Tuesday, October 22, 2024

Weekend Update – Will The Bulls Ever Die?

Wednesday Update... site down again! Probably being attacked now!


(to watch on youtube: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tKKW0kLRrJY)

Am I exposing their FP's too much?



Tuesday Update...

(to watch on youtube: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6MTU8bn-OE4)



Probably Not Until The Last Bear Is Dead First!

(to watch on youtube: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s6gOlqjfBBc)

What I expected to happen last week was once again proven wrong as the bulls just won't fracking die!  This market is absolutely insane right now!  How on earth can it continue to go up day after day without more then one good down day out of every 20-30 up days?  Total Madness!

On top of that, my website hosting provider had to take my site down because it was getting hit with too many requests (a lot from the same few IP addresses), which slowed down the server too much.  Then my cable modem went out on me Friday (it was 7-8 years old, so it was time I guess?), and I wasn't able to post all day because of it.

I had internet through my cell phone, but posting from it is a pain in the butt... so I didn't waste my time.  Besides that, the market rallied up for that "Blow Off Top" that I've been looking for to happen, so I didn't miss any crash (at this point, catching a crash is like trying to catch a unicorn).

So now what?  We had our big move up that I expected to happen, so next week we should see the big move down too (yeah right... roll your eye's here as I've been calling "wolf" too many times now).   Ok, here's the deal... if we don't turn down next week then we are going up to Dow 100,000 by the end of the year!  (kidding of course, but we do need to roll over or this will extend up for possibly another month or so).

Not the charts have been working for the bears (as they only seems to work for the bulls... go figure!  I wonder why?  Duh, it's because of Madman Bernanke printing money faster then SuperMan can fly!), but Monday looks like a perfect day for a reversal to happen.

Here's why... just like I said in the last video I did, the short term charts looked ready to roll up together giving us a new high in the market (which they did on Friday, although I thought it would happen on Thursday... so I was off a day!  Sorry, no one's perfect!), I think it is already peaked or will be at some point on Monday.

I'll go into it more in the video, but simply put... all of those same short term charts are very likely to roll over on Monday.  I know that Monday's are usually "Bullish Monday's", and I'm going against the "norm" here, but the charts say it will top (at least short term) on Monday and roll down into Tuesday.

So, I'll be looking for a possible gap up on Monday to get short for at least a 1-2 day down move.  It could turn into more, but I'll just take it one day at a time for now.  While I don't think we will gap up on Monday, I'd love to see it happen as it would be a perfect spot to short at.

As far as other news that  could move the market (down of course), this video of Ron Paul is worth watching.  By the way, I still have hope for Ron Paul as although he seems to be a member of the Illuminati (based on the "hand sign" he used in the last video I put up on last weekend's update), I think he really wants to do the right things.

And, Ron Paul wants to do some things that I really support... like abolish the IRS and the Federal Reserve, which are the gangsters in my opinion!  Whether or not TPTB are allowing this to happen or not is unknown right now?  It could be part of their overall plan for all we know?

Maybe some of these gangster reptilian elites have decided to put on a sheep suit so they can blend in with all of us sheep and look like hero's, instead of the wolves they really are.  Since we sheep have NEVER really had any real choice for president in the past, if the gangsters let (and support) Ron Paul for a run at the presidential office again in 2012 then we sheep should still vote for him and "HOPE" that "IF" he is under their control... he breaks free and flips them the bird like JFK did (without the assassination please)!

But, do remember what I said about people/things/organizations that are heavily promoted... as they are only allowed to be that way because TPTB allow it.  They allowed Wikileaks too become popular... why?  Because I suspect they secretly control the release of the information that they have... and probably are the "source" behind them getting the info too!  Things are never as they appear!

