Tuesday, February 11, 2025

Light Volume And A Bullish Week Ahead

Wednesday Update...

(to watch on youtube: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W3L8bCuIJek )

Another light is expected tomorrow, with a gap up possible.  If so, then I expect the rest of the day the market will fall back down some (not pass the current support area of 1330), and end the day slightly higher.  A doji (spinning top) pattern is likely on the daily chart.



Monday Update...

(to watch on youtube: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HpozTyTgqjw)

Nothing like a little mud in my face (or foot in my mouth)!  So, I'm going out on a limb again with this video, as I'm getting used too mud now!



Next week will be shorten by one day, as the market will be closed on Friday because it's a holiday.   So, does this mean we'll be surprised by some staged event to tank the market?  Hard too say, but if I knew for sure then it wouldn't be a surprise anymore!

(to watch on youtube: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lND54VM0ZUA)

Yes, the 19th is an important day for the Illuminati, as many events have happened on the 19th of the month in the past.  But, I really don't think anything will happen this time.  I'm leaning toward some light selling on Monday to reset the overbought conditions and allow for more upside the rest of the week.  You must remember that the gangsters still control this market, and with the expected light volume next week I fully expect them to continue pushing it up.

Somehow I just know that the 138.86 SPY FP is real, and that we won't crash this stock market until it is hit.  Just speculating here again, but the volume of 4,290 shares could be a signal to indicate that the print will be hit on 04-29-2011.  Of course I haven't figured out the gangster's insider code, but maybe this print is just that simple?  We all know that April is an extremely bullish month, and that we still have POMO propping up the market until June.  Plus there is the old saying "Sell in May, and Go Away"... maybe it will still hold true this time?

It seems impossible that we could continue higher with the VIX making new lows, but I'm going to go out on a limb here and say that it will go lower before this market rolls over.  Remember, this will be the greatest stock market crash in the history of the market... so you should expect new extremes to be made on various charts and technical indicators as well.

Here's an interesting video that explains how the gangsters can't stop the coming crash as they shot themselves in the foot when they attacked Japan with HAARP.  In it, you'll see that when you destroy the 3rd largest economy in the world, the third quarter earnings are going to be so disappointing that a 5,000 point drop in the Dow will likely happen.

(to watch on youtube: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uMDRCwRtiNM )

Of course we could have something bad happen on Tuesday the 19th, and cause the market to crash, but I just don't think it will.  I do believe the FP to be a real one, and any severe down move would prevent that level from being hit on April 29th (assuming that I'm getting the code correctly?).  So, I'm simply thinking that Monday will be the day that resets the overbought conditions for another move up later in the week.  Whether it closes negative or just a "spinning top" is unknown.  I do expect it to sell off some on Monday, but they could push it back up into the close and end the day as a "pause day".

The rest of week will have likely have light volume and unfortunately I believe they will push it higher.  We all know that this market is insanely manipulated and totally disconnected from reality, but those are the facts... and we can't change them!  They have told us with the FP that they will take the market to that level at some point in the future.  So, you just have to ask yourself... "will we crash first, and then rally back up to the FP?", or is it "more likely that we will go up first and then crash later?"  I think the answer is obvious!

Once this market finally heads south, the high put in won't be revisited for a very long time.  With this dwarf star Elenin (Nibiru or Planet X?) expected to pass between the earth and the sun late this year, (real or not), they will be some serious damage to the planet (real or staged by the Illuminati?).  All this, with the looming forecast that Japan will eventually sink into the sea (creating a 1000 foot tidal wave to hit the west coast), tells me that this stock market isn't likely to continue much higher and will have likely put in an "all time high" this year.

The charts can be manipulated with all the POMO money, and that's exactly what the gangsters have done over the last 2 years.  However, right now the daily and weekly charts can easily support a rally as they could be viewed as "oversold"... at least the daily is already.  The weekly could continue down, or reverse back up for a little while.  Sorry, as much as I'm very bearish on the economy (and reality), the charts are looking bullish... especially when you combine in the "manipulation factor".

They are still injecting POMO until June 30th.  April is historically a bullish month.  Light volume is expected next week, as Friday is a holiday and the markets will be closed.  The daily chart is oversold.  The weekly chart is neutral, and could go either way.  The vix is looking like it's going to make new lows (as unbelievable as that is!).  The news out there is extremely bad, and the market continues to ignore it.  Am I missing anything?

