Tuesday, October 22, 2024

The Law of Equilibrium And Past History With Legatus And Turns In The Stock Market

Part One:

The Law of Equilibrium

by Ali Firoozi Yasar

(to watch on youtube: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3C1RmFxdAhE)

The universe and every phenomenon in it is truly based on “The Law of Equilibrium”.  All opposite forces are balanced, positive and negative, male and female, electricity and Magnetism, etc...  In order to reproduce, all these forces interchange to stimulate a “balanced unity”, seemingly, they appear and disappear again in countless cycles to express their eternity.  All forces are dual, as a matter of fact, “duality” is a mirror.  All forces in the universe are mirrors of each other.  Actually for every single action there is a reaction.  Energy is interchanged between “pairs of opposites” in this dual universe.

I have already stated that all forces in the universe are diatonic.  Music comprises sounds and these sounds are truly the result of “vibration” which is translated into cycles.  The fact that matters is that the “seed sound” of the universe vibrates itself into Do,Re,Mi,Fa,So,La,Ti.

In my previous post, I stated that an octave has a duality as we are truly surrounded by a “dualistic world”.  For instance, if we take the nucleus of an atom as an octave,  the proton and neutron are the duality of the nucleus and it is also true for “Electromagnetic waves” as electricity and magnetism are found  as a duality.   This is actually the state of the universe!  The ascending octave plus the descending one represent the “law of equilibrium” in which all the opposite diatonic forces are balanced, lets take the vibration of Do-48 as an example:

  • Do(descending)     48*2=96
  • TI                              48*1.875= 90
  • La                              48*1.666=80
  • So                              48*1.5=72
  • Fa                            48*1.333=64
  • Mi                            48*1.25=60
  • Re                             48*1.125=54
  • Do(descending)      48
  • Ti                               48*.9375= 45
  • La                               48*.8333=40
  • S0                               48*.75= 36
  • Fa                                48*.666=32
  • Mi                               48*.625=30
  • Re                                48*.5625=27

Understanding the “Law of Vibration” and musical scales are important to the timing of financial markets.  In fact, all the harmony ratios of the diatonic musical scale define the “growth spiral” of the financial markets.  Note:  The information  I have provided here is so limited and by no means should you base your investment decisions merely on the information presented here as cycles are progressional series just as everything else in nature.  And you are somehow wrong if you suppose that it has to do with the over-rated Fibonacci numbers And ratios.  Actually, the internet is filled with tons of misinformation!

Using the diatonic musical scale and the harmony ratios, I have projected certain major turning points, including  the upcoming  great crash due in may or June!

Below is what my time projections look like in the Dow monthly chart, I have nearly projected every single major turning point!

And, I would like to walk you through the major turning points in the weekly chart, as you can see on the monthly chart that I have already measured both from the high of  April 2010 to the high of May 2011 and from the low of July 2010 to the low of October 2011.  As you know we have 52 weeks between the highs.  Now it is time to do the math using the harmony ratios... so 52 * 1.5=78 weeks, (as I explained in my previous post), “the”musical fifth” is the ratio of 3/2 or the factor 1.5.  it nearly defines the high of September 2012.

Now from the low of July 2010 to the low of October 2011, we have 64 weeks and as I explained in my previous post, if you multiply 64 weeks to 1.5 you will get 96 weeks which defines a major turning point in late August or September.  I suppose the fall of 2013 will be really ugly.  According to the "Underlying Geometry of Harmonics" sometimes the harmonics in the patterns can be  kind of proportional.  For instance, we have 52 weeks from the High of April 2010 to high of May 2011.

And now, it just gets really interesting as I would like to apply the “Law of Equilibrium” in my calculations

In which all the opposites are somehow balanced.  You have alreay noticed that the ratio of "SO" in the descending octave is 0.75.  Actually if you multiply 52 to .75 you will get 39 weeks, which will somehow  define the low of June 2012.  Now if you measure from both the high of March 2012 and to high of September 2012, and the low of June 2012 and to the low of November 2012, you will find that we have 24 weeks between the tops and nearly 24 weeks between the bottoms.  Once again, the harmonics are proportional in the patterns.

