Wednesday, September 18, 2024
Home Blog Page 114

Finally, The Bear Gets Feed…



More Downside To Come...

Volume picked up today to 187 million shares traded on the SPY, but still under the 200 million, (or above) that usually produces a DOWN day.  That's 2 day's that the market fell with light volume.  What do you think will happen with heavy volume?  Yeah... now you're getting exciting!

I expect some news out in the next few days to be reason for the big fall, but it's really just the technicals that are pointing down.  However, people trade with their emotions, so a bad jobs number or some other news could be just the reason to sell hard.  Regardless of what news the media blames for the coming fall, I don't care... I'm just glad to see the technicals starting to work again.

As for tomorrow...

We could pause or go up a little during the morning, and then sell off in the afternoon.  If the market closes tomorrow below the low today at 109.27 spy/1088.61 spx, then that will confirm the move and the market should fall quickly to 107.65 spy-108.00 area.  At that point, we should have a bounce.

We could push down to that level on Friday, and then rally back up next Monday for option expiration.  I'm told that the "Current Pain" is 109 spy for this opx.  The difference in current pain and option pain is that current pain only takes into account the last month of option purchases, whereas the option pain list all the purchases since the option became available.  That could be over a year ago... which really doesn't make the market move to that area as those positions are too old.  The last 30 days of option purchases is more accurate.

So, it's possible that we close next Friday around 109 spy.  I suspect we will go down to the 107.65 level, (or possible lower?), and then back up for option expiration.  However, we could just bust on through to the 104 level before a bounce?  Any thing can happen at this point, so let's just hold on and see what happens over the next few days, as we are headed down for now.


Light Volume Produces A Down Day…


With only 128 million shares of the SPY traded today you would expect a huge UP day... but it was DOWN!  This is a big change in the market, and could make a big difference in the coming days and weeks.  Apple was down, Goldman Sachs was down, JP Morgan was down, Oil (USO) was down, Gold opened down, and of course the dollar was down too... but recovered later.

The only reason the dollar (UUP) was down... was again due to government manipulation.  Bernanke spoke and the dollar fell... coincidence?  I think not!


This market is getting ready to fall hard folks!  Stay short!  Tuesday could be another pause day as the dollar tries to break overhead resistance.  Once it does... the market could quickly fall to the 1070 area within a couple of days!

Everything is looking negative right now for the market.  All the leaders... the Financials, Commodities, Gold, and the Technology are all struggling to rise up.  The XLF (banking index) has been falling for several weeks now.  Gold dropped huge on Friday and gaped down today.  It may recover as it isn't viewed like other commodities because people flock too it when fear comes into the market.

But, the leader in technology... Apple, has been falling hard too.  Oil (USO) broke out of the lower trend line in the downward channel it's been in.  If it closes below it tomorrow then it will then be confirmed, and will fall hard to the next support levels.  If oil can't support the S&P500, and the financials can't either... then who will?

Tech can't do it, Gold can't do it... what's left?  NOTHING!  The market is hanging on by a thread, and the "Three Stooges" can only delay it's demise.


It's coming down folks!  Again, it might not be tomorrow... but Wednesday through Friday should be ugly!  I just can't see any possible way to hold it up with all your leaders falling.

In the past, when one sector would struggle to make new highs, the other sectors would step up to the plate and rally the market.  We have seen it time and time again.  The financials start to fall and then Exxon would rally, bringing the market up.  Or, technology (like Apple) would rally the market while oil took a breather.

It looks too me like all the big players are tired and ready to take a break.  Simply put... the market is out of steam and ready to fall.  I'm staying short!  End of story...


Weekend Update…


Wow...  What a wild day on Friday!


First we gap up huge on the low jobs number, only to finally hit the master level of resistance that I'll been talking about for weeks now... 1119.13 (SPX)/112.38 (SPY).  Then, we fall hard as the dollar gets a huge squeeze.  Back up again to about the 20ma intraday level, then down one more time to put in a double bottom, and finally back up to about the 50% fib. intraday level to close out the day.  Are we done now?  Are the Bulls finally happy?  I think so!

Monday should be a "pause" day (basically flat), as the dollar (which controls the market) hit a resistance level, will probably sell off a little bit to form a "Bullish Flag Pattern".  That means that the market will head lower next week as I forecasted on last week's "Weekend Update" post.  This now looks like Scenario ONE is going to play out.  Here's the chart again, (from last week)...


Our first big move going down should take us to the gap fill area around 1070 spx.  I believe we will break the 1085 level sometime this week, so I wouldn't be buying on any hit of that level, thinking that it's a big support level.  Keep in mind that every time you hit a support or resistance level, it becomes weaker with every hit.  Looking back, I see the first hit on November 12th-13th, then again on 20th, and a third time on the 27th.

That last one bust through the level and dipped to 1083.74 intraday.  This will be the fourth hit of the 1085 spx level, and I believe it will break this time around.  I think we will hit the 1070 level, and then bounce back up to probably the 1085 level as a "back test".  From there I'm looking for more downside to about 1030-1040 area.  I still believe this will happen before option expiration.  (By the way, the "Option Pain" level is 102 SPY for December OPX)


There are a lot of great traders out there that many people don't even know about.  Most don't publish blogs, as they are too busy trading to add all the extra work and headaches you get when you decide to publish a blog.  I myself only started this blog to post my thoughts on the market and the economic, as I didn't want to make these "sometimes" long story's into posts or comments on other peoples' blog.

