Tuesday, October 22, 2024

Ben Fulford On The Secret Meeting Of 57 Finance Ministers And What It Means For The Stock Market

Thursday Update...

(to watch on youtube: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LEG5mbxAkSU)


Wednesday Update...

(to watch on youtube: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7x6hkohqGWk)



Humanity Will Be Set Free Soon!

(to watch on youtube: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B-FvEEPcxYk)

Slowly but sure the Evil Cabal Empire is losing.  More and more countries and leaders are siding with the good forces.  Who are they?  If this was a movie called Star Wars, then the good forces are the council of Jedi Knights, and the Evil Cabal is Darth Vader and his evil empire.  Isn't it funny how the movies are so much like real life?

In this case the Evil Cabal is made up with George H. Bush, George W. Bush, Bill and Hillary Clinton, Dick Cheney, Henry Kissinger, David Rockefeller, Jay Rockefeller, George Soro's, Warren Buffet, and many less powerful minions.  That's just the ones in America of course as Europe has a different set of Reptilian Shape Shifters that enslave that country.  Fortunately, they are all fighting among each other right now, which give us humans a chance re-join together as one and expose them for what they are (murderers, rapist, cannibals, satanists, thieves, war creators, mind programmers, etc...).

(to watch on youtube: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S-Th6QQN64Y)

The council of Jedi Knights in this case would be Alex Jones, Benjamin Fulford, Lindsey Williams, Ron Paul, Jesse Ventura, Max Keiser, Peter Schiff, many other lesser know internet mostly hero's... like David Wilcock, Dolores Cannon, Inelia Benz, Bill Ryan and Kerry Cassidy from Project Camelot, as well as many other "Light Workers" that are fighting hard to exposure the world to Evil that has been enslaving humanity for the last 4,000 years!  Isn't it time we all wake up and do our own research?  While everyone can't be right, these lightworkers are doing what others are afraid too do... wake you up!

I also am also trying to wake up humanity and the people I'm focusing on reaching are those they have an interest in the stock market.  When I took the Red Pill and went down the rabbit hole with this blog about 2 years I did it only to have a place to post my own thoughts.  Little it did I know how many other people also were waking up and interesting in the same thing I was... and specifically how it relates to the stock market!

Now many others are speaking about the market manipulation and the gangster behind it all.

While I never started this site to expose them, it's become my passion now.  Why?  Because these gangsters have made it extremely hard for the retail trader to make money in this rigged stock market game.  That's why I constantly talk about them and expose them!  Trying to play this game when they control it, is what I'm trying to learn and master... so we all can win back some of the money they'll stolen from us.

Speaking of thieves, the most famous banksters recently has been Goldman Sachs of course... and here they are stealing all Gaddafi's money!  The Golden boys at Goldman Sachs, who traded with a 100% winning record over the last 3 years (at least), and some how manages to lose over a Billion Dollars in just a few months.  They lost 98% of his money!  WTF?  Remember... Goldman had a High Frequency Trading software that was linked directed into the the phone lines in Wall Street, allowing them to front run all buy and sell orders just fractions of second ahead of those orders... and they NEVER LOST!  That's right, they had a perfect running record for at least the last 3 years.  So how do you lose 98% of someone elses' money in just a few months, unless that was the plan all along... TO STEAL IT!

(to watch on youtube: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X_EKrjdPO9s)

The people of America and the World are getting tired of these gangster banks and this one will eventually go down in flames... just like the FP on Goldman I have from last years.  They already plan to sacrifice Goldman at some point in the future, which is why they are letting Goldman do their dirty work for them.  You will see some of the other gangster Reptilian come on TV and bash Goldman in the near future, making themselves look like hero's for taking on the evil company... when it was them secretly behind it all in the first place!

Look for more lies and deception from lizards like George Soro's, Warren Buffet, and stupid asshole Donald Trump!  It's coming, and soon! They will all get together in their secret meetings like the Bilderberg Group and the Legatus Pilgrimage's and laugh at how stupid us sheep are for believing all the lies again... just like we've done the last hundred times.  They create a problem that they can profit from hugely, and then they expose the problem to the sheep, and tell them they have the solution... which of course they will profit from it too.

