Thursday, September 19, 2024
Home Blog Page 118

Making progess…



I'm making progess.  I overwritten the default jpg's located in the wp-content/themes/default/images location with my custom headers and footers.  Not happy with the footer as I had to resize it to fix.  It looks a little funny, but it will work for now.

Next, and most important, is to figure out how to add disqus to this site.

Looks like CSS too me?


Arrgh...  this is looking like css too me!  Which I've barely learned anything about.  It seems that the index.php file calls the wp-blog-header.php to load.  Then, the wp-blog-header.php calls the wp-load.php, and template-loader.php file to load.  I can't even find the template-loader.php file, but the wp-load.php seems to call yet another file (wp-config.php) to load...

Man, what happend to simple html?  Gone the way of the 8-track player I guess?  This is going to take some time to learn how to edit this thing.  I guess that's why so many people use the ugly template themes that are free with wordpress... it's too hard to customize them!

Test post


I renamed the index.html file to oldindex.html, and now the wordpress theme shows up.  So, I have to figure out how to get my custom template at to replace this boring template.