Although many people don't mind reading long posts, some people get annoyed with it... and rightfully so!  Some posters, including myself, will have a moment that they need to air out their frustrations in some long bitching, and complaining post that has nothing to do with where the market is going, and of very little help to other's reading the blog.

So, I decided I'd put up my own blog, and that way I could bitch and complain all I wanted too... about Goldman Sucks, the government, the 3 stooges (Obama, Geithner, Bernanke), or anything else I felt like "airing it out" about.  Well, that was my original reason for creating this blog.  But, it's seems that now that I have that freedom, I don't post too much about it... but instead I post about where the market is headed.  Isn't life funny sometimes?

Back on track...

In closing I am still short and will stay that way until OPX if needed.  I will close out some shorts once we hit the 1070 level, and reload on the bounce.  That's the plan for now, and it's of course subject to change.  One final thing, you and I... meaning everyone who reads this post, should go over to The Chart Pattern Trader and watch Ron Walker's latest video.  It's excellent in my opinion, and will definitely open your eye's a little if you think that this market is going higher next year.


P.S.  If some of you were on this page between 8-8:30 pm Sunday night, you may have seen the blog change back to the default theme.  Sorry about that.  I updated the blog and it erased my pictures.  Stupid wordpress... Arrgggh!

Missed By 12 Cents…



In several of my weekend updates I have spoken about the market wanting to go to the 112.30-112.50 spy area.  This area was almost reached today with an intraday high at 112.18 (spy).  Will that be enough to satisfy the market?  I believe it's close enough, and that the high for the year is now in.

Unless the jobs number Friday is really great, I don't see anymore rallying by up to try again.  The market sold off hard the last hour of the day, as many are expecting bad numbers tomorrow.  Comments made warn of weak numbers, and that should stop any rally back up to 112.18, or higher.

Of course it could rally some in the morning, but I expect any rally to be sold back down hard.  We could simply gap down on bad numbers, rally back a little, and then sell off into the close.  Regardless of whether it rallies up in the morning or gaps down, the end result should be the same... a lower close!

I believe this to be the start of the move down that will take us to 104 spy by option expiration.  I posted on my weekend update that I see a move down to the 107 area for gap fill first, then a rally back up to under the lower support level around 1085 (SPX), and finally a push down to the 104 level (1035 spx) by OPX.

I know many people don't think that could happen, but I believe it fool a lot of traders.  Several things are supporting this forecast, with one being the continued sell off in the banking stocks.  Goldman, JPM, Chase, Citi, and others have been going down for over a week now.

Next you have the dollar and the fact that it appears to have found some type of temporary bottom here.  It seemed to "not want to go lower" today, even though I'm sure the boys in Washington were trying to do so.  Let's not forget about the SPX making a Triple Top too.

Gold also seem ready to pullback now.  Everything is now pointing to another 5% correction in the market over the next 2 weeks.  If the dollar gets a decent bid the people who are short, and there's a whole lot of them, are going to get caught in a huge short squeeze.  Gold will fall, and so will the market.

Too many people are thinking that we are going higher, without any pullback.  I don't believe it.  Remember, the market makers like to take everyone's money... not just the bears!  Bulls had better sell now, before the stampede start...


Groundhog Day…


What am I going to say today?  The weather was Hot and Sunny out today... just like it was yesterday, and the day before that, and that, etc...  This is getting really old now.  I feel like I'm in the movie Ground Hog Day!  I wake up and it's the same thing today as yesterday.


Will it every end?  I don't know?  I'm still short and looking for a sell off to occur soon... if I don't get old and gray waiting on it.


Mr. Topstep’s Latest Video…


We rallied back up again today, taking out many stops as Mr. Topstep explains above. This is what I said might happen in my weekend post. Looks like Scenario One is now in play. Let's see if the down move starts tomorrow or Thursday?

As I said yesterday, I'm still short. This was nothing more then a "Bear Squeeze", designed to scare everyone out. I'm not scared! Every major technical is still pointing down. I'm sticking this one out, as I'm looking for a move down to 104.00 SPY before OPX. I expect to see it start this week. It could only be a few days, but a week is probably needed to get down to 104.00 spy.

That's all for now, as nothing has changed.


Sometimes You Just Want To Sleep Through It…



No Follow Through Today As Light Volume Rules...

In order to confirm the down move from Friday we needed a lower low to be put in today.  That didn't happen as light volume floated the market higher as I expected it might.  I posted on my weekend post that Monday could be an UP down, and sure enough... it was!

The volume was less then the 200 million or more needed to produce a DOWN day, coming in at around 160 million shares traded on the SPY.  What does this mean?  It means that the market could trade sideways, up, or down tomorrow.  No direction has been chosen yet.

We may simply chop around here all week, as it's hard to get any real selling when the Fed keeps manipulating the market by selling the dollar.  On the other hand, the market can't seem to get over the 109.68 spy to 110.38 (Great Wall of China) area on a conformation close.  That means 2 days above it, or below it, with the 2nd day closing higher or lower then the first day.