They then take down the bad boys at Goldman Sachs (while secretly hiring them to run another less known bankster organization of course) and lie to the everyone saying how they have been looking into Goldman's fraudulent activities for months now and that these types of organizations make other banksters look bad!  LOL!  All bank are gangsters folks!  The entire banking system is to control you sheep by keeping you in debt prison.

Moving on to another hero... "Project Camelot Interviews Dutchsinse"

Part ONE...

(to watch on youtube: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JFKJiSF1tic)

Kerry Cassidy (today's modern day "Dana Scully, with Bill Ryan being "Fox Mulder") speaks with Dutchsinse who has been threaten many times, had his YouTube page flagged, and most recent had his close personal friend shot many times by two men in a black hummer with AK-47 rifles.  Dutch has been a key person on the internet that has exposed the Illuminati Reptilians HAARP weapon who use it to create earthquakes, hurricanes, floods, and several heat... all to kill people so they could profit from it.

Part TWO...

(to watch on youtube: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hMsuH6wEc58)

While the video interview is long, it's worth listening too... so take the time to keep yourself informed.  Each and everyone of these "Light Workers" are doing their part to expose the Illuminati Reptilian Gangsters for all of their evil deeds.  I can only focus on the small section called the stock market.  I'm simply know as the guy who posts the "Fake Prints" (FP's), and talks about how the insiders use them some how to inform their buddies where they plan to take the market to next.  While I haven't discovered their secret code, I do know that it exists.

However, I keep trying to put the pieces together without knowing their code.  The charts now show us (using some technical analysis) that the stock market is doomed.  The huge "MA" pattern on the 20 year chart gives us a forecast low of somewhere in the Dow 3,000 area.  This lines up with the FP the Illuminati gangsters put out there for their buddies to see, showing the SPY at 34.65 (about 346 spx).  Of course the "when" part is unknown, but within a year or so is my speculation.

Part THREE...

(to watch on youtube: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uo3NQjYPqRM)

After listening to Dutch's interview with Kerry (by the way, they lose audio toward the last 10 minutes of the first video), he states that the original date on the Myan calendar was December 24th, 2011... not December 21st, 2012.  He got that from an old TV show in the 70's hosted by Leonard Nimoy (probably "In Search Of"... I used too watch it when I was a kid).  This is more likely the truth about the date, and not the one next year that the Main Stream Media promotes.

Let me add in my own thoughts about Elenin, as to what Kerry and Dutch speak of in the video interview.  Kerry seems to think (from some of her other sources) that Elenin is likely a controlled craft, as it's clear now that the path of it has moved from what would be a natural path if it was just a comet, dwarf star, or planet.  Dutch seems to think it might still be a large rock of some type, but is actually controlled by some type of technology the Illuminati gangsters have here on earth, and/or in space.

I think it doesn't matter what it is, but simply that it's being put out on the internet to instill fear to us sheep so they can create their own "False Flag Fake Alien Invasion" which will kill off 80% of the population in their Armageddon event that they want to happen.  This third video (the best one) of Kerry and Dutch covers the connection between the attack the Illuminati made on Japan with HAARP, the chemtrails, and the Oil rig they blew up in the Gulf of Mexico (done by George Bushs' favor company Haliburton).

So, "if" the Illuminati Reptilians succeed in their evil plans to wipeout 80% of the world population (and I don't believe they will) then the fake alien attacks will likely cause a crash like the one from the movie 2012 in this screen shot below.  As far as the date it could happen, I'd say before this year is over.  Let's just hope that they fail at their evil plans, and the market just crashes naturally... without any false flags to blame it on.

While we know the reason the market must crash (Billions of stolen dollars by the Illuminati Reptilians with derivatives, and other illegal ponzi schemes), that's not the reason the gangsters want exposed to the public.  They don't want to be blamed for it, and instead will likely try to create a false flag event to blame it on.  Then they can be the hero and come in with a "New World Order" to enslave us sheep more (of course they will call it "saving us").

