
Nothing Has Changed…
No Post For Friday Again Gang. I'll have the weekend post up by late Sunday Night, and I'll do a video again as well. Great...

Angry Bulls…
The bulls wiped out a lot of bears today... The rally up today was one big short squeeze on no news. However when Obama leaked...

Rollercoaster Ride…
The wild swings today felt like riding a rollercoaster ride... Today was a great day to be a day trader, but swing traders were probably...
Weekend Update…
Does the Bull get his old job back? The market closed the month of May out, as the worst it's seen in 70 years. Does...

Bear Funeral…
No Post For Friday Gang. I'll have the weekend post up by late Sunday Night, and I'll do a video too. Go Enjoy The Weekend....

Sell Off, Or Gap Out…
That's the 2 choices I see for tomorrow... Today played out as expected, from Tuesday's post. The market ran up to 1090 spx, and hit...

Bull Trap, Bear Squeeze…
Hard reversal on oversold 15 minute chart... On Monday, at the close, the 15 minute and 60 minute charts aligned up together pointing down. That...

Struggling Bulls…
The Bulls fell hard at the end of the day... The market looked extremely weak all day today, as the 60 minute chart pushed hard...

Weekend Update…
Special SUNday Video Picture Update... In this weekend update, I decided to put up some video's showing you where I think we are going next...

Tomorrow Was Worst, But For Me…
Damage was done today, but not to the market... When I wrote yesterday that today would likely be the big down day, causing capitulation, I...