
Is The Short Term Top In?
Mr. TopStep thinks so, and so do I... While we could go up to the 1160-1170 level, I still think the market will go lower...

Do Or Die Time For The Bears
What's it going to be, a new rally or a sell off? I see a sell off, but Jim Cramer is now bullish. Of course...
Weekend Update – Black Monday?
Monday Update... We hit the FP of 114.18 spy... now what? Red ______________________________________________________________________________________ Will The Market Crash On Monday? I don't know? But I do...

Weekend Update – Wallstreet Never Sleeps
Thursday Update... One more push higher, then look out below! Red ______________________________________________________________________________________ Tuesday Update... Wednesday looks like a down day, as even if the market...

Weekend Update – Market Manipulation To Extreme!
Friday afternoon update... Looks like I "may" have figured out my computer problem? Let's give it more time first, but it seems to be running...

The Bear Squeeze…
Thursday Update... Red ________________________________________________________________________________ Wow, what a rally! I have too admit that I was doubting the bulls there for awhile, and was ready to...

Weekend Update – US To Default On Debt
Tuesday Update... Red _______________________________________________________________________ Monday Update... it's not looking good for the bulls! Red _______________________________________________________________________ Before I go over the stock market I'd like to...

Rally Time?
Video Update for Friday... Red ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- or just a relief bounce... After selling off for 4 days straight, the market needed a breather, and that's...

Weekend Update – The Wave 3’s Are Coming!
Tuesday Update... Sorry gang, I had a busy afternoon. Just a video update again, as I'm to tired to write up a new post. Plus,...