But it gets really interesting if you multiply 24 weeks to the musical fifth, 24*1.5=36 weeks!  We may expect a major a turning point (probably a top) in late May or early June.  Now we should realize that these harmonics are not powerful enough to cause a really a major turning point like a major panic decline.  (As you know we have been rallying since March 2009 and now it is time to consider the bigger picture ,so please pay a particular attention to the following monthly chart.)

Also. I see another truning point in late February or possibly early March.  If it is due in early March, it could happen On March the 4th.  The rally we are in now, is quite unhealthy due to the heavy money printing by Fed.  The Stock Market is being flooded by the newly printed currency,which is why we are not in a standard cycle-pattern.  We can not be in this silly run-up now but rather in a sideways chop or a decline into late February or early March.  Of course, it is well-known fact that the market is often manipulated before the major turning points in order to suck in as many sheep (retail traders) as they can.

As you see, we already have 24 weeks between the low of June 2012 and the low of November 2012.  Now if you count 24 weeks from the high of September 2012 you will reach a turning point in late February or early March.  To the best of my knowledge it will not be a major turning point as we have bigger cycles and forces at work.

If the Stock Market were to return to its normal pattern late February or early March would put in a major bottom.  Then we could get back on board on the bullish side, but now all we have to do is wait and watch!  No matter what the direction is you may play it both directions.  The key is to wait for a set-up bar on the weekly chart.  As soon as you have the confirmation jump in!

Moving on...

As you can see we have 77 months between the low of October 2002 and the low of March 2009.  And now based on the “Law of Equilibrium” if you multiply 77 to .666 (the inverse of Fa) you will get 51.282 months.  What does it all mean?  It actually mean we are going to crash, then collapse big time late May or early June.  The down move will continue into early 2017, wiping out  all of the long-term bullish investors, earning the bearish one millions of dollars in profit.  But beware of the market manipulators though! (More on this by Red).

May you profit handsomely,

Feel free to email me your questions...

Ali Firoozi Yasar

afiroozi (at) rocketmail (dot) com.



Part Two:

Past History With Legatus And Turns In The Stock Market

by Red Dragon Leo

(to watch on youtube: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3C1RmFxdAhE)

First off I'd like to say that I'm not the one who put the pieces together concerning turns in the stock market being connected to meeting dates at Legatus events.  That credit goes to Reinhardt over at Enterprise Correction.  He correctly called the 2008 crash months in advance and told everyone the exact date it would start.  He was early by one day!  I'd call that close enough in my book wouldn't you?  Since then he's not posted another "100% sure" comment on his blog relating to anymore Legatus meeting that have followed that September 15th meeting.

However, I've seen him give odd's of "60/40 chance" once and even once a "70% chance"... which if I recall were "NOT" calls for another crash but simply a correction.  If I remember correctly the 60/40 call was based on some event happening (or not happening) which would then either raise the odds to 100% or to "slim or none".  The end result was that the much needed "reason to crash/correct" never happened and therefore not much happened with the market either.  This was obviously why the calls weren't for 100% chance as the "catalyst" was still missing.

Sadly I believe the same is true for this coming Legatus meeting starting on February 7th and ending February 9th, 2013...

I was very excited a month ago when I seen that they moved the "debt ceiling" date from February 30th back to February 15th, which was looking to me like it was going to be the reason to have a much needed 10% correction.  But then they went and passed some bill in Congress to extend it until May of this year.  It still has to pass the Senate too, but it's looking like there's little resistance at the moment and that leaves me wondering what other catalyst could they make happen so we can see this big move down in the market?  I don't see one in site right now and it's not like them to keep it a big secret and then throw it out there all at once.  They usually tell us sheep everything in advance, but of course in a manor that we seem to note figure out.

The only other "reason to sell" would be some false flag event that comes out of nowhere and panics the market to force that 10% correction.

But that also doesn't seem likely to happen right now as they seem to want the market to stay up really badly right now.  You can clearly see the extreme manipulation going on every day in the market now as they flood it with massive amounts of money to keep it from tanking.  Then there's this other little thing that's been bugging me, which is the "need" to see a new "all-time" high before a crash will be allowed to happen.  Right now they are only close to making a new high but not there yet.  So while we should see some type of nice pullback from hitting a double top I can't see them allowing a big move down (like 10%, which would be 150 spx points) as that might make it too hard to climb back up into May and put in a "blow off" new high.