I'm still bearish as the daily charts are pointing down, as well as the weekly and many other indicators that are now bearish.  I will hold my position as I believe the market will break to the down side some time this week.  I do expect some bigger volume later this week, as there is lots of news out this week.

I'm still inclined to believe that the news must be really positive to get a big rally going, and on the other side... a really negative news event to cause more selling.  Another news event like Dubai could come out this week.  I seriously doubt that "everything is ok now".  Traders aren't stupid.  They are waiting for something really good... or really bad to happen.

Otherwise, they will simply day trade above and below the Great Wall of China... until something happens to cause a big break out!  I think it will be something negative, and that's how I'm positioned.  I continue to believe that a sell off needs to occur before any successful rally above the great wall will happen.


Weekend Update…


Has the market really topped?  What's in store for next week?  Those are the two biggest questions that are going through my mind right now.  To answer the first question... I'm not sure yet?  It all depends on how far down we go in the next week or so.  If we take out the 1030 SPX level, then I will have to say that the market has most likely topped.

Now... with that being said, I don't think we will take it out on this coming down move.  Christmas is coming up soon, and that means that traders will be going on vacation.  This will leave the market with very light volume... and we all know that light volume usually equals an UP market.

Regardless of the light volume or not, the end of December is usually Bullish... which is why they call it a "Christmas or Santa Claus Rally".  But, for the nearer term... meaning next week, I believe we are headed down.  I'm going to present 2 different Scenario's, but both are pointing down.

Scenario ONE

We open Monday and rally up a little more as Monday's have been bullish lately, plus some of the traders will still be out for the holiday.  Light volume is also common on Monday's.  Let's not forget that the governments around the world have had the entire weekend to come up with a plan to ease the fears of default over in Dubai.  Trust on this one... they will announce something positive to curb anymore heavy selling.

However, the rest of the week should have lots of economic news coming out... and most of it should be negative.  Any rally on Monday should be shorted as I expect the rest of the week to sell off.  If it's really bad, then the target is 1030-1035 SPX.  The "not so bad news" target is 1045-1050 SPX.  If we rally up on Monday, then the 1045-1050 SPX area is where I'd expect the low to be this week.


Scenario TWO

We continue down on Monday to the 1070 area to fill the gap, then rally back up on Tuesday to hit the 1085 support turned resistance level.  Then fall the rest of the week to 1030-1035 SPX.  This is the most bearish forecast, and I really don't see it happening.  But, anything is possible?


Ok, as you can see... both Scenario's call for the market to be quite a bit lower toward the end of this week.  As I previously stated... I'm am now short the market, and will remain short regardless of how high the possible rally on Monday is.  I'm sure that the market makers will try to scare all the shorts out of the market by taking it as high as possible.

Come to think of it... they probably have a lot of people short right now, which could be the fuel they need for a nice "short squeeze" on Monday.  Again, I will ride out any push higher!  The maximum that I can see is for one big "Hell Mary" push to touch the 1120 level.  I don't really see it happening, but it's possible.

Looking forward, I think the more probable scenario is for a nice sell off this week, and then a rally next week, that could simply form a lower high, or possibly a new high up to that 1120 level.  I don't think they will make it this week.  Simply put, this week should be down, and next week should rally back up.




Brief post tonight…


Brief post tonight.  I went short today as I expect next week to have some decent selling.  I'll have a weekend post update by late Sunday night.  Have a great weekend.


The Dollar Gets Pounded Again…



The dollar had a huge gap down on Wednesday, but the market didn't really rally up that much?  Could a big "disconnet" between the two be starting?  The market should have been up 100-150 Dow points on such a big sell-off in the dollar.  But, it struggled to make it too 1110 SPX?  Something doesn't smell right, that's for sure.

Regardless of whether we make to 112.30-112.50 spy, or not, I still believe the market is ready to tank next week.  So, I will take a short position Friday even if it doesn't make it to that area.


WOW!  Futures TANK over Dubai...

Looks like I missed my chance to go short on Friday, as the S&P Futures tanked 23.75 points to 1085.00, in response to Dubai's Credit-Default's.

Click here for more detail... (

This is HUGE folks, as it clearly tells me that "The Top" is almost surely in!  I just can't see them making it back up, and going above the current high.  I think Primary Wave 3 has now started!  I'm trying not to bitch too much, but I'm really quite angry right now, as they did this on a holiday when the markets were closed.  That keeps the bears from jumping on board and making some money.  Never forget that the Market Makers are evil and will alway try to keep you and me from making any profit.

I'm sure they were already positioned short, and will profit nicely while most of us have missed the big move down.  So what now?  Do you go short on Friday, and try to catch this falling knife?  I can't answer that question, as I'm very frustrated right now, and angry at myself for not seeing the signs on the wall yesterday.

You definitely don't want to go long at this point.  It looks like the best play is to wait for a bounce back up and then go short.  We could be looking a some really big selling the next few days folks!  If you are already short... hang on tight as this roller-coaster is going straight down!


Where this ride stops is any one's guess?  There is support at the 1070 gap area, and then 1040.  If we break through the 1030 intraday low from the 1st of this month... we are in for a whole lot of trouble.  That's the level that Mr. TopStep said that needed to be broken to send this market back down to the 900 area. Here is that video again... and by the way, that's his latest video. I'll put up his next one when he does it.