For now though... I like Ron Paul, and hope that he wins the next election.  I voted for him in the past, and will do so again... Illuminati member or not?  I don't care, as there is good people inside that organization wanting out, just like the churches of the world have bad people inside them.  Good and Bad, Yeng and Yang, Positive and Negative... it doesn't matter.  Just focus on what he, or anyone else... really stands for.  That's all we can do as immortal spirits trapped in this human body, living in the matrix.

Moving on...

I haven't heard anything more about the coming new currency change, other then that it should take place by some time in March.  Does that mean that the market will continue up until March?  I wish I knew the answer?  For now we can only take it day by day, as calling out for P3 to start now seems pointless.

We ended P2 months ago,  but P2.1 happened, and then P2.2, and P2.3, and now we are P2.4!  PLEASE!  When are we going to dump this P.O.S. operating system (the P2's) for a more realistic one called P3?  I've seen fake boobs on a woman that look more real then this P2 rally!  Someone smack some sense into Bernanke and stop this B.S.!  Or better yet, just whack him in the head really hard and maybe he'll wake up from this nightmare dream!

Getting back to the market, I see Monday selling off after the 60, 30, 15, and 5 minute charts all line up together in the "overbought/peaked" area... but at what level I don't know?  I'm not saying that it will be the start of P3, as I don't know when, or if we will ever get to that point.  But at least some selling should happen and I think it will continue into Tuesday.

The rest of the week is unknown, as it's opx this coming Friday, which as you all know by now... opx week is usually bullish.  You know how the gangsters like to make all the puts expire worthless, which is another reason I think we will go down early in the week... to get some bears on board (to trap on a short squeeze later in the week), and to shake out some bulls that think it's easy money up until Friday.

In summary, "if" we have a move up in the morning on Monday, I'll be looking to short it for a move down into Tuesday.  The rest of the week is unknown.

Good luck bears....


Author: Red

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13 years ago

Hi Red,

Forget a false flag – real war is around the corner, with the first shots taking place in bond market. Check this out – haven’t seen it reported in MSM but really scary.


What do you think?

Good luck all


Red Dragon Leo
13 years ago
Reply to  Muzzalee

That’s just more proof that the dollar will collapse… but the “when” part is still unknown? Nice read though… Thanks.

13 years ago

Like I said before… Forget shorting until a key resistance level is broken….Until then, expect your balls to be handed back to you after they are ripped off.

Red Dragon Leo
13 years ago
Reply to  Goldieee

The one problem with that Goldieee is that once a key level is broken you will miss the move down, as by the time you get short the selling is almost over and a short squeeze rally will follow. Of course you could just sit out the first major wave one down and wait for major wave three to happen later this year. That one is going to break a lot of bulls! LOL!

13 years ago
Reply to  Red Dragon Leo

Exactly, I am not interested shorting from the tip top. I’d rather see a breakdown, and a re-test of the previous support. Once the resistance is established I will be shorting too. But until then picking tops is a good way to lose money. Until then I’m long and have been nothing but long since September.

13 years ago
Reply to  Red Dragon Leo

unless its march madness, then you have the whole month of march.

13 years ago

You are here….illustration. PX price and time similar rallies.

Red Dragon Leo
13 years ago
Reply to  GSSpy

Nice chart GSSpy… I hope you are correct on that, and I’d just be happy with a 15% drop right now.

13 years ago
Reply to  GSSpy

if there is a march madness correction, I show support at spx 1180

13 years ago

sell in may and walk away, worked really well, last year…the odds of it working 2 years in a row, are low. conclusion, the correction, probably happens before may, and may is an up month.

13 years ago

here’s my legatus / gangstas theory about march madness—you have the college basket ball tournament on TV for who knows how long. all day long, most white anglo males, are bombarded psychologically with the madison avenue phrase, march madness. The cooler talk at the office, is march madness—so when the white anglo male, retail investor’s, turn on the stock market news, and see J Cramer and others saying this is march madness—the white anglo male, has been conditioned, by all the cooler talk, to think, oh well, this will all be over end of March, and the stock market will go back up.
perfect time to inject pain into the market, without injecting pain into consumer confidence.