From a technical point of view (not that they really work to well) any double top should put up huge resistance on the first hit of it and cause a pullback before going back up and making a second attempt.  So the question will be... how much of a pullback?  My gut tells me that we'll be lucky to see 5%, let alone 10%!  I just don't see them allowing it to drop to far if they plan to go back up and take out the current high and put in an extreme ridiculous crazy blow off top!  If you are a big bear like me you want them to put in some crazy new high as it's a huge signal that a crash will follow.  The higher they go, the harder they fall.

So what does that mean for this coming Legatus meeting you ask?

It means the odds go way down of a 10% correction now because of those very reasons above.  I'd now only give it a 50% chance we'll see a 10% sell off after Legatus, which by the way "NEED's" to line up with a "Double Top" at the same time so you'll have both the technical reason for the sell off and the ritual "rigged" reason from the gangster insiders closing their longs during the meeting and getting short before it starts heading south.  I'd give a 75% chance of a 5% correction, and 95% chance of at least a 1-2% correction from hitting the double top.

I know this is not what we bears was hoping for but you know how they change the game as we play it and start to figure it out.  They haven't put up the date for the next Legatus meeting but if they do it in May where all the "octave cycles" start coming together as Ali posted above then we'll know the date for the final top before the start of the first wave one down (a huge one) and the likely wave three down in August or so.   This mean we shouldn't go "all-in" on this February meeting as it could be a "dud" for us bears and only give us one small bite of a nice trout.  I'm personally looking for the whole lake full of trout to eat... which is the coming crash of course!

Remember not every one of the Legatus meeting produced a turn in the market.  Many did but some didn't.  The one's that did also had some "event" that was blamed for it.  If it rallied after the meeting then it was probably from some huge QE program injected into the market... whether it was made public or not, the results were the same.  If it sold off then it was from negative event.  But without any "event" the meetings weren't turning points but just continuation points from what I've noticed.

Let's look back in time at what happen in some of these prior meetings...

I'm not going to cover the 2008 crash in detail but I'll just remind you all that Lehman Brothers and the "possible banking collapse" was the reason for the crash (the public reason of course, as the untold reason was just to steal money from the sheep).  So let's start with the October 10th-19th, 2009 meeting (note: I don't have records of all the meetings and have missed some of them) in which we the market was about in the middle of a long rally up from the March, 2009 low.  There was a brief turn down for 2 weeks at the time of the meeting but then the rally continued for many more weeks to follow.  I'd call that meeting "non-important" as it didn't result in a really nice turn.

Next we have the meeting where I first learned about the group of gangsters and the time period where I seen my first fake print (FP) on January 11th, 2010 (which showed a 97 point drop that never happened that day).  That meeting date was February 4th-6th, 2010, and it produced a bottom right in the middle of it on the 5th that also matched up with my FP low target.  I'd call that meeting 100% accurate as you could have went long from it as it rallied for the next 2 months or more.

They usually have 2 meetings per year so there was probably one in late 2010 that I missed and one in early 2011, but I can't find those dates so I'll have to skip them and move on to the next one... which is October 13th-23rd, 2011 which produced a nice correction from 1292 SPX to 1158 in 4 weeks.  Certainly something worth playing as 134 SPX points is nothing to sneeze at!  I'd give that meeting a 100% accuracy rating, as that's about a 10% correction.

Then we have the February 2nd-4th, 2012 meeting which turned out to be a dud as it was right about in the middle of another rally from the late 2011 low to the later high in May of 2012.  I guess you could also look at that meeting as a "decision" point where they decided to continue the rally versus selling off?  You can see it in the charts that the daily was ready to rollover but the weekly still had room to go on the upside.  I don't recall what news happened during that period but I'd venture to guess that another stimulus package was put into the market.

Moving on we have the April 30th to May 2nd, 2012 meeting, which was 100% accurate as a turn.  The market peaked on May 1st at 1415 spx and dropped to 1291 by May the 18th, a 124 point move!  Very nice on that one I'd say.  From the looks of the move I'd say it was a "wave 3" in elliottwave terms.  Prior moves seem to have be a full 5 wave move but this one happened as a one complete wave 3, whereas the start of that move was on April 2nd, with the end of it on June 4th, 2012.

