breakthrough the current top and put in a new high?  Danny Riley at Mr. TopStep seems to think so.  He's call on Friday was to see 1349 spx within a couple of weeks.

(to watch on youtube:

I'm certainly not says that these guys are always right, but considering that he's on the trading floor everyday, and can get a sense or feeling from what the other traders are thinking, I'd say his comments are certainly worth listening too.  Beside that, the 1349 spx level will probably match up with the 135.14 spy FP... which is another reason to think it's possible.

It's really going to depend on what oil does I believe.  If oil doesn't back down next week, the market is really going to struggle to go higher.  I still believe we are in a topping period that can't last too much longer.  They stretched that April topping period out to almost 3 weeks.  We're entering week 3 this week, so the clock is ticking...

The only wildcard is if the gangsters can steal enough money to keep the market up until June as that's all that is possible from numerical calculations given to Ben Fulford by his Rothschild insider source.  Personally, I think they will fail.  The weekly chart is looking pretty sick right now, and the "Day of Rage" is this coming Friday.  That means higher oil prices, and that spells trouble for the stock market.

I'm looking for a spot to go long oil as I do think it will pull back some next week.  Rarely does any chart push through a double or triple top without pulling back for a few days to reset itself.  I'm looking for the media to spin something positive next week, that will allow oil to cool off some.   A final top in the market is near... I'm sure of that, as once oil breaks through that triple top area the market will collapse.

Good luck everyone,


Author: Red

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13 years ago

Martin Armstrong turn date 13 Jun 2011

Red Dragon Leo
13 years ago
Reply to  Goldieee

If those gangsters push this out until June it would certainly surprise everyone… that’s for sure!

13 years ago

Lindsay Williams warned of this:

It also goes along with what Red mentioned in his video.

Bank accounts are nothing more than digits.

13 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

I also saw this: Chase Sweepstakes for minimum deposits of $1,000.

They really are trying to sway people in so they can abuse fractional reserve banking.|||37745|||

13 years ago

I know Oscar is hard to take sometimes… but here is his take on the markets now. generally he is a permabull but even he is concerned with what he sees in the charts.

Red Dragon Leo
13 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

Yeah, he usually is a bull, so if he’s bearish then we should be worried.

13 years ago
Reply to  Red Dragon Leo

regardless of direction. I like the guy.
he preaches discipline.
though, if he’s been doing it this long – makes you wonder..

Red Dragon Leo
13 years ago
Reply to  Gold_Gerb

Yeap… he’s paid his dues and earned respect.

Red Dragon Leo
13 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

Yeah, he usually is a bull, so if he’s bearish then we should be worried.

Red Dragon Leo
13 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

Yeah, he usually is a bull, so if he’s bearish then we should be worried.

13 years ago

we have an eagle eye over on TTW.
nice little hot chart. oil banged on head.

Red Dragon Leo
13 years ago
Reply to  Gold_Gerb

Hey… where has K been? I read the comments from time to time, but I haven’t seen her post in awhile.

13 years ago
Reply to  Red Dragon Leo

She stated briefly she has family items to attend.
(Her brother was diagnosed with ALS, & father heart surgery)

Red Dragon Leo
13 years ago
Reply to  Gold_Gerb

Yeah, I knew she had family items too, as we email each other from time to time.

Red Dragon Leo
13 years ago

Maybe we should have just been a bull until oil hit a $100.00 per barrel like Oscar mentioned in his video? LOL

13 years ago



13 years ago



Red Dragon Leo
13 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

I hope you filled up your gas tank… he he he!

13 years ago
Reply to  Red Dragon Leo

I’m willing to pay more at the pump to see this market meet its maker 😉

Look at the VIX pop!

Red Dragon Leo
13 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

I hope you filled up your gas tank… he he he!

Red Dragon Leo
13 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

I hope you filled up your gas tank… he he he!

13 years ago



Red Dragon Leo
13 years ago

The market sure is struggling here as oil just doesn’t want to back off any. Once the short term charts get overbought we could see another move down… unless oil calms down, which it isn’t looking like it wants too right now.

13 years ago

anyone shorted today ? lol

Red Dragon Leo
13 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

I wish I did, but I didn’t see this coming. I really expected a move up today. Surprise, surprise…

13 years ago
Reply to  Red Dragon Leo

I shorted at the open..when it popped up.. made some lunch money.