Red Dragon Leo
13 years ago
Reply to  zstock7

What are you saying Zstock? The market will go up in March and down in April? I’m not following you on that one… and what about February?

13 years ago
Reply to  Red Dragon Leo

you have to know all the stock market season names, about 100 of them, —-google march madness stock market—-someone can explain it better, i’m sure….this catch phrase / trading rule, happens about every three years or so.

13 years ago

march madness general rules and signals—lasts all month, starts around mar 8th, GDX or xle, xlf, etc… tops 48 hours in advance of the 3 week collapse. headlines are all the negative headlines, generated past 6 weeks, are recycled, and the fear factor, will be QE2 is ending in june, now what?—-for this to become the next trading rule, we have to get past the february pullback, trading rule.

13 years ago

a fitting video found on Google spotlight news.
just don’t get gored before the Bull falls.

13 years ago

Get ready for mutual fund Monday. Lots of talk about a blow off top soon which just might be in the cards. Looking for some weakness late in the week. Egyptian army stated they will honor all peace treaties made with Isreal. This should calm markets for awhile.

Red Dragon Leo
13 years ago
Reply to  Robert

What level are you looking for on the upside Robert?

13 years ago
Reply to  Red Dragon Leo

1342 tops …..

Red Dragon Leo
13 years ago
Reply to  Robert

I think we could see that on Monday, and then for it to rollover into the close, possibly putting in a doji, or slightly down. I see Tuesday as a down day, but after that I don’t know…

Double Dee
Double Dee
13 years ago

Did you see “Muse” on the Grammys right now… they just performed the song “Uprising” …. here are the lyrics…. (look for a replay of the video of the performance later)

Double Dee
Double Dee
13 years ago
Reply to  Double Dee

Is relevant to what we believe… mind control… fat cats… their time coming to an end etc…

13 years ago

Hi Red here’s another madison avenue name—April earnings.
if we do get a feb pullback, and a side ways march, this set up the APR earnings correction. I’ll leave every body alone, now.

13 years ago

r paul, don’t know that much about him. does he ever talk about creating 20 million new high paying jobs, so people can actually do what he wants them to do? or does he subscribe to more slave labor policies, like the current (gansta’s / reptiles, whitehats, whatever people want to call them.)

Red Dragon Leo
13 years ago

Based on a gut feeling, which is determined by looking at this early morning action, I think they are trying to hold the market flat while the 15 minute chart dips negative on the histogram bars, and then resets back up later with the 5 minute chart (which is already oversold, and should rollback up with the 15).

The 30 and 60 minute charts could rollover or go up a little higher. They are neutral right now, and will likely do what the 5 and 15 do. Bottom line… we should go higher today and rollover into Tuesday.

Red Dragon Leo
13 years ago

Well, the 30 and 60 minute charts are rolling over, but the market sure isn’t going down much. Still very low volume in the market…

Double Dee
Double Dee
13 years ago
Reply to  Red Dragon Leo

Market apparently waiting for Obumble’s budget announcement… not sure when that will be

Red Dragon Leo
13 years ago
Reply to  Double Dee

Is that today? What time?

Double Dee
Double Dee
13 years ago
Reply to  Red Dragon Leo

ok here is the link

Red Dragon Leo
13 years ago
Reply to  Double Dee

More double talk it looks too me! However, that bit about the high speed train, and the need for $53 Billion to fund it, could be the coming sell off in the market.

According to Reinhardt, they dump the market to steal the money needed to funds various projects around the world. A nice move down in the market could easily pay for that train system. Just food for thought…

Double Dee
Double Dee
13 years ago
Reply to  Double Dee

I think he already did… this on CNBC website – I am not watching TV

Double Dee
Double Dee
13 years ago
Reply to  Double Dee

that is wrong link… now I can’t find it… sorry

Red Dragon Leo
13 years ago

There is a 133.18 spy FP at 10:55 am, which could be the bounce back up level, before another move down?