The post I was going to do, which is crossed out above, was going to talk about how the banks weren't rallying up with the market these last few days.  In fact, they have been selling off quite a bit.  Since the financials were the one's who started this whole rally up from March, it only seems logical that they will be the one's who cause it to crash back down too.

Moving on...

I think there might be a small bounce Friday (I hope), that will allow me to get into a short position.  Monday could be brutal as traders come back from vacation to read the bad news in Dubai.   As they always say... "The toughest time to go short is after it starts falling without you".  Just like going long is tough after it has already started to rally.

If this downturn is anything like the rally up, then there won't be many bounces to get short from.  Remember how many people were waiting for a 38.2% pullback (or any normal fib level) to happen before they were going to go long.  From the March low to the high, all the pullbacks were about 5%... never giving any bulls a chance to get on the rally up, or any bears a chance to switch sides and profit on the rally too.

They never allowed us any chance to go long a make a decent profit.  They always wanted people to buy the high, and hope it would go higher.  It's just like now... we will have to go short after the big fall, or wait for a bounce that may not happen as technicals indicate they should.

Don't get trapped with "in the box thinking"...


I really need to "think outside box" on this one, as once they have every bear thinking that "it's just a pullback before another rally higher"... that's when it really is Primary Wave 3!  I remember thinking that same thing with P2 (Primary Wave 2...up, of course).  I just thought that every up move was just a bounce before the sell-off continued... but it never happened!

P2 had begun, and most bears had no clue!  Every bear thought they were still in P1 down, and of course none of the bulls went long either, as they too thought we were still in P1 down.  Everyone expected the market to continue lower then the 667 spx low... but it didn't.

Now, everyone is expecting 1120 area as the high... will history repeat itself?  I think it will.  I think this is the start of P3 down, and any rally back up will not take out the current high of 1114.  This Dubai issue was release on Thanksgiving for a reason folks!  I promise you that our government and their's planned out every detail possible, before making it known to the public.

This "Cat and Mouse" game that our government, and every government around the world plays, is going to spiral out of control once it collapses... and that's really soon I believe.  As I said above, I think we will find support at the 1070 gap area, and then 1040.  After that, well... it's all bad news!  Breaking the intraday low around 1030, will put the finally nail in the coffin of what the P2 top is, as P2 will be officially DONE!

Bring on P3...

Sorry this post is so long, but sometimes peoples' thoughts are more important then just a bunch of chart's and technical data.  Anna, over at Hot Option Babe, (my close friend... by the way) stated to me over the phone yesterday that my posts are too long and she gets lost and falls asleep reading them.  We'll if you've made it this far, then thanks for not falling asleep on me.

I try to entertain my reader's and as well as inform them.  Lot's of other great blogs to read for TA's, Elliottwave, Astrology, etc...  This blog is about putting all the pieces together and trying to make some money from it.  Since "People" are the driving force behind the buying and selling of this market, I have to try and figure out what they are thinking ahead of time.

Remember this... ultimately, after all the technical analysis's, elliottwave counts, fib retracement levels predicted, and astro turn dates discovered... people still make decision's based on "Fear" and "Greed"!  So, you have to ask yourself this question...

What is everyone going to do when the Dubai news becomes well known by the public and all the other traders?  Do I think that next week will bring more good news or bad news?  If I'm already worried about the Dubai problem, am I likely to view next weeks' news as positive or negative, if it simply comes in "as expected"?

I remember how all the news that came out during the March rally up was still bad, but some how it was viewed as "less bad"... which gave the market the "juice" to rally some more.  Now... let's look back closer at that time period some.  Was the market over bought or over sold back then?  It was extremely over sold, from all TA's and Fib levels, and Elliottwave counts.  By all means, it could have, and should have turned back up for awhile, to rally and work off some of the over sold conditions.

Now, let's look at today.  Would you say that we are over sold or over bought?  Clearly most people will agree that we are over bought (from a longer term outlook, like the weekly charts).  At this point, any news that is released... even the exact same news as in March, could now be view as negative.  Why?  Because we are so over bought now, as opposed to over sold then.

During the rally up, all the news was spun as positive if it was only slightly failing to meet expectations.  Now, I think the reverse is going to happen.  The news will be spun as negative if it only slightly beats expectations.  I believe from here on out... you shouldn't be "buying the dip" as much, but instead "selling the bounce".  This is a start of a big change in mood.

I haven't even talked about the dollar yet, but I'll try to keep this short and sweet.  Once the falling dollar no longer creates an opposing rally in the market... the rally is over!  I think that has already happened here folks.  At some point, the dollar collapsing is going to be viewed a negative, and the market will sell-off too.  Then when the dollar rallies hard, the market will sell-off there as well.  Either way you cut it... the market is screwed!

Rapping up...

Going into tomorrow, I don't like the idea of going short after a big fall, but I'm going to go with my gut on this one and go short sometime tomorrow.  Of course I want it to bounce some tomorrow, but if it doesn't then I'm going short anyway.

Of course I missed getting in at the top yesterday, which means I'm not the first person out the door.  But instead, it's kind of like being the 10th person to hear the story being passed around, not the first person... but also knowing that there are 100 more people behind you that haven't heard the story yet!  What are they going to do on Monday morning?