It's truly sad to see so much B.S. going on right now with the market, but the facts are the facts... and we can't change it!  I'm sorry, but I can't get bearish here for next week.  While I'm sure they will likely surprise us all with some "event", I'm not looking for it until after the upside FP of 138.86 spy is hit.  Until then I'm not seeing another big move down.  Sure, there will be some down days (maybe... LOL), but they will likely be just to reset the overbought charts (followed by another push higher).

So, to put is simply... I'm not looking for a big sell off next week!  I know everyone is expecting a rally up to just short of the current high to form a wave 2 up, followed by the wave 3 down... possibly to the 1290 area, but I just don't think they will allow it to happen.  I think we'll rise up to the current high, trade sideways for awhile trying to pierce it, and after a few days we'll go past it to new highs around the 1388 spx (the spy FP level).  I don't know if the market will stop there and reverse, or just pause there and go higher again.  We do have POMO until June, so it's possible that we go higher, but I'm leaning toward that area to be the final top... mainly because May should be a bearish month.

Ok, that about sums it up for now.  I just didn't have time to do another dark post this weekend.  Maybe the next one...



Author: Red

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13 years ago

If there is any threat to the US in addition to the New Madrid fault, it would be this:


The Japan quake has already released an incredible amount of stress and isn’t likely to produce anything close to what has already happened. Cascadia has a proven track record of producing a phenomena (that they don’t mention) that would include a large tsunami (surge) accompanied by a 1,000 foot tidal wave. The tidal wave would bring complete destruction to about 10-15 miles inland, but the tsunami would bring destruction to “only” about the same distance inland. If there are any geologists on this board, please comment.

I don’t know why the blogosphere hasn’t brought this to the forefront; the only thing I can think of is that the campaign of misinformation by those in power has caused the conspiracy theorists to focus on areas where events have already occurred. Strange events all over the world need to be monitored, keep your eyes open.

13 years ago

Here’s a good illustration:


Not saying this will happen, or that this is what they will MAKE happen, but just something to keep in mind.

13 years ago

Market to crash today. Black Monday.

13 years ago
Reply to  Ben_Bernanke

did you see my T?
timed to perfection.
those gangsters!!!

Red Dragon Leo
13 years ago
Reply to  Ben_Bernanke


Did you see the new FP today on your screen, and do you have any downside FP’s from last week that might give us our target low?

Red Dragon Leo
13 years ago

There’s nothing worst then being out of the market when the son of b*tch tanks!

13 years ago
Reply to  Red Dragon Leo

lol… I held onto some of my shorts on friday… just covered… some of it….now its time to buy it back…. they probabaly will rally this SOB back up..

Red Dragon Leo
13 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

This so typical for the gangsters to release the bad news over the weekend and surprise everyone, when no one can get in.

13 years ago
Reply to  Red Dragon Leo

what was the bad news btw ? and why did we tank today AM ?

Red Dragon Leo
13 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

S&P just lowered U.S debt to negative

13 years ago
Reply to  Red Dragon Leo

Have no clue what the general market is doing in terms of technicals but i can say this, i like FCX June/July calls at 49 strike price because the daily and 233 RSI are at 0.00 lol

Also like July calls on SLV if it pulls back on the daily to 41. All this debt crisis and deficit issues and political YoYoing is good for precious metals 🙂

Red Dragon Leo
13 years ago
Reply to  SH^RK

Thanks for the update. I agree with you assessment of precious metals. I think they will continue to go up until the overall market crashes. Then they will be sold to meet margin calls, but once they bottom again, they will be the best opportunity to go long for a huge move up again.

13 years ago
Reply to  Red Dragon Leo

Hey you know the market drives the news, and not the other way around. And by the way, the White House, PIMCO and all the other scum knew about this on Friday, hence the BIG gap down. Any surprise?

13 years ago
Reply to  Red Dragon Leo

sorry Bro, like you said.
they won’t let anybody on that bear bus.
and that frustrating quip – “it is until it isn’t”
i’m just glad I dumped my puny SPYs @ 133 range – woo hoo!

Red Dragon Leo
13 years ago

New intraday FP of 131.31 spy at 2:40 pm est.