Double Dee
Double Dee
13 years ago
Reply to  Red Dragon Leo

that was hit – now what LOL!

13 years ago

Silver is on FIRE!

Red Dragon Leo
13 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

Wow… it really is! It’s eventually going to breakout of that $30.00 resistance level.

Double Dee
Double Dee
13 years ago
Reply to  Red Dragon Leo

Hit that area and is now pulling back… wonder if that was a retest of near the highs… gold isn’t doing the same thing which is wierd – they have been traveling together for the most part.

Red Dragon Leo
13 years ago
Reply to  Double Dee

I think we will see some selling into Tuesday, but I don’t think it’s the start of the larger move down. Good for day traders or short term swing traders… but not for those of us waiting for the larger move down. That might not happen until after opx?

13 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

I was at tim Knights site this weekend, and i took a bashing from them, telling gold stocks getting to rally, and therefore GLD has to go up—they went up in arms against me.

13 years ago

Thursday, Friday and Monday are all at least 5 Billion in POMO. I don’t see an end of the week market rollover. On the contrary, a breakout may happen. Still waiting for the 14.86 VIX Fake Prink to playout.

Red Dragon Leo
13 years ago
Reply to  Yorx

Yes… I agree. I won’t be going short for any bigger/longer time frame move until the VIX FP is hit. For now, I’m staying out. I still think we will go down on Tuesday, but we could go back up the rest of the week? Hard too say, but with this light volume it’s very controlled right now.

13 years ago
Reply to  Red Dragon Leo

Yeah, OPX will be pretty tame, but there are a few bucks to be made during the day. Sell into the close & BTFD has worked lately.

Red Dragon Leo
13 years ago
Reply to  ACP

Yes, I’m looking closely at today’s close as it could be a decent short for some early Tuesday selling. Of course it will likely reverse back up Wednesday, but one down day could make you a quick buck…

13 years ago

Red can you post a link to Ron Walker’s video mentioned in your Weekend update video.

Red Dragon Leo
13 years ago
Reply to  JD

It’s on his main page… the first video. His link is in my blogroll.

13 years ago

Not gonna have much of a rally with Dow Jones in negative territory.

Red Dragon Leo
13 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

They only had $1-$2 Billion today in POMO money, that’s why they can’t rally much. Tomorrow they have $5-$7 Billion, so if we drop in the morning it should be bought back up when POMO kicks in. (The link is to the right under the “Helpful Information” section.

13 years ago
Reply to  Red Dragon Leo

Looks like we will tick higher regardless.

Very boring day either way.

Red Dragon Leo
13 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous
Red Dragon Leo
13 years ago

There should be a pop higher into the close I believe, but tomorrow should be down… at least in the morning session.

13 years ago
Reply to  Red Dragon Leo

Yeah, I agree with you there. Follow the POMO scheedule until there is NOMO schedule…. LOL! I made a lil’ funny.

13 years ago

where is the volume???????? not on SPY,XLF,……………..

Red Dragon Leo
13 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

Why stop at 14.29 Trillion? Let’s just round it off to an even number like 100 Trillion…

13 years ago
Reply to  Red Dragon Leo

“Failure to increase the debt ceiling will result in my Wall St buddies not receiving outrageous bonuses, at which time they will punish US taxpayers (and everyone in the world for that matter) by tanking the market, selling quadrillions of dollars of CDS and destroying their banks yet again to blackmail the public into once again bailing them out.”

13 years ago
Double D
Double D
13 years ago

Thought we might hit that 1333 number – but fell short just a smidge… weren’t we talking about double the 09 low or 666.79 (1333.58) oh well sure was a boring day

Red Dragon Leo
13 years ago
Reply to  Double D

There will be bears that went short today, which I think is a little early. I’d like to see a quick pop up tomorrow morning and then sell off. Will it happen? Who knows? Remember that 14.86 vix print still hasn’t been hit yet…

13 years ago

i never thought i’d have to come over here and deliver this kind of bad news.
i’m raising housing stocks, target prices.
really sorry red!