I choose to go down a different timeline where they are caught and arrested for crimes against humanity.  The false flag event they are planing to crash the stock doesn't happen, and the market crashes because of all the thief they have done.  They are then done, and humanity will demand freedom from them.  It may seem far fetched, but it's not really.  The biggest secret is that you can choose your own future... one of continued enslavement, or one of freedom.  I choose freedom... how about you?

Moving on to the stock market for next week...

Since Friday didn't bounce as I expected, and closed almost at the low of the day, we should expect more selling Tuesday morning.  The next level of major support is 115.85 SPY as there is a horizatial support line that dates back to the double/triple bottoms made between 11/16/2010 and 11/30/2010.  If that holds on Tuesday morning, the market should bounce as it quite oversold on all the short term charts.

Then it should float higher on light volume the rest of the day from the holiday shortened weekend we just had here in America.  I'm not very confident on it rallying very fast on Tuesday, but we could go up into Thursday when Bernanke speaks at 1pm est.  The market seem to be in a "pause" mode 1-2 days before any news comes out from the President or Bernanke.  I've noticed this a lot over the last 2-3 years.  If they are worried about about something one of them might say, they usually sell off ahead of the speech... and if they are anticipating something good, they will rally in advance.

So, what is the market looking for?

More crack of course.  They want to hear from Bernanke (or Obama) that there will be a QE3 program of some type.  Since Obama is scheduled to speak on Wednesday night at 8pm est, and then Bernanke at 1pm on Thursday, this should have the market in a period of "indecision"... meaning it could rally back up beforehand expecting good news on Thursday, or sell off expecting bad news.

I wish I knew the answer, but I don't.  I can only say that the 1160 spx area should allow the market to bounce and if I just followed the charts... that's what I would expect to happen.  A move down Tuesday morning to that area, then a bounce from it in the afternoon session.  I would expect that to continue into Wednesday and possibly Thursday getting the short term charts all overbought again and allowing a sell off to happen after Bernanke again says nothing about QE3.

The opposite is also possible, where the market continues sliding down on Tuesday and Wednesday and then rallies on Thursday and Friday.  But, looking at the nasty looking topping tail on the weekly chart tells me that this coming week will like be another red one... meaning we should rally first and sell off later in the week.  There is also the moon cycle to look at, which supports more selling until the full moon this September the 12th.

According to Francis Bussiere of AstroCycles.net, most bottoms and tops occur within 2-3 days after a new moon or full moon, or the morning after one.  That could stretch out the date to September the 15th at the latest for the bottom of this move down into the Full Moon.  If that then finally ended this first major wave 1 down and major wave 2 up started, then it should top in about 4 weeks... right in time for the end of the Legatus Meeting the week of October 23rd.  Very interesting timing there... huh?

Well, all speculation at this point.  I don't know how long they will continue with Legatus Meeting's being turn dates in the market, as Reinhardt has been exposing them for the a last 3 years now... and too much exposure means they will be forced to change the rules of how the stock market is manipulated.  It clearly worked for the last meeting this past April 30th-May 1st, as May the 2nd was the top of this market and still is.

Anyway, as for the short term next week...

I'm basically just reading the charts and mixing in the planned news events and it matches up for some early morning selling on Tuesday, down to around the 1160 spx area, and then a light volume float higher in Thursday before Bernanke speaks.  I'd say "before Obama speaks", but we all know that the market doesn't care about what he says, as Bernanke own's the crack lab (the printing press), so Thursday will be more important the Wednesday night.

Reading into the charts directly, the 60 minute chart should drop on the histogram bars to put in a higher low and create a positive divergence... which isn't present right now.  This supports a drop on Tuesday morning followed by rise the rest of the day and into Wednesday.  The first attempt should fail to get out of the downward channel, but a gap out of it on Wednesday is likely.