13 years ago

CSCO i’ve been waiting and waiting for CSCO to get to 16.50, finally 16.6 today. close enough. went long…17.3 exit looks simple.

13 years ago

here’s a thought, unrelated to pizza.
GOOG Morgan Stanley is lowering its price target on shares of Google (NASDAQ: GOOG) to $645, SO 200 DAY 560 EASY
MAY 545 CALLS i can probably get $10.00 to $15.00, soon enough…at $6.00 today

13 years ago

Fun fact, from ZH:

Earlier during the S&P conference call, one of the participants asked the brilliantly simple question: with the Fed monetizing debt, why should the US even bother to collect taxes?

OVER 50% of the money to run the govt is from the Fed, so why not just print the other 50%?

Oh, I forgot……screw the middle class.

Red Dragon Leo
13 years ago

Refresh page for update…

13 years ago

Lookie here……

Two nuclear reactors shut down in VA due to tornadoes cutting off power from the plant:


Illuminati dry run?

Red Dragon Leo
13 years ago

Thoughts on today gang? Up/down/sideways?

13 years ago

where is everyone ? asleep ? bears taking vacation ?

Red Dragon Leo
13 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

I’m asking myself the same question? Where did all the bears go?

Red Dragon Leo
13 years ago

Mr. Topstep…


Is anyone out there? …or am I living in a ghost town?

13 years ago

all the bears got eaten up by the bulls ?

Red Dragon Leo
13 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

BK, I guess all the bears are hibernating! It’s just us left now. But, I’m hibernating too, as I’m still not trusting the sell off yesterday as the start of something real. I think it was staged to kill a bulls and allow the gangsters a better entry for a move up to the spy FP over the coming weeks.

13 years ago
Reply to  Red Dragon Leo

I have to agree with you.. I actually went long a few stocks yesterday… and then sold today when it popped.

13 years ago
Reply to  Red Dragon Leo

I actually beginning to believe the saying BTFD ( buy the fuqqin dip technique) lol

Red Dragon Leo
13 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

Hey, like I said the video… I’ll probably go long Apple tomorrow for earnings after the bell. (not that I’m a bull or anything like that… LOL)

13 years ago
Reply to  SAN

san, i go to your site a lot. but I end up a lurker, cause i forgot my passwords, to make any kind of comment there:) nice work you have.

13 years ago

Things are looking very good for some upside tomorrow………:)

Red Dragon Leo
13 years ago
Reply to  Robert

I think we are going up to the FP on the spy Robert…

13 years ago
Reply to  Red Dragon Leo

i sort of figured the market might trade sideways this week. lots of earnings to prop up the bulls, lots of problems to help the bears.

13 years ago

Alright I’ll say it again. we are still headed down. Stay short

13 years ago

I’m long CSCO. what a dog. in at 16.6, hope to get out at 17.3

13 years ago

looking at BTU. 62 s1 or 60 s2.
CECO, talk about straight down. if i can get a 20.5 entry, i think i’ll be ok.

13 years ago

i like GOOG at these levels. sorry to hear you don’t trade it. i only trade it on dips like these. i don’t get that many opportunities a year on a company like this.

13 years ago

Has anyone posited that the reason the stock market is being propped up with a wizards stick, is that all kinds of things are going to occur and might as well entertain the crowd and distract them, before the proverbial chit hits the fan?

Red Dragon Leo
13 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

I think you are over looking the fact that we have already been told that they will take the market to the FP on the SPY. I don’t believe that it isn’t a real FP. Of course the “when” part is still unknown, but odds say we will go hit it before the chit hits the fan.

13 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

i think this propping up goes all the way out to july. just saying.

13 years ago

Chit : n,

1. A statement of an amount owed for food and drink; a check.
2. A short letter; a note.

How appropriate……

Here’s how I’m playing it…I don’t really give a crap when it happens, we all know the support/resistance levels. These trends are all smooth as silk also. Follow the yellow brick road until the chit hits the fan.

Red Dragon Leo
13 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

LOL… I guess that’s why I decided not to do a video tonight! After all, it’s the same chitting thing! “Light volume is likely to push the market up this week. While it should be choppy, the week should end up”.