13 years ago


ok something is UP big time??? what to these quintessential insiders know that WE don’t know/??? Buffet, Tepper, Paulson???

they ALL increased their holding in WELLS FARGO, CITI, BANK OF AMERICA ???? what is up with that?? these are insolvent institutions that are alive because of FASB changes for legalized ACCOUNTING fraud. Either they are heavily hedged to the downside with derivatives or they know something…. That 300 BAC FP comes to mind…….. what!!!!!

interesting that there was NO accumulation of GS or JPM…..hmmm??? whats up with that???

13 years ago
Reply to  richie

Buffett has made some really shitty picks in the past.

Also he owned 1/5 the World’s supply of silver at less than $5 and sold at $7. Silver is around $30.60 area.

Even the big players mess up once in a while.

13 years ago
Reply to  richie

Where did you come up with this info???? Its shows quite the opposite of what your saying. check this out:

– Warren Buffett’s company sold off several of the smaller investments in its $53 billion U.S. stock portfolio during the fourth quarter, including Bank of America, Comcast, Nike, and Lowe’s

– NO insider BUY transaction according to the latest Buy/Sell insider ratio.

Bottom line: Financials are doomed.

Red Dragon Leo
13 years ago

I just finished watching all 5 video’s… excellent stuff! That’s the best sermon I’ve heard from a preacher in years! If all churches would preach that same subject America would hang Bernanke on a very tall tree!

13 years ago
Reply to  Red Dragon Leo

Some may be turned off by preachers, so just in case, here’s a summary.

Double Dee
Double Dee
13 years ago

Everyone still sleeping? What’s your take for today – futures down just a bit … think it will be SOS today?

Red Dragon Leo
13 years ago
Reply to  Double Dee

I was just eating some cereal and waiting on my coffee to finish brewing. But so far, everything looks like I expected it too and spoke of in the video… a doji on Monday, with today being a down day.

The question is, when POMO kicks in around 10:15 am or so, will this early morning sell off be bought back up?

Red Dragon Leo
13 years ago

Wow… Silver broke $30.00! What’s that saying about inflation? LOL

Red Dragon Leo
13 years ago

The dollar is dropping and so is the market… unusual?

13 years ago
Reply to  Red Dragon Leo

GLD, gap up.

13 years ago

bear trap… LOOK OUT…

Red Dragon Leo
13 years ago
Reply to  BullKiller

Yes, I’m waiting on it to fill the gap… and then maybe go short.

13 years ago

Still waiting for the 14.86 VIV fake print. I think we will hit it on Thursday or Friday since those days (and the following Monday) are large POMO days all in a row.

13 years ago
Reply to  Yorx

I meant VIX….

13 years ago
Reply to  Yorx

of course.
VIVian is your mistress.

13 years ago

Insanity… shorting on POMO days, over and over and getting smashed again.

13 years ago
Reply to  Yorx

Today different???

Red Dragon Leo
13 years ago

New intraday FP of 133.45 spy… bears beware!

13 years ago
Reply to  Red Dragon Leo

do you have a screen shot of that FP….? i am still inclined to use reverse analysis with the current FP…i think they are playing us. the daily VIX has been diverging the spx now for 3 days…(LOL watch me eat my words…)

Red Dragon Leo
13 years ago
Reply to  richie


We are just about oversold on all the short term chart (yeah… unbelievable, but true), so I do expect this print to be hit today.

13 years ago
Reply to  Red Dragon Leo


that is SOME chart….i am seeing all those downside prints in a row and NONE of them have been filled??? that just looks ODD to me – so must we modify our analysis to ONLY consider upside prints???

