Thursday, February 13, 2025

ES Morning Update October 23rd 2024

Chop, Chop until we Drop! That's the mood the market seems to be in right now. It's frustrating both bulls and bears equally I think, but a move is coming and it should be to the downside. I don't think this market is ready yet for the last squeeze up to 6100+ until after the election, and if it gets delayed for weeks as the demoncrats try to fake enough votes then we might not get any real winners until late November.

I see it in the charts that the high should happen into Thanksgiving, which is at the end of next month. Between now and then I think we will see some wild swings but not really go anywhere. I don't see much lower the "maybe" 5700 and I don't see much high then "maybe" 6000, and I still think we see the downside target this month. I posted yesterday on Twitter a chart that I do think is possible. Here's that chart...

As you can see it suggests a move down early today and back up late today, and then a breakdown tomorrow after the Jobs Numbers. Maybe it plays out like that or drags out a little longer but technicals still suggest we will have a pullback before a strong rally to the upside target of 6100+. Nothing more to add.

Have a blessed day.

Author: Red

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3 months ago

I watched that video that you linked. I’m not that advanced in astro but I went back checked out the astrology for Pearl Harbor. I didn’t realize that Jupiter was in the same position then as in October 1929 (and nowish). Some astro conditions are also repeating around 12-7. Venus will be entering Aquarius just as it did on 12-7-1941 and the Sun will basically be opposed to Jupiter around then.

Someone responded to one of my comments in another forum yesterday and wrote that I Pet Goat 2 is predicting that the wipeout is soon. A certain holiday is depicted in the short film as the apocalyptic events unfold. Mars is approaching a square to Pluto soon. The one key planet has already reached its Pearl Harbor position. I had confused Neptune’s current position with the other entity. So some other factor will trigger an “outbreak.”

That Jupiter position in 1929 and 1941 is a Pentagram point which might be why it can be so explosive.

I like how the chick analyst basically said the first time Jupiter hit that position we got the mini meltdown on August 5th…. a possible preview.


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