Think like the retail trader here... does "Fear" ring a bell?  In the video above, Mr. TopStep says to "K.I.S.S. it" or "Keep it simple stupid".  The market did "seal the deal" at 1108.30 when it closed above it at 1110.63 yesterday.  Is it time to "sell the farm"... I believe so!


Happy Thanksgiving America…



Happy Thanksgiving to all my America followers.  For all others, sorry about not posting last night as it's holiday here in America.  I will make a post tonight about what I'm planning for Friday and next week.


Light Volume Rules The Market Again…



Just as I guessed would happen, the market was flat.  A sell off in the morning, and then the usual slow grind back up in the late afternoon.  This seems to happen day in and day out.  Yesterday the market gaped open, and then rallied up some more in the first hour, only to slide back down the rest of the afternoon into the close.  The end result was a flat day.

So, ask yourself this question... If this Friday kicks off the big holiday buying season, and the government wants you to believe that the worst is behind us, what do you think the stock market is going to do?  Crash?  LOL!  Not on your life!  What do you think a 400-500 point DOW down day would do to the confidence of the shoppers about to go spend a bunch of money on Thanksgiving... and start their Christmas shopping too?

The best we could hope for is about 100 points or so down.  But, I seriously doubt that will happen as the market is dead set on making that 50% fib level around 112.30-112.50 spy.  If there wasn't any major goal in the cards, then a small down day could occur.  However, I believe the news out tomorrow, on the jobs and everything else, will be "cooked".  That's right folks... the government will get out their erasers and fudge all the important data tomorrow, so the market will rally some more.

If we don't hit that 50% level tomorrow, then Friday, or even possibly Monday it should be hit.  If this market wasn't so controlled by the dollar, (which the government controls completely), then I wouldn't put so much effort into writing and focusing about how the news is spun and the dollar controlled.

The technicals do work, but they can be delayed by the obvious manipulation by the government.  Many times when we should actually retrace to a 50% or 61.8% fib level, the government intervenes by dumping the dollar, and the market only sells off to the 38.2% level.  This will eventually catch up to the market, as you can only take so many hits of speed before you crash... and you will crash hard!

But, for now, I still say that we will hit the 112.30-112.50 level before any sell off will happen.  We might even push a little higher intraday to an even level like 113.00?  That will be the ideal place to short for a nice 5% or more pullback in the market.  It should last 1-2 weeks, before a Santa Claus rally starts and pushes the market back up some to end the year.


Worthless Dollar…



Well, the dollar got pounded Sunday night,  and market gaped up big when the market opened Monday morning.  I missed this opportunity to profit on this move up, as I didn't get into a long position on Friday.  It seems that the market makers don't want to give us little guys a chance to profit, so they gap it open causing us to miss the big move.  Of course they would like us to jump on board and chase the tape up, but I'm not falling for that old trick.

Tomorrow should be a pause day, but anything can happen... so I'm setting on the sidelines.  Since today put in a double top, that kills the head and shoulder formation.  So, the next target up is around 112.30-112.50 spy.  Notice that where the market gaped open is about where the market closed today.  Just pennies in difference.

The only way to play the tape today was to day trade it.  It's not for a swing trader like me.  So, I'm now just going to sit and wait for the 112.30-112.50 level to be hit, or for Friday to come.  I do believe that they will take it higher to hit that target.

It's the 50% fib level from the 2007 high to the March, 2009 low.  This is the perfect time, as the market will be light on volume all week, as traders go on vacation.  Everything is looking good for the bulls right now.  We all know that the government has been manipulating this market in a HUGE way since the March low this year.  What do they want... to trick the average Joe into buying into this recovery, by giving a false impression that the economy is now good.  Of course they use the stock market rally as an indicator to lure in more suckers.

Moving on to another reason to push a little higher...

Looking back at previous news releases, I remember that every time an event was released early... it was good.  And, everytime they delayed the news release... it was bad.  Since this Thursday is Thanksgiving, and the news scheduled out for release on that day is the "Jobs Number"... when would you release it if it was really bad?

Friday of course.  It's a half day, which means really light volume as all the traders are already gone for the holiday.  So, if it was really... really bad news, you could easily support any selling with the money the PPT gets from the government to buy up the market with.  Then, the traders would have too wait until Monday to do anymore selling, which would give the government something to spin as positive on Monday to keep the selling from happening on a bigger scale.  Many times a rally could even be produced, as they could buy up the market before the open when only the furures are trading... which is lighter volume and easier to manipulate.

But... that's not what's happening!  No, No... they are moving all the news scheduled for Thursday to Wednesday this week.  Now, what does that mean, or imply?  Well, if I was going to release the news on a day that still has a lot of traders in the pits, and it's a full day, not a half day... I would only do it if it's good news.  That way the traders would react and buy up the market on basically the last trading day before the weekend.

That means that it would be the following Monday before all the traders come back, and normal volume returns.  Since many of them will take Monday off too, that means that Tuesday December 1st would probably the first big day back with real volume in the market.

That's a perfect way to close the month of November out positive... in a big way.  Of course this is all just speculation on my part, as I try to think like they do.  It's tough for me to do, as I am a real honest person, so thinking like a dirty rotten scoundrel is not in my nature.  But, sometimes you have to waller around in the mud to think like a pig... and believe me, those government thugs are pigs!