And after that meeting we had our most recent one on October 10th-21st, 2012 which actually saw it's peak on the 18th just a few days before the actually meeting ended.  This high was 1464 SPX and continued down until it bottomed at 1343 on November 11th... which was a 121 point drop in 23 days.  And from that low the market has been rallying up ever since (with a brief 7 day sell off from the fiscal cliff news).

Finally we arrive at the present date with the next Legatus meeting...

This week I believe we'll see them push the market up to a double top on all the major indexes (some have already hit), and if all goes as planned it will line up with this coming meeting on the 7th-9th... which implies that "if" the double top is hit this Thursday or Friday then that would be the best time to short the market.  If it doesn't quite make it by Friday the the following Monday the 11th could be the double top high and the date to go short.  But do note that I'm not give high odds of another 10% correction as I just don't see any catalyst to cause it to happen at the present time.  Add to that fact that "they" want to make "not only a double top" but a new all-time high... so high that it will kill ever last bear, and you have even more reasons to be cautious on the short side.

So unless I see some new FP that shows up as about a 5% (maybe 10%) move down (from the double top of 1574) then I'm not going "all-in" short here and will likely only take a small position.  I don't trust these gangsters as they are too good at tricking the bears with their heavy manipulation strategies.  A 10% correction would be 157 points and a 5% correction would be half of that or about 80 points (give or take a few).  That means we could hit that double top of 1574 and drop to around 1500 in the typical 3 week time frame to put in a low around the end of February just like Ali see's with his cycle work.

You can look back at many of these sell off's and you'll commonly see a pattern of about 10% in 3-4 weeks.  So it's nice to see this all lining up together with past history, a Legatus meeting, technical's (massively overbought), double top, and cycle work from Ali.  Also there is a full moon on February 10th as well as a very high reading of 5.5 here on the Spiral Dates chart (http://spiraldates.com/).  No one thing by itself seems to work to produce a turn but combining them all together does give us greater odds of a turn happening.  The question reminds... how much of a turn?

While I fully expect the gangsters manipulating this market to fool as many people as possible I just can't wrap my head around the thought that they will push straight through the double top without first pulling back some.  I think they are going to need some bears to squeeze in order to get through it which can only happen if you sell off some to get the bears trapped in some shorts.  So, I'll just stick to the odd's I mentioned earlier as all this evidence tells me we'll see something on the downside around this Legatus meeting period and the coming double top period.

In closing though I think you all should have figured out that the best time to go all-in short won't start until May, so I'm saving my nickel's and dime's for that time period and again... won't go in short too heavy at this double top and Legatus meeting.  Past history tells me you need a "catalyst" added into the fire with all the other stuff mentioned and I just don't see one yet.  The fact that they pushed the debt ceiling out until May is a sign to me and all I need now is a Legatus meeting in that month as well to confirm my analysis.


P.S.  That penny stock I've been telling you about is... well, I can't say.  But you'll see next week and the week after.  🙂


Author: Red

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Dave Lane
11 years ago

Red, it is the year of the SNAKE.

Cel de langa tine
11 years ago

Thank you Red.

11 years ago

ES Update: http://niftychartsandpatterns.blogspot.in/2013/02/es-chart-analysis.html

11 years ago

NFLX Chart update: http://niftychartsandpatterns.blogspot.in/2013/02/nflx-chart-update.html

Red Dragon Leo
11 years ago

I have to say that rarely do they gap up after a one day sell off to allow bears to get short at and then proceed to sell off the rest of the day and make a lower low.  When you see a gap up like this from only one day of selling it usually means it’s over with and back to rally mode.

Red Dragon Leo
11 years ago
Reply to  Red Dragon Leo

Probably a lot of trapped bears here as most didn’t see this coming.  Should be easy to squeeze them and get up to a double top of 1574 spx by early next week (right after Legatus).  Nice timing huh?

11 years ago

SILVER Resistance levels: http://niftychartsandpatterns.blogspot.in/2013/02/silver-resistance-levels.html

11 years ago

APPLE Chart analysis: http://niftychartsandpatterns.blogspot.in/2013/02/apple-resistance-levels.html

BigHouse(Aka Mr Vix)
BigHouse(Aka Mr Vix)
11 years ago

Wish that penny stock moved up big like the  SPX did today

Red Dragon Leo
11 years ago

Just started some things today… should gather steam in a few days and really pick up after the 13th.