The 30 minute chart has a similiar pattern and supports exactly the same thing I just said about the 60 minute chart.  But, the 30 minute could get overbought before the end of the day on Tuesday and some selling into the last hour could occur.  That leads me to believe that Tuesday will put in a doji candle, closing slightly positive or negative.

This leaves it up to Wednesday to gap over the downward sloping trendline from the falling channel the market is in right now.  Then I expect it to rally nicely on light volume and continue some on Thursday morning before Bernanke speaks.  The charts all support this forecast just based on technical analysis, and having nothing to do with Bernanke.  But, we all know that every move in the market is controlled and timed around key meetings, data, and events, so they can manipulate it in the direction that they want it to go.  That's why the old saying is so true... "the news doesn't matter, as it's already factored into the charts".

This forecast seems to have the highest odds of playing out, but of course I can't discount the possibility that we just sell off on Tuesday and continue going lower the rest of the week.  It's possible, but I don't see in the charts... especially the daily chart.  Just like the 60 and 30 minute chart need a positive divergence to rally, the daily chart needs a negative divergence to sell off.  It doesn't have one yet.

I'd like to see another tower on the histogram bars for the daily chart.  It doesn't have to happen, but it usually does.  If we rally up on Tuesday and Wednesday, and then sell off on Thursday and Friday, we could put in a lower high on the histogram bar for the daily chart and create a negative divergence.  This could also allow the MACD's to rise a little higher to possibly the zero level before rolling back down for the next big wave.

We would also be putting in a final wave up in Elliott Wave terms as well.  It could be the end of this Minor Wave 4 up from the 1101 low, and we could go down in a Minor Wave 5 next to complete Major Wave 1 down from May 2nd highs.  We also could have already finished that wave 4 up at the 1230 level and have started the first micro wave down inside minor wave 5.  That means the next wave up would be micro wave 2 with micro wave 3 (inside of minor wave 5, of major wave 1, inside of Primary Wave 3 from the 2007 high to the March, 2009 low of 666).  Needless to say, a combination of 3,1,5,3 should be a very nasty wave down.  This could happen this coming Thursday/Friday if my forecast is correct?

Just wait until we see a 3,3,3,3 wave combination happen... people will be jumping out windows on that wave!

This is all just speculation of course, as forecasting all these waves in advance is nothing more then guessing.  Elliott Wave is great for hindsight, but poor for predicting out into the future.  The gangster intervene and manipulate the market so those wave counts aren't accurate.  Sure, "IF" we were in a "FREE" market then they would work quite well... but we're NOT!  It's still run by the Illuminati Reptilian Gangsters, and they clearly manipulated the hell out of the market the last 2 years... making poor Robert Prechter look foolish.  I respect the man, but his playing in a rigged game and you can't out fox the fox when you are a sheep.

So we have to learn how their super high frequency computer program is "programed" and try to place our trades one step ahead of it taking the market in that direction.  I do think that's possible, when we all work together as a team.  We have to keep our eyes out for FP's and always get a screen shot of them, with the volume, high, low, open and closing price... as well as the time frame it was taken on.  The secret is encoded in all of that data, so be sure to capture it all.

Ok, I think I've covered everything now, and wrote another long post.  So I'll close for now and wish everyone "much love" as Dutchsinse likes to say...


Author: Red

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13 years ago

next keyword search
the fort knox of where all fake prints for the day are stored—

“national consolidated tape.”

Red Dragon Leo
13 years ago
Reply to  zstock7

Repost that FP you got to Z… and the links you posted about the different names for FP’s.

13 years ago
Reply to  Red Dragon Leo

looks like we are graduating from the fake print business into the dark pool algo print business.
huge leap for mankind.

13 years ago

if any dark pool algo prints showing GS at 60 or 80…they are valid in my opinion. that’s about the downside target price i give GS, after the gov’t filed its 11 bil lawsuit against it.