Anyway, just like I said in my weekend post, I think we will go sideways to up this week, then down next week.  I'm waiting patiently for that magic number to be hit... or just for the week to be over.  If 112.30-112.50 is hit this Wednesday, or Friday... whenever basically, I will be going short!


Weekend Update…


I'll start off by saying that next week should be a boring week, and preferably skipped or simply not played all together.  It's a holiday week with Thanksgiving right smack dab in the middle of the week... on a Thursday no less.  Instead of falling on a weekend date, where the trading wouldn't be too overly light, it's going to cause very light volume throughout the whole week.

So, what do we know about light volume?  It usually means an UP day... that's what.  I don't think that any of the news out next week is "market moving", meaning something that traders wait for before going long or short.  Couple that with the sell off we just had over the last few days, and you have the making of an UP week.

I believe the whole week will chop around going nowhere.  There is now some serious resistance up around the 1100 area.  You still have the "Great Wall of China" between 109.68 and 110.34 (spy) that still hasn't been "confirmed" as being pierced through.  Remember, we jumped over the entire area by a gap open on the 16th this week.

That was exactly what I said must happen if the bulls wanted to go higher to capture the 1108 spx level... which they did!  But, gaping over the area of great resistance means that the resistance is still very much intact, as they haven't went through it to break it down... so too say.  Going over it is basically cheating.

So, now that you have been caught, you are now back where you started from... under the great wall of China.  To show you how important this level now is, I want you to take a look at the chart below.  Notice that we now have a downward sloping trend line to cross, as well as the 50% fib level at 1121.44.  There is also the fact that we have now officially closed the gap from October 2008.  The only thing left to do is rally to 1121.44 for the exact 50% fib level to be reached.  However, that isn't required or necessary, as the 1113.69 high last week is technically "close enough" to be considered the 50% fib level.


So the big question is... what is going to happen next week?  Well, I think that the light volume will allow the market to go back up and form a right shoulder as shown on the chart below.  Remember, the light volume in the holiday week coming up is one of the reasons that should allow this to happen.


Keep in mind that a choppy/sideways market is great for day traders, but horrible for short term option swing traders.  So, how do you play this market next week... if you decide to play it at all?  Some of you might want to wait until after next week is over, and get on board the short side the following week... as I expect it to be down hard.

However, if you still want to play it then here is how I plan to do it.  I'm looking to purchase deep in the money calls on Monday, once I see that the selling has stopped and the market looks like it is forming a base.  I'm expecting Monday to be an UP day, so buying at the open is the idea.  Of course, if the futures are down hard in the morning before the open then I'll wait and re-think the position.  But, I really don't see that happening right now, as there isn't any news event that can cause more selling before the open on Monday.

Continuing on... The reason for the "deep in the money" call is to avoid the time decay that will occur as the week progress forward.  Remember, time is your enemy when buying options, but your friend when selling them.  So, a more advanced position to take would be to purchase deep in the money calls and sell at the money calls.  This is called a vertical debit call spread.  For example...

Buy the FYNLA 105 SPY call option for $5.50 (ask price on Friday's close), and sell the FYNLF 110 SPY call option for $1.92 (bid price on Friday's close).  Your cost to do this is the difference between the 2 prices, or $3.58 per option.

Since the closing price of the spy on Friday was 109.43 the 110 call would have 57 cents of actual value in it, and the remaining $1.35 ($1.92-$0.57) is a combination of time and volatility.  The VIX, which measures the volatility, is currently pretty low (when compared to the high last year).  So, most of that amount is time value.  Regardless, the bottom line is this....

Of the entire price of $1.92, only 29.6875% is actual value (57 cents).  That means that if the stock didn't move for the entire week the remaining $1.35 in time and volatility value would slowly erode away.  Since you sold the option instead of buying it, you would be able to benefit from the decay, as the price to buy back the option, and close the position, would be a lot less.

Now, let's look at the 105 call that you bought.  Again, since the closing price of the spy on Friday was 109.43, we simply subract that from the 105 price, and you get $4.43.  Since you will be paying $5.50 for the 105 call, the time and volitility value of the option is the remaining amount... which is $1.07.

Now, that means that 80.54% of the value of the option is "real actual value", and the remain 19.45% is time and volitility value.  What does all this mean?  It means that as the week progresses forward, and the market goes sideways or slightly up... your option doesn't lose much value, but the one you sold did!  And that's what you want it to do, so you can buy it back at a cheaper price... and keep the difference of course.

This is really about the safest way I can think of to play a market that is going sideways or slowly up.  Time will finally be your friend, not your enemy.  Of course if the market goes down, then you will be hurt the most... but that's the risk we all take.


P.S.  Per request... here is the latest Mr. TopNotch video.  I haven't posted any as he hasn't done one since the 12th.  Anyway, here it is again.

Happy Bear…(Friday’s Delayed Post)



Sorry for the delay last night folks.  I was just too tired to post, as I had a really long day.  Anyway, I'm now up and feeling good.  I see the futures are already down this morning, as I expected.  If the past continues then the low of the day today should be in the morning between about 10:30am est and 11:30am.