Red Dragon Leo
13 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

Good job… I’d hold on to it, as if this triple bottom breaks your have more then lunch money.

13 years ago
Reply to  Red Dragon Leo

Its till early. Next few days are big POMO. Unless they are using POMO to short. But then it would really be moving down

Red Dragon Leo
13 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

Yeah, you know they are going to shake both bulls and bears out. However, this weakness leads me to believe that we’ll see some big selling later in the week.

Red Dragon Leo
13 years ago

GLD and USO seem to be backing down a little right now, which means we could and should get a bounce around the triple bottom area on the spx. We’ll see…

Red Dragon Leo
13 years ago

Gold, Silver and Oil are all backing down some… which tells me that the market will soon bounce.

Red Dragon Leo
13 years ago

We’re coming upon the lower trendline in the channel from last year. If it doesn’t bounce here… look out below!

13 years ago

wow red,

i just got in….although i was talking my book on friday, and reeeaaally hoping the market would go down – i knew the charts were pointing up, and you said as much…..all i have to say is “wow” – the sun shineth! go figure….

13 years ago

we need the spy to break… 1295… and we are in business.

Red Dragon Leo
13 years ago

Yeah guys… this took me by surprise, just like it was suppose too I guess. We had 3 higher lowers and all the short term charts point up, which would normally be a indication that the market was going to rally… especially on Bullish Monday!

But they decided to trick the bears and panic the bulls today I guess. Funny thing is… we should be moving back up, as Gold, Silver, and Oil have been selling off some today? Strange?

13 years ago
Reply to  Red Dragon Leo

Looks like they’re playing a little bait-and-switch to shake out the little guys. The tank job on March 1, the Mutual Fund Monday selloff today. It’s all just reindeer games. I think they’re still in control and will be painting the charts at the last minute to keep everything technically bullish.

Red Dragon Leo
13 years ago

Oil has a nice bear flag on the hourly chart now. We could see it back down some as I thought it would.

Red Dragon Leo
13 years ago

Oil has a nice bear flag on the hourly chart now. We could see it back down some as I thought it would.

13 years ago

I am having a orgasmmm..watchin the market lol

Red Dragon Leo
13 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

It’s looking ugly right now… that’s for sure!

13 years ago

how is the volume today ?

Red Dragon Leo
13 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

Volume on the spy is 118 million right now, and there is 3 hours to go yet. We could hit 200 million, or a little lower. This move down still doesn’t look like panic selling, but more like a technical sell off and profit taking.

13 years ago
Reply to  Red Dragon Leo

i agree with that characterization red,

i have yet to see anything really impulsive since the 1344.07 top. selloffs have a controlled look to them…..

Red Dragon Leo
13 years ago
Reply to  richie

Yes Richie, I’m thinking one more move up and then the real panic starts. Oil, Gold and Silver seem to be ready to take a breather and drop down some. This should give the market boost tomorrow I believe. However, as far as a new high in the market… I don’t know?

13 years ago
Reply to  Red Dragon Leo

i would like to see that 1294 low taken out before the bounce – that would be on my wish list!!

red – i can still dream can’t i?? lol

13 years ago

Why aren’t people just holding shorts? Why do they keep “expecting new highs”? Makes no sense, all trend indicators were down heading into Friday, most notably the VIX trading above the Bollinger Band midline. A long position should never be held in that circumstance. NEVER.

Red Dragon Leo
13 years ago
Reply to  cletus

Don’t worry about that, I’m certainly not going long. I’m just shorting bounces. At this point, I don’t think a new high is coming, but just a bounce tomorrow and possibly Wednesday.

13 years ago
Red Dragon Leo
13 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

Too many people know about it now… so does that mean it won’t happen?

13 years ago
Reply to  Red Dragon Leo

It sure seems like they telegraphed this one. It could be a trap.

Red Dragon Leo
13 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

Yeah, the volume isn’t supporting this sell off. It’s only 142 million right now with only 100 minutes to go until the close. I doubt if we will even hit 200 million today.

13 years ago

Utah Pushes To Accept Gold, Silver As Alternative Currency:

13 years ago

Utah Pushes To Accept Gold, Silver As Alternative Currency:

13 years ago

This is soooo familiar….