11 years ago

 PBR  reports lowest profit since 2004, traded for $7 bucks back then

11 years ago
Bill Weather
11 years ago

thanx RED! Nice read!  Hope you’ll go to my web site as well, qwakeup.org, for what’s coming from another Mother

Red Dragon Leo
11 years ago
Reply to  Bill Weather

Didn’t know you had a site Bill… will definitely check it out.

Bill Weather
11 years ago

Gonna start a new study on CNBC articles they’re pumping the sheeple, whether mostly bullish or bearish and how the market the next day responds….. many articles there tonight are bearish, so I expect tomorrow to be bullish. I should also study the 2 to 3 day moves also and get a good measure of the bearish/bullish change from day to day, for short term moves. Will be interesting to get a measure on.

11 years ago

SPX Analysis after closing bell: http://niftychartsandpatterns.blogspot.in/2013/02/s-500-analysis-after-closing-bell_6.html

11 years ago

DJANGO, we’ve got your #$#%&#.   Give yourself up or we waste her # $%^&*#$.

You’ve got till 10…..



11 years ago

The infamous 26 tomorrow….or 33 33 as presented in Full Metal Jacket….26-13==39…..4166 days from you know when  41(66) or 512…..

Flacco#5 did have a 512 hookup in the Superbowl with his Td throw to #12 at the end of the first half of the SB.  #12 would later have a 108 kickoff return to start the 2nd hald before the SB went into BLACK SUNDAY mode.

This after the Salpal presentation discussing how the Ravens were heading into the Superbowl with a 5thyear QB (#5) and Ray Lewis looking for another ring 12 years later.

26===116…..The Simpsons clock with the 58 (13) squares along the diameter, 29 black,29 white.

There’s a nice 611 presentation (with a 12 stuck in between) in the train scene from L’Aventurra (1960) with a 6F (66) to start it off.   (Check out the pillow behind Monica Vitti’s head and the seat number above as well as the seat number on the opposite side…first shown as 12 and then 11)) 

11 years ago

ES Chart update: http://niftychartsandpatterns.blogspot.in/2013/02/s-500-futures-hour-chart-analysis.html

11 years ago

Bank of America Trading range: http://niftychartsandpatterns.blogspot.in/2013/02/bank-of-america-chart-analysis.html

Red Dragon Leo
11 years ago

Isn’t it exciting to be a Bull gang?  Almost like watching snail races!

Red Dragon Leo
11 years ago

New brief update sent out about penny stock newsletter…

11 years ago

The European indices aren’t look pretty.   Pretty much all are hugging their lower BB in a very precarious manner.

11-7 saw sharp turn down.(90 degrees ago)   We are also in the vicinity of 2year9months from 5-6-10, or 144 weeks later ie 12×12 and one of Gann’s favorite numbers and 1 year 6 months from 8-8-11.

There’s a high dose of numerology over the next couple of days.   Might need to stay up and see what happens overnight in Europe but there is a rate decison by the ECB  in the morning.  GB has one as well.

A certain little indicator hit -66.69 2 days ago and bounced back to the 0 line today.

11 years ago

FACEBOOK Chart update: http://niftychartsandpatterns.blogspot.in/2013/02/facebook-chart-analysis.html

11 years ago

APPLE Trend update: http://niftychartsandpatterns.blogspot.in/2013/02/apple-trend-update.html

Red Dragon Leo
11 years ago

This is got to be extremely frustrating for both bulls and bears as the market just chops them both to death.  Today is the first day of Legatus and we “could” see the selling start tomorrow if the gangsters want out early.

Again, I’m not looking for a huge correction here.  I still see a 95% chance of a 1%-2% pullback “if” we hit a double top (1574 spx… not looking likely) by next Monday or Tuesday.  Then a 75% chance of a 5% correction and a 50% chance of a 10% correction, with the last week of February being the most likely bottoming area.

Then we should see a rally into May for the final high before we see the first crash wave (with the biggest crash wave in August).  The new high should breakthrough the current high and put in an “all time” new high.  Likely zone is 1630-1650 spx.