After that, the volume will die off and the market should float higher the rest of the day.  So, if you are short, I'd plan on getting out today around that time frame.  If today closes below the low of yesterday, then the new down trend will be confirmed, and the current high should be in until at least a 5% correction in the market takes place.

Whatever the low of today is should complete the first wave down.  You can then expect a wave 2 back up to start on Monday of next week.  I'm not sure how high it will go, but it shouldn't take out the current high.  It might only last about 2-3 days, then a wave 3 down will occur.

I'll have too review the news over the weekend to get a better gauge of what is likely to start the wave 3 down.  But, Monday's have usually been up, as they have light volume most of the time.  That could be the only up day next week?  I'll know over the weekend.

So, for now, I'm closing out my shorts today and will look for another short entry next week.


Tonight’s Posted Delayed.


Sorry folks, I'll been really busy today and got home too late to think.  I'll post something tomorrow morning before the market opens.  I'm looking for a flat or down day tomorrow, possibly to the 1085-1087 area.


Does The News Really Matter?


cartoon doomed

I honestly don't know which way the market is going tomorrow?  I expected the move up to the 1120 area today, but the negative news on housing, PPI, CPI, and oil didn't give the market any fuel to rally.  Tomorrow the unemployment numbers are out, so maybe it will rally on the false data that the government releases?

There is clearly a bull flag pattern on the daily and 60 minute charts for the SPX.  We should break out to the upside to finally hit that target of 112.30-112.50 spy, but the news is what could cause it to fail?  People say the the news doesn't matter, but I disagree.

The new is what moves the market in the direction that the charts forecast it should go.  So, if the charts are bullish, then the market will move in that direction once it receives some news that can be viewed as positive.  It hasn't received any news in the last 2 days, that can be interpreted as good.

During this time the market simply goes sideways, not wanting to go down because the charts are still bullish.  But, it can't find the fuel it needs to move up either... hence it moves sideways while it waits for the right news to make a big move up.

Now, here's the exception to the rule... if the market can't find what it needs in a reasonable about of time, then it gives up and makes a hard move in the opposite direction, (which is down).  I think that tomorrow the jobs numbers will be spun into looking good.  It will then give the market the fuel needed to finish the rally up.

This works the opposite way too.  When the market really wants to go down, because of a bearish pattern... it will.  It just has to wait until some news event can be viewed as negative.  Of course everything is negative right now, but a year or two ago it was all positive.

Back then, you had very high expectations on earnings.  So, if a company missed by just a little bit, and their chart was bearish... it tanked.  Today, the same company with horrible earnings, could be viewed as positive if the chart was bullish.  So, if the earnings that were released were only slight negative, and it had a bullish chart, the stock would rally.

In reality, it's not about beating earnings, or jobs numbers... or any news events.  But, it's about how the market views the news.  It will remain in a sideways pattern until it gets the news it wants to hear, so that the bullish (or bearish) pattern can be completed.

So, if you were to ask me if the news mattered... I'd say yes.  But, only to the degree that the bullish or bearish patterns want to hear.  The news can sometimes cause a pattern to fail.  If the news tomorrow and Friday isn't good enough for the market, then it could simply give up and sell off... only to try to rally back up next week.


Horrible News, But NO Selling…



The market remained strong today even with more bad news.  It's seems hell bent on going up, and nothing is going to stop it.. it seems.  Next target up, and hopefully the final target before a decent size pullback, is at the 112.30-112.50 spy area.  Since today was basically a flat consolidation day, I'd expect the big up move to happen tomorrow... if it's going to happen this week?

If so, then I'd expect Thursday and Friday to remain flat as traders leave early for the weekend.  Most Thursday's and Friday's of OPX week are flat, as everyone closes out their positions by Wednesday.  Regardless, if the market hit's it target by this Friday, then some selling should happen next week.

So, my forecast for tomorrow... up again, with a some whipsaw action if the news out tomorrow morning on housing starts and oil inventory is really bad.  If it's ok, then expect the rally to continue as the bulls snort more crack, while GM talks about cutting 10,000 more jobs.  The stock market and the real world are so disconnected it's mind blowing!

As for the volume today... about 140 million shares.  Another super light day, and one of the lightest days of the year.  To answer a question posted by LuckyFish about the volume issue... here it is:  Since about July or August of this year the market seems to have it's biggest selling when the volume traded on the SPY was above 200 million shares.  And, when the volume was under 200 million shares, the market seemed to rally or at least be a flat day.

It's not a rule set in stone of course, but it's been a pretty accurate gauge of what way the market is going to trade.  Add in your TA's, Elliottwave, Fib Level's, etc... and couple that with what news events are coming out, and you can predict the market direction.  Of course it's not perfect, but nothing is.

So, I'm forecasting that tomorrow's news won't bring in that much volume in the spy.  I expect under 200 million shares again, or maybe a little over.  Now, if we have over 250 million shares traded tomorrow, then I'd would say that it would be a down day.  Why you ask?  It's mainly because the big institutions are now selling into the rally, with every move up.

They wait for a certain point, and unload a large amount to the public.  That causes the large volume in the market.  Then, they wait for the market to fall to a major support level and start buying to create a short squeeze.  The bears that shorted the market will have to buy back their shares at a higher price, and the market rallies back up again on the retail trader's money.