13 years ago
Reply to  Red Dragon Leo

I’m still trying to figure out which of the following 2 scenarios the criminals will be playing:

1) Pushing down the VIX to buy protection cheap, or

2) Chop this market sideways for as long as possible in order to suck the premium out of the put protection everyone is buying.

Of course, an artificial disaster could change the game real quick-like…

13 years ago

Things are looking very good this morning…….

13 years ago

anyone looking to short this pop ?

13 years ago

bears getting slaughter……the pain never stops for the bears 🙁

13 years ago

everyone is so quite these days.. whats going on ? wake up….

13 years ago

I think everyone is too stunned to say anything. Maybe tomorrow will bring a nice surprise? This week is going to be controlled by all the folks NOT on vacation, so could be some interesting chit.

13 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

cool atleast someone is alive besides me lol

13 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

I find it quite interesting how EVERYTHING is up, including VIX (from the open).

13 years ago

Silver parabolic now. Quite close to a short term top.

13 years ago

wow….look at TIVO… those shorties getting rocked.

13 years ago

Looking to see if SPX closes @ around 1333 today…

13 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

my peg was 1332.?? ~ so i am onboard with you acp!

13 years ago
Reply to  richie

Wow, silver nosediving. GS just put it on the “hard to borrow” list, according to GS. Something is definitely up.

13 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

always a precursor to a margin hike!!

13 years ago
Reply to  richie

It’s just weird. Why would they announce that to produce a margin hike? A signal to others? To get a better price on silver?

Since they are a PD and thus have complete immunity from all US laws and regulations, I just wonder what the real reason was?

13 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

gs, and jpm have morphed themselves into a government agency. there is no longer any seperation and the two are without distinction.

the motive is without relevance. govt. GS and govt JPM take care of their own ~ that is all we need to know.

so when gs pulls the ability to short slv because they are going to take silver down ~ do the opposite side of the trade ~ buy the dip, and go long physical!

13 years ago


the daily VIX looks bullish. a close outside the lower bollinger will be a set up for a buy of VIX.

the complacency indicated of this VIX level/chart looks to me much too manufactured. And who says america has lost its manufacturing base!!!!

13 years ago
Reply to  richie

Just like everything nowadays, it’s just gone “virtual”.

13 years ago


where is everyone??? i bet you red has a bunny costume on right now ~ hiding easter put options for the neighbourhood children to find on their easter derivative hunt!!

13 years ago
Reply to  richie

Dunno – maybe the govt is going after all the “miscreants” who disagree with the “wisdom” of our new Dictatorship.

Check this out:


Unannounced DHS exercise on the B of A building in Miami? Hmm……

13 years ago

the bubble is fizzzzzzzeling…timber

Red Dragon Leo
13 years ago

Hey guys, sorry I haven’t been around today. My mother was visiting and I spent the day with her. Did I miss anything?

13 years ago
Reply to  Red Dragon Leo

yes.. you missed getting your balls squeeeezed lol

13 years ago
Reply to  Red Dragon Leo

You did if you wanted to see a bear-ka-bob…

13 years ago
Reply to  Red Dragon Leo

that’s hot!

13 years ago

I think its time to short……atleast start.. a small position ? this run up is insane …

13 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

that what i said yesterday.
refusing to get emotional and double down.
learned THAT lesson a while back.

Red Dragon Leo
13 years ago
Reply to  Gold_Gerb

A double top should be a great short spot for at least a day I would think.

Red Dragon Leo
13 years ago

LOL! You guys are too funny! I got my bear-ka-bob last Friday when I closed out my shorts at a loss. I’ve been in cash since, as I’m not shorting this pig! Too much B.S. going on in the market this week… especially the Monday fake out drop!

13 years ago

ran the numbers on IYR, num nuts still has 2% higher to go. where goes IYR goes the dia too.

13 years ago

Awesome day fellas…Apple crushes, more upside coming to a market near you……:)

Red Dragon Leo
13 years ago
Reply to  Robert

I think we’ll hit the double top and then sell off some, but eventually I do see us hit the spy FP.

13 years ago

Dunno, ran up into earnings, which blew out the always low expectations, but sales volumes were light in some areas and forward is sketchy. I think it opens at the high.

But then again, if POMO has been saved up all this time, a massive gap up could cure that ill.

Red Dragon Leo
13 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

I think it opens up at the high too, and sells off the rest of the day.


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