13 years ago
Reply to  Red Dragon Leo


that is SOME chart….i am seeing all those downside prints in a row and NONE of them have been filled??? that just looks ODD to me – so must we modify our analysis to ONLY consider upside prints???

13 years ago

What’s the deal with that extra 5 billion that enters the market? Can you send me a link?

Red Dragon Leo
13 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

If you mean the POMO schedule, it’s to the right here on the blog, under the “Helpful Information” tab. We could roll over some tomorrow if the chart line back up pointing down by the end of the day, as there isn’t much money being put in the market on Wednesday.

13 years ago
Reply to  Red Dragon Leo

I thought someone said there was money in addition to POMO being entered in to the market.

I could be wrong.

Red Dragon Leo
13 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

Not that I know of?

13 years ago
Reply to  ACP


13 years ago

What’s the deal with that extra 5 billion that enters the market? Can you send me a link?

13 years ago

The trend is your friend? Maybe the real significant FP’s are only in direction of the trend. When we finally get a 1-2-3 reversal with volume, maybe the lower FP’s will matter more. I dunno. That is how I’m looking at it.

13 years ago
Reply to  Yorx


thanks – but take a look at the 2000 dot com unwind…..and the speed of the unwind – look what 3 days can do…….

when the unwind happens today is anyones guess – but we have a similar situation. there has been a gross mispricing going on for equities almost 2 years now – fueled by nothing but the mantra of ‘momentum’. there are bankrupt companies enjoying very strong equity prices – all due to ‘momentum’ (beta chasers)….
just a thought……… we are topping here – will the unwind come now, or will we just have a ‘mild’ correction in mispricing? a trend is a trend until it is no longer a trend, and by the time you recognize the trend is no longer – well like i said – look at the unwind from the dot com….

13 years ago
Reply to  richie

Hey, I agree with ya, but maybe I’m not as smart as you arebecause I can’t figure out where the top will be so I am not going to just short at will. “Markets can remain irrational longer than you can remain solvent” in most cases. I agree, when the sh!t hits the fan, it’s gonna be ugly.

Red Dragon Leo
13 years ago

I believe the multiple downside FP’s are where the market will dance around all week long. But first, the upside print will likely be filled. Just a feeling on that (along with looking at where the charts are now).

13 years ago

Egypt Welcomes the New Boss – Same as the Old Boss:

Red Dragon Leo
13 years ago

Mr TopStep sees 1349 possible…


This is so tiring! Who in there right mind would go long at these level’s? Maybe for a daytrader, but not a swing trader. This really sucks!

13 years ago
Reply to  Red Dragon Leo

just let go. (i’ve been there.)

Red Dragon Leo
13 years ago

Isn’t it funny how they have $5-$7 Billion Dollars on days that the market should normally sell off, and only $1-$2 Billion on days likely to rally? (as in… tomorrow, as just about all the short term charts are oversold now!)

Red Dragon Leo
13 years ago

You know… I’m pretty positive that this market is going up tomorrow, but I just can’t go long. I’ll be a bull once the market hit the 20.16 FP on SPY.

13 years ago
Reply to  Red Dragon Leo

Maybe they’re saving the money for a major pump tomorrow or later this week. I doubt they’ll let this market close lower on OPX week…

13 years ago
Reply to  ACP

you have a 1 in 5 chance of being right. 8 of 10, qqqq is down 2% feb opx week. i’d say the odds are closer to 50/50, for 2011

13 years ago
Reply to  zstock7

I was thinking of that too, but looking at all the seasonal rules they’ve violated recently…i would say the odds of going up are slightly higher…remember last September? After that, it was time to throw the book out the window!!!

13 years ago

CSCO slow sto is close enough to closed—accumulating longs. playing the 1.5% price channel.

13 years ago

LONG USO M32C..3.65 FILLED i might be a tad early, intermediate short term exit is 38-39

13 years ago

hi red, my 15 minute charts on the indexes, started working again…seems like a decade ago, they stopped working.


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