It doesn't take much money from the big institutions to get the rally started, as the people who are short are the one's who end up losing money again.  Then, the big guys sell hard again dumping lots of shares into the market at higher prices, creating larger volume on those days then the up days.  The market can rally up easily on light volume, as no one is selling.  So, it just goes up without any resistance.


Now, one more factor that is also a huge, and I mean HUGE contributor in helping the market to rise is the dollar.  Every time the market seems ready to fall, as the buying by the little guys drys up... (the retail traders like us), they tank the dollar.

That means that US companies that sell products and services to other countries in the world, are a now making more profit.  At least it seems that way on paper.  You see, if you sell a product in another country that has a different currency, then you would get more US Dollars for each of their dollars as the US Dollar is worth less compared to their dollar.

For example, say you sell a car in Europe for 20,000 US Dollars, and that last year the exchange rate would have made that car to have been sold in Europe for 15,000 Euro Dollars.  Now, today it's a year later and the car still sells for 15,000 Euro Dollars over there in Europe, but the US Dollars has become worth less for each Euro Dollars.  So now, when you convert the 15,000 Euro Dollars back into US Dollars, it becomes 22,000 US Dollars, instead of 20,000.

So, it looks like you made more money, but in reality it's the same money.  Just that now each US Dollar is worth less, it will take more of the them to purchase other goods and services.  Why do we now pay $4.00 for a gallon of milk today, when our Grandfather's paid $.50 cents or less?  It's the same milk, but why does it cost money?  It's called inflation!

And, as long as Obama keeps the printing press going you can expect that gallon of milk to go up to $10.00 or more in the not so distant future.  But, for now, the printing of money keeps the ponzi scheme in the stock market working.  Dump the dollar, and the market rallies.... it's just that simple, at least for awhile longer.


Gap Filled, Now What?


The market finally filled the gap from October, 2008 today!  Now What?  It's funny as I posted on my weekend post that the market would have to Gap UP on Monday to cross the huge resistance level between 109.62 to 110.34, and what did it gap open at... 110.38!  How's that for avoiding that mine field?  Just jump over it instead.

Ok, now that the gap is filled... where's the market going next?  I think they are going up to the next resistance level at 112.30 to 112.50 (spy) by the end of the week, but a small retracement could happen tomorrow as the 6o minute charts are rolling over.


The chart above is from "The Chart Pattern Trader".  You can check my blog roll for his links.  Notice the big sell volume into the close.  If it wasn't for that last red candle the spy would have traded less then 200 million shares today.  Which of course means an UP day.  That last candle pushed it to 210.9 million... just a little over.  However, the rule is still pretty accurate... over 200 million equals a down day, and under 200 means an up day.

This chart shows me that the market could go down some tomorrow while the MACD and Full STO's roll to the down side.  However, the daily still has some room up to go.  Meaning that the market could dip down tomorrow and rally back up to that next resistance level at 112.30-112.50.

Let's also look at the chart below from "The Elliottwave Lives On", (again the link is found on my blog roll under Tony Caldaro).  Notice how this up move from the 1029.38 low is almost complete with the final 5th wave still in play, or possibly ended today?


I'm not sure if we push to the 112.30-112-50 or not?  I suspect that we will... mainly because this is OPX, and the market makers don't want to pay out any money to the put holders.  After OPX is over this Friday... we'll that's another story!

So, if you are stuck in any short positions, tomorrow might be your best chance to get out without too much pain.  I'm not sure how low we dip tomorrow, but looking at the charts would indicate the first logical target of around 1096 to fill the gap open from today.  Next would be the 1090 level, but I'm not sure if it will go that low?  After that is the 1076-1080 area for the gap from the 9th.  I really doubt that we go that low during OPX, but anything is possible.

Next week though is a different story.  Over the next couple of weeks... starting next week, or possible at this Friday's close, I believe we will go down to the 1030-1040 area before any decent bounce back.  From there... I don't know yet.  Let's wait till we get closer before answering that question.




Weekend Update…



Trying to forecast where the market is going is sometimes like forecasting the weather.  It could rain on Monday or it could be a sunny warm day?  Clouds will be moving in, but could leave quickly.  Huh?  Yeah, that's how I feel about Monday.

On one side... the Bear side, I see that the market is rolling over on the daily, weekly, and monthly charts.  Plus, it hit the lower level of the gap from October, 2008.  That gap stretches from 109.68 (spy) to 110.34.  The market closed Friday almost dead on the lower level at 109.62.

This area is the toughest wall that the Bulls have come up against since the rally began back in March of this year.  Going through that area is almost impossible... that's almost though!

Could it avoid the area all together by jumping over it, with a gap up above it on Monday?  Yes, it could.  That's about the only way I see the market getting to the 1108.30 (SPX) top that it wants to get too.

Going through that area is like walking through a mine field... you're going to get hurt doing it!  Why not just jump over the mine field and avoid all the pain?  That's what I see the market doing if the 60 minute and 15 minute charts play out.

Those 2 charts are still bullish going into Monday.  So, if the Bulls want to get to 1108.30, then they are going to have too gap up big... in my opinion, to reach it.

But, here's the bad news for them... next week brings with it a lot of economic news, which could be a big problem if some of that news is really bad on Monday.  A bullish 60 minute, and 15 chart