Bill Weather
11 years ago
Reply to  Red Dragon Leo

also a chance we could go up from consolidation here in the 1500 area….. thats because of the exception of the QE3 money, the fed feeding the banks all that free money for worthless mortgage paper….where they gonna put all that doe? the money printing is rediculous…cant see them in tbills or bonds…..so I expect stocks to keep going possibly…..of course, this is all rediculous fakery of the funny money….. but whatever the banksters want, the banksters get

Red Dragon Leo
11 years ago
Reply to  Bill Weather

Which is why I took a small short Bill.  I just don’t know for sure what they have planned here?  I’m going short basically just on the meeting starting, maybe a little also that there is a “New Moon” this Sunday, and that the year of Snake starts this Sunday.

The charts are worthless as we’ll been overbought forever now it seems, so that’s not a primary reason for me to decide to go short.  Not that the spiraldates.com dates always work but when lined up with other events the 5.5 reading on the 10th also points to a turn.

11 years ago

CRUDE Oil support and resistance: http://niftychartsandpatterns.blogspot.in/2013/02/crude-oil-support-and-resistance-levels_7.html

Red Dragon Leo
11 years ago

I’m beginning to think the high is in today and we sell off tomorrow…. just like they
did on the October 10th-21st meeting last year. They topped on
Thursday the 18th and started selling early before the meeting ended
Sunday the 21st. Friday the 19th was a nice down day that lasted into
the following week.

Therefore I’ve taken a small short position today.  Again, I’m a little hesitant to go short very heavily as there’s still NO catalyst to cause a nice correction.  But the failure to get up to the double top zone of 1574 spx before the meeting leaves me to think this is all we are going to get.  So, I’m dipping my toes in a little to see what happens…

Red Dragon Leo
11 years ago

Big Bets like this are usually insiders, who are usually correct!  Nice timing with Legatus huh?


11 years ago

S&P 500 Analysis after close: http://niftychartsandpatterns.blogspot.in/2013/02/s-500-analysis-after-closing-bell_8.html

11 years ago

FORD Chart update: http://niftychartsandpatterns.blogspot.in/2013/02/ford-chart-analysis_8.html

Red Dragon Leo
11 years ago

What does that mean?

11 years ago

APPLE Update: http://niftychartsandpatterns.blogspot.in/2013/02/apple-chart-update.html

Red Dragon Leo
11 years ago

Here’s a 2nd huge bet of a big move down coming soon, and this one is against the banks…


This one along with the one earlier on the VIX is raising the odds on the 10% correction I believe…


Red Dragon Leo
11 years ago
Reply to  Red Dragon Leo

Sorry about the duplicate links… here’s the one about the banks!


anthony arciello
anthony arciello
11 years ago

Thinking it srarts this week red?

Red Dragon Leo
11 years ago

Doesn’t look like it Anthony.  Monday is of course a “daily” eleven day as it’s the eleventh and many tops are put in on eleven days, so that could be the top.  Then Tuesday is a “yearly” eleven as all the digits add up to equal eleven, so it could happen then too.  Either way, a top is near…

11 years ago

Hey Red if the market drops big what do you think will happen to the penny stock?

Red Dragon Leo
11 years ago
Reply to  leopisa

It won’t be affected Leopisa.  In fact I see move up in it starting Wed/Thurs of next week, and possibly Mon/Tues… which ‘if’ it moves up early I’ll be using those profits to short this market.  Remember, many tops (not all) are on “eleven” days so would could see the top on either day next week.  Maybe we’ll get lucky and the penny will run for those 2 days while the market peaks?

Red Dragon Leo
11 years ago

I remember a year ago now (when Cobra’s blog was free) I seen someone post a link in the comments about a large bet made on the dollar going up by some mystery men (in black suits and dark sunglasses I bet… LOL), and over the next 3-4 weeks the market tanked and the dollar soared… meaning everyone should pay close attention to this two huge bets as they are very likely insiders that know what’s coming.

Red Dragon Leo
11 years ago

Ok gang, everything looks good for next Monday or Tuesday as the top.  I took a small short yesterday just in case they tricked me and sold off today but I’ll be taking the larger position next week.  Go Bears!

11 years ago
Reply to  Red Dragon Leo

just to make sure might wait till the 21st or 22sec

Red Dragon Leo
11 years ago
Reply to  leopisa

I doubt it Leopisa, but anything is possible I guess?  Just that almost all of the past Legatus meetings produced a turn either during the meeting or just a few days after the meeting.  The 21st or 22nd is too far out in my opinion.

