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  • Red


Changing your way of thinking…

I made a big mistake over the last couple of days, as I jumped the gun too soon. I didn't even follow my own forecast....

What hit me…

Wow, The bulls didn't see that coming! Another wonderful day if you're a bear. With 266 million shares traded on the SPY, the market seems...

What ride down that was…

Wow... what crazy day in the market! When I posted yesterday that the market would have wild swings today I never imagined a day like...

Wildcard day Wednesday…

Wednesday could go up if the un-employment numbers are positive or down if the they are negative? Duh! Everybody knows that! Personally, I think the...

Volume only 118 million shares…

Talk about a boring day! It seems that everyone took the day off. Once again, light volume and no economic news allowed the market to...

Weekend update…

I got out of my shorts Friday at about 1043 and went long with some in the money October calls. I'm now looking at 2...

I went long Friday…

I should have a weekend post by Sunday. In the mean time, I'm looking for an up day Monday. I got out of my short...

The Bears are Dancing Today…

The Bears are celebrating today as the market took a nice correction down! After-hours RIMM disappoints and the market sells off even more! It's about...

Mole Caught with 2 New Hot Trader Babes…

While everyone is enjoying the change of tone over at Evil Speculator (Mole is on vacation), with Anna and Keirsten at the helm, I secretly...

The Fed Never Disappoints…

Once again the Fed changed nothing, and said basically nothing. The market rallied first with a nice head fake upside breakout, then sold off hard......