13 years ago

dark pool algorithm trade
algo dark pool print
Dark pools are recorded to the ….
national consolidated tape.

dark liquidity link


next keyword search
for another day—
the fort knox of where all fake prints for the day are stored—
“national consolidated tape.”

dark pool algo trades are not to print the trades to any public data feed, or if legally required
to do so, will do so with
as large a delay as legally possible

13 years ago

been doing some interesting work on dark pool algo print this weekend.
for example AIRM was predicted to have a friday low of 63.0474—actual
low was 62.98, closed 63.06

13 years ago

ES at the support line: http://niftychartsandpatterns.blogspot.com/2011/09/s-500-futures-at-support-line.html

13 years ago

   Markets are taking a pounding in futures trading.  A pounding.  If you guys want free live futures quotes, go to http://www.fxpro.com and set up a demo account.  Get good at demo trading at the same time.   Do not say you live in the US or Canada, we aren’t allowed to get rich.  Great, great charts.


13 years ago

US Dollar chart: http://niftychartsandpatterns.blogspot.com/2011/09/us-dollar-moving-towards-200-sma.html

13 years ago

seems to me—
so called fake prints are really supposed to be called dark pool algo print..
dark pool algo print is probably the proper market terminology.
and search results are in the 100’s of hits—
whereas fake print search are under 5 hits.

13 years ago
Reply to  zstock7

so if one wanted to learn more about fake prints—
for instance–a whole list of them compiled for the day by a major company.
what would one search for.
fake print?
dark pool algo print?

13 years ago

there are some regulations for stock chart companies for posing dark pool algo trades.
one i noticed—
sometimes the dark pool algo trade only appears for an hour, and then the stock charts hide them again.
so posting time in the public area is at least one hour.

13 years ago

US dark pools to accept new trade reporting standard
practices established by its peer group, which includes Liquidnet and Pipeline.

13 years ago
Reply to  zstock7

2 new keywords for search—
Liquidnet and Pipeline. 

13 years ago

The SEC has also expressed disquiet about dark pools’ use of indications of interest (IOIs) to advertise available liquidity. IOIs are functionally similar to quotes disseminated by displayed markets, yet exclude those who are not party to the IOIs,
another keyword search
SEC DARK POOL indications of interest (IOIs)

13 years ago
Reply to  zstock7

You are a real Shelock Homes zstock7 

Great info and thank you for all your research

13 years ago

how come there aren’t 100’s of links posted here, about dark pool algo prints?
oh yeah, everybody is on vacation. hehe

13 years ago

i have a post
Dark Pool Algo Print, fake print

should get you well on your way to finding out all about fake prints.
use the keywords. whatever you find, be sure to post the link here at red’s.

13 years ago

after i read the GS news, at the last minute i decided to buy puts on
them. then in AH of friday, they got hit with an 11 billion dollar fed
i think i’m in the driver’s seat on this trade…hehe 
dow futures down around 3 or 4% from friday close.

13 years ago

The Dax dropping 5% to a new low and hitting its lower BB helps to clarify things.   Dax leads the way.

I came across another crash ritual during the Boise State-Georgia game over the weekend.   After the end of the first quarter, the score was tied 7-7 and there was a shot of the Boise St QB#2 sitting on the bench on the sidelines flanked by teammates wearing #18 and #81.   #18-#2-#81 or 9-2-9 or even (9+9)-2-(9×9))    It would take an extreme myopian not to notice the peculiarity of that arrangement and just how utterly non-coincidental that was.   Then there were #s-24 and 15 and even 92 floating around on camera in the background.

13 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

I was going to post this on another site but there seemed to be little interest in it or cycles in general  but Dan Cooper had September 2 as a possible important turn date in what he called a horizontal square to the October 2007 to 3-6-9 decline.    The SP dropped 910 pts during that decline and 9-2-11 was 910 calendar days from the 3-6-9 low.


13 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

Market cycles are always welcome here and appreciated !

13 years ago

Just got back from a family dinner. I do not believe for a moment that the resent lows in the sp futures will be violated. If they are, it will not be a full crash tomorrow !! I see the sp 500 above the morning lows in the afternoon period.

13 years ago

Now just back away from the computer slowly with no temptation in shorting the market here.