11 years ago

QQQ Weekend update: http://niftychartsandpatterns.blogspot.in/2013/02/qqq-weekend-update_9.html

11 years ago

It’s starting to REALLY look like the April 2010 top. ie April 26—-ONS Jr. Market !!!!

There is a 14-15 this week but it looks to be too close to the top.    They are even 1014, 1015 days respectively from 5-6-2010.   We’ll have to see if some other variant of Fahrenheit 451 emerges.

11 years ago

Facebook weekend update: http://niftychartsandpatterns.blogspot.in/2013/02/facebook-weekend-update.html

david christoph
11 years ago
Reply to  SAN

Facebook to track users’ location as strategy to monetize mobile

Will Facebook users accept greater surveillance? 
Will they even get a choice whether to opt in?

11 years ago

The Thrice just defeated the Lakers 107-97 in MIAMI.   Friday will be 7x the THRICE number days ie 952 (97) days since the unveiling of the THRICE number on 7-9-10.   I noticed ref #48 was working today, the same #48 who worked the THRICE’s elimination game during the NBA finals on 6-12-11 during their first title run.    48 combining with 9 while since retired #29 stood at the scorer’s title during one particular ritual with the score 42-40 in the second quarter with 6:25 remaining.   I believe #48 is the one who was a frequent phone partner of the infamous ref Donaghy.

The Thrice’s #6 with 32 points (4×8).

11 years ago

GOLD Triangle and channel: http://niftychartsandpatterns.blogspot.in/2013/02/gold-triangle-and-channel.html

11 years ago

ES Charts: http://niftychartsandpatterns.blogspot.in/2013/02/es-chart-analysis_11.html

11 years ago

Any one have any thoughts on the Pope resigning? Kind of interesting that it happen on the weekend after the Legatus meeting……

Red Dragon Leo
11 years ago
Reply to  Speran49

I seen that too… maybe he got caught eating children?  Whatever the reason it is something to be concerned about when it happens right after Legatus.  Speaking of Legatus, tomorrow is a “yearly” eleven day as all the digits add up to equal eleven.  Many tops are put in on 11 days so if we don’t turn today then tomorrow seems most likely.

However, I’m still worried about the fact that we never put in a double top.  I’d much rather have shorted there at the same time of this meeting because the odds would be much higher of a turn down.  Now we seem to be stuck in limb… do we turn down right after Legatus or up to go make that double top (or more?).

Obviously something important happened at that meeting or the pope wouldn’t have stepped down.  But what, and how does it affect the stock market?  If we don’t turn down tomorrow I’m out of my small short position and will sit in cash (and do my penny stocks) until May most likely as we could have a “non-event” with this meeting.

11 years ago
Reply to  Speran49

there is a prophecy saying the next pope is the false prophet and his name will be called peter

anthony arciello
anthony arciello
11 years ago

AAPL speech moved- interesting. could be catalyst to take market down?

Red Dragon Leo
11 years ago

To when? What date and time?

anthony arciello
anthony arciello
11 years ago

10:15 tomorrow- 6 hours early

Red Dragon Leo
11 years ago

In case you’ve all been wondering watch I’ve been doing today, I’ve been watching this instead of the market (more exciting)…


11 years ago
Reply to  Red Dragon Leo

Its only 8 mins, do u have any other parts to it?

Red Dragon Leo
11 years ago
Reply to  Turbo_Tim

Yeah, those snails were too fast.  Maybe I need to watch paint dry?

11 years ago

ES update: http://niftychartsandpatterns.blogspot.in/2013/02/es-chart-update_12.html

11 years ago

GLD Triangle pattern: http://niftychartsandpatterns.blogspot.in/2013/02/gld-triangle-pattern-update.html

Red Dragon Leo
11 years ago

Good Morning Gang…

Is it groundhog day again?  Certainly starting out that way it seems.  If it doesn’t rollover by the close today then whatever they decided at the last Legatus meeting (besides asking the Pope to retire) wasn’t something that affects the market.

Therefore I’ll have no choice but to close the small short I put on last Thursday and go to cash.  Let’s just wait and watch I guess as it’s either going to be another boring day or possibly the start of a decent wave down.

Red Dragon Leo
11 years ago

This Bull’s name is Wile E Coyote and he’s standing on air right now but he doesn’t know it yet…



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