Red Dragon Leo
13 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

LOL… yes it is Dee. Don’t be shocked if we gap open tomorrow and rally much higher. Gangsters!

Red Dragon Leo
13 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

LOL… yes it is Dee. Don’t be shocked if we gap open tomorrow and rally much higher. Gangsters!

13 years ago

watch out bears.. the bulls gonna ramp something up your behind …real soon..

Red Dragon Leo
13 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

Yep, I can feel the hairs on my bear back start to stand up now. A bear hunter is in the woods and his rifle is cocked.

13 years ago
Reply to  Red Dragon Leo

I think they are down to bayonets..they enjoy the blood.

Red Dragon Leo
13 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

Yep, I can feel the hairs on my bear back start to stand up now. A bear hunter is in the woods and his rifle is cocked.

Red Dragon Leo
13 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

Yep, I can feel the hairs on my bear back start to stand up now. A bear hunter is in the woods and his rifle is cocked.

Red Dragon Leo
13 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

Yep, I can feel the hairs on my bear back start to stand up now. A bear hunter is in the woods and his rifle is cocked.

13 years ago

watch out bears.. the bulls gonna ramp something up your behind …real soon..

13 years ago

watch out bears.. the bulls gonna ramp something up your behind …real soon..

13 years ago

They held the POMO money purchase till EOD

Red Dragon Leo
13 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

It certainly looks that way. I expect more tomorrow too…

13 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

seems there was a flat spot in there, midday.
put a floor in it.

13 years ago


so what do you think? in terms of wave structure, are we in a corrective mode here, or are we subdividing into a series of 1-2’s, i-ii’s, (i-ii)’s?

Red Dragon Leo
13 years ago
Reply to  richie

I don’t know Richie, but I think they will go up tomorrow too.

13 years ago

the end is coming…….. real soon.

13 years ago

tomorrow we will POP up…and go down….short the pops

13 years ago

if we open lower… then we will most likely… get pushed back the close.

13 years ago

Going back to Friday, 3-11-11… Everyone in MSM, CNBS and alike, both guests and staff are using word “hope”, when referring to Saudi Arabia…”I hope nothings happens in SA”, “I can’t change my portfolio based on priced on oil, I hope it will sort itself out”, many others but always “hope”…no one has appropriate hedge for such event… given that every other “day of rage” followed through, I don’t see the difference…SA King shared the least with his people, given the size of oil wealth revenues coming in…
So no need to rush until Friday, they may try to pump this up, to offload few more longs…

Red Dragon Leo
13 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

I’m thinking they will do just that MsChemeng… pump this up to sucker in more longs. Then “Bam”… some oil fields blow up and down goes the market! (over the weekend when everyone is trapped of course)

Red Dragon Leo
13 years ago

By the way, where has Robert been lately? He’s been pretty accurate at his calls, so I’m wondering what he’s thinking too.

13 years ago

The market is forming a classic “eye of the reptile” pattern.

Red Dragon Leo
13 years ago
Reply to  cletus

OK… explain what that is? Bullish or Bearish?

13 years ago
13 years ago
Reply to  Gold_Gerb

pure bliss for the trader.


13 years ago
Reply to  Gold_Gerb

That is a very powerful chart. I can’t wait to see how it plays out……

13 years ago

Anna must be loving days like today. Mini trader’s dream. And oil had some beautiful channel action. And…the Nasdy yet again landed right on its 20DMA. The bots are REALLY trying to protect that one. I’m watching that for what will happen next.

13 years ago

I am in total cash and some short. Loving it.

13 years ago

Totally in cash and one small profitable position in faz. My good friend just informed me that she cannot get any more dried food. Fema put in an order for 1 billion dollars worth. No one can get any for a while.

Red Dragon Leo
13 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

Figures… the gangsters want it all for themselves!

13 years ago

Ah yes, 1000-to-1 PUT/CALL ratio…

I love these headlines…they’re so EXTREME!!!

Red Dragon Leo
13 years ago

Refresh page for Monday video update…

13 years ago


13 years ago

Warlock time predicting a crash????

13 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

At his age, 47, with his supposed drug and alcohol use, there should be a plethora of liver spots. NOT ONE. This guy is an imposter, and I didn’t need to see this pic, to figure that out.

13 years ago


13 years ago

Nice to see these traders continuously bashing the Fed…


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