13 years ago

ES trend update: http://niftychartsandpatterns.blogspot.com/2011/09/s-500-futures-trend-update.html

Red Dragon Leo
13 years ago

We gang, unless something else pops up that really bad, I do still think we will rally from here.  Probably a doji today and nice move up tomorrow.  It fell a little further then I thought it would, but I still see it going back up.

13 years ago

USDCHF Weekly trend line breakout: http://niftychartsandpatterns.blogspot.com/2011/09/usdchf-trend-line-breakout.html

13 years ago

My line in the sand is 1141 sp.  I am going long here at 1142.5 

Will exit below the 1142.5

13 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

Sorry I meant I will exit at 1141

Red Dragon Leo
13 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

How long are you expecting the rally to last?… and how far up?

13 years ago

GOLD Trend update: http://niftychartsandpatterns.blogspot.com/2011/09/gold-trend-update.html

13 years ago

I just want to get thru the next half hour on the plus side to confirm positive moves for the whole day of trading

Red Dragon Leo
13 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

We could get a surprise and not rally as much as expected?  While technical analysis works most of the time, and clearly states that we are very oversold on the short term and should rally, it doesn’t always follow it.

As we all know, the Illuminati use numbers and ritual dates in the market.  Gary the numbers guy see another huge sell off tomorrow, and he’s got a very accurate track record recently, calling 9 out of 10 calls correctly.  Don’t know if he’ll be right on this one too, but it’s possible.


13 years ago
Reply to  Red Dragon Leo

I saw his face book Monday evening, he mentioned today did not look good either. We will see who is correct.

Red Dragon Leo
13 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

Well, I’m with you… I see a rally up today and at least early tomorrow.  So, we all 3 could be right if it peaks out tomorrow from a nice rally up, as it could turn back down into the afternoon and tank hard making his call correct as well.

13 years ago
Reply to  Red Dragon Leo

Do not get me wrong here with Gary, he is very good. But any so called prediction has to resonate in my gut first before I will validate it. As zstock7 mentioned a couple of weeks ago, one must  access the guru within.

13 years ago

US Dollar violating resistance line: http://niftychartsandpatterns.blogspot.com/2011/09/us-dollar-breaking-resistance-line.html

13 years ago

 If we can move beyond 1154 here in the next hour, we will continue this rally. This will invalidate Garys prediction for today. Which  I personally believe he is incorrect Despite his so called accurate record

Red Dragon Leo
13 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

Yes, I think Gary will get this one wrong too.  Obama moved his speech from 8pm Wednesday to Thursday night… after Bernanke speaks on Thursday.  He did it because the Republican’s were having their debate on Wednesday night at the same time as his speech, which would cause them to not get the air time exposure they wanted… and of course ticked them off.

So, he moved his speech to be nice to them as he needs their votes in any and all bills or plans he’s working on getting through Congress and the Senate.  I’m sure QE3 is one of those bills, but I’m not sure what other things he’s trying to get passed to rob the American people and serve the banksters.

This leads me to believe we will rally into Thursday as I stated in the video, and then tank on Friday.  I like Gary’s work and he’s made a bunch of great calls recently, but I think the plans have changed on tomorrow being another crash date.

13 years ago

That 1154 I mentioned earlier seems to be resistance for the moment. Sp may have to come down a bit first,than blast thru it.

Red Dragon Leo
13 years ago
BigHouse(Aka Mr Vix)
BigHouse(Aka Mr Vix)
13 years ago

This rally is a bunch of crap. The games are so obvious now…

Red Dragon Leo
13 years ago

The short term charts were very oversold BigHouse, which is why we are rallying.  I think it will continue into tomorrow too, and peak out on Thursday, which is when I’m looking to get short again.

BigHouse(Aka Mr Vix)
BigHouse(Aka Mr Vix)
13 years ago
Reply to  Red Dragon Leo

i hear ya..Whats up with Atilla’s site. Seems to be down for about 4 days now. I got a tweet from them over the weekend about a new message was up. 

Red Dragon Leo
13 years ago

I seen that too, but I don’t know why it’s down again?  But I have noticed that it seems to go down shortly before a big move in the market.  Maybe he’s taking it down to signal to people that the next move is about to start (down of course)…

13 years ago

That 1154-1153 level has now been support instead of resistance. Let see if it will hold and bounce into the close

Red Dragon Leo
13 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

I think it will, and I suspect a gap up tomorrow.  I don’t know how high they plan on taking us up in this rally, but I do think it will end by Thursday.

13 years ago
Reply to  Red Dragon Leo

the 20 day sma seems to be the overhead resistance for ndx,spx

Red Dragon Leo
13 years ago
Reply to  zstock7

I don’t think it will make it up that high Z…

13 years ago

i have my eye on SMH triple bottom 27 or so. 26’s, means market heading lower, failed triple bottoms end badly for bulls. i know this, because I actually trading a few.

13 years ago

Sold half my position right at the close. Burger and fries with ketchup today.

13 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

   Beating the casino is what I do.  Be happy with it brother.

13 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

washboardstocks, were you in the market today?

13 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

    No man, too busy licking the blood all over my face and body from the gangstas shutting one of my companies down that was going to introduce free energy.   It wasn’t submitted as such, but we all know they have their ways.  I am out for vengeance and will be posting big trades.

13 years ago

    After hundreds of thousands of dollars spent, just got TURNED DOWN by the gangsters to become a reporting issuer on the Nasdaq.  Course its because we had important technology to come out.  Wow, they are good at what they do.

Red Dragon Leo
13 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

What’s your thought’s on tomorrow?  I see a gap up, but I still don’t know how high we go?

13 years ago

no-one posted new fake prints (dark pool algo prints) today. if my suspicions are correct —some one has posted all of the  “national consolidated tape.” prints for today, online…

Red Dragon Leo
13 years ago
Reply to  zstock7

Let us know if you find them Z… and that one on the banks was a great catch by the way.

13 years ago
Reply to  zstock7

   Keep us posted sister.

13 years ago

spx very strong resistance at 1173, and my slo sto’s on the major indexes are pointing for more down. maybe not all at once, like a falling knife. for the rest of the week probably.

13 years ago
Reply to  zstock7

I like the lines you drew on your graphs today – I can totally see that happening. VIX busted right thru resistance like it’s nothing. But I’m still waiting for the SPX to break the rising trendline.

13 years ago
Reply to  zstock7

zstock7 I like your 1173 level. I believe we will probe up to that level tomorrow, come down a few points than retest that area. I know gary is suppose to be some guru. but I do not get any major crash tomorrow at all. I would be very Leary in filling the boat with shorts. But than again what do I know.

13 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

vix is so high, wide intraday point spreads will be the norm on some days, imo

13 years ago
Reply to  zstock7

I do not mind these swing trades. I have to be aware of not being hypnotized by these daily trades in and out. One of these days, in the very near future the markets are going to drop like a rock.

13 years ago

Great day for some hot “TNA” action. Gotta love the rips. Then sell them.

13 years ago

AIRM had a dark pool algo print on thursday after hours of 63.0474….
friday —actual
low was 62.98, closed 63.06
that’s a 4% drop, nailed to the penny—
Imagine how much actionable info, i will have if…
 i ever find an online source, that publishes all the prints, that happen on the “national consolidated tape.”

13 years ago
Reply to  zstock7

if everyone at this site can spend 30 minutes a week google searching the keywords i’ve posted —we might find this fort knox of info, within 2 weeks.

13 years ago
Reply to  zstock7

I will commit min 30 minutes a week. It may be a good idea if we find some thing significant, to forward it off to Red by e mail. That way we can keep every thing in house to those who are contributing to the web site.

13 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

oh no, another secret society idea–i hope red is against this. free speech rules my brother:)

13 years ago
Reply to  zstock7

O kay Okay, I surrender. LOL

13 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

as red would say…stay in the light—hehe

13 years ago
Reply to  zstock7

Yes, thank you for the reminder. I will have to have add an extra 20 minutes to my meditation tonight for being bad. LOL

13 years ago

dark pool algo prints for intraday prices wed.
JPM 33.09
CVX 94.0
INTC 19.19
HAL 41.23, 40.04 CL 40.87
OIH 123.80
WYNN 145.9
FCX 43.61
AMZN 211.232 
could be another wild day tomorrow, with the market up and down twice.

13 years ago
Reply to  zstock7

One must learn how to swing dance with the markets. It will be challenging but yet exciting.

13 years ago
Reply to  zstock7

zstock7, you are a gold mine !!

13 years ago
Reply to  zstock7

to get your own dark pool algo print on a stock you own right now—use nasdaq.
look for high / low
it takes awhile to either trust the algo print , or throw it out. but with enough practice, you’ll get the hang of it.
type your stock in the box

13 years ago
Reply to  zstock7

these are actual dark prints, that i think might happen on wed. i didn’t trust the other 4 or 5 i searched out over there at nasdaq AH…
be interesting to see if any or how many, of these worked.

Red Dragon Leo
13 years ago

Yes gang… stay in the light where it’s safe.  It’s all about helping the sheep and exposing the wolves.  Post them all here for all to see.

13 years ago

SPX Analysis after closing bell: http://niftychartsandpatterns.blogspot.com/2011/09/s-500-analysis-after-closing-bell_07.html

13 years ago
Reply to  SAN


The first 20ma says a lot.
The second chart I drew this AM, before it bounced so that means even an idiot (like me) could see it.
The third chart is good.  Though I prefer the 350MA instead of the 400.


Red Dragon Leo
13 years ago
Reply to  Gold_Gerb

GG…. where have you been?  We missed you here!  😉

13 years ago

futures are up quite a bit about 1%.
at this point i think dark algo’s list for wed prices won’t happen.
they can surprise me sometimes. i might get one of them end of day on wed.
i’ll be monitoring the list below.

13 years ago

futures are up quite a bit about 1%.
at this point i think dark algo’s list for wed prices won’t happen.
they can surprise me sometimes. i might get one of them end of day on wed.
i’ll be monitoring the list below.

13 years ago

if these futures prices hold overnight—
i think the qqq can go up 1% on wed, before heading lower intraday, wed.
spx has a little more upward strength in it’s signal. maybe it can get to 1190

13 years ago

if these futures prices hold overnight—
i think the qqq can go up 1% on wed, before heading lower intraday, wed.
spx has a little more upward strength in it’s signal. maybe it can get to 1190

13 years ago

GOLD Support level: http://niftychartsandpatterns.blogspot.com/2011/09/gold-support-level.html

13 years ago

ES Resistance levels: http://niftychartsandpatterns.blogspot.com/2011/09/es-resistance-levels.html

13 years ago

Just sold my other half from buying at 1142 approx, waiting for lower prices for swinging.

BigHouse(Aka Mr Vix)
BigHouse(Aka Mr Vix)
13 years ago

Seems Atilla sent out some tweets early this morning. Anyone get them?

13 years ago

No I was banned from his site.

13 years ago

   Hey Red.  Sorry, I haven’t been trading this week or postulating, I am too busy feeling sorry for myself.  Great work by everyone here, makes me feel like a small indian tribe that I am a part of.

Red Dragon Leo
13 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

It’s fine… I know you are upset about your free energy company being stopped by the gangsters.  I’d love to get something like that going too, and I know it can be done.  But, you can’t sell the product.  You have to sell the pieces for people to assembly themselves and sell the directions to put is together separately.  More then one company is needed, so the gangsters can’t shut you down.  🙂

Red Dragon Leo
13 years ago

Good morning all… we are rallying nicely now and I believe this will carry over into Thursday as well.  I don’t know how high we go up, but 1200 spx is a likely target.  Could go higher, but not too much.  It’s more about “when” then the price level, as Bernanke speaking tomorrow should keep the market from selling off in front of it.  After he speaks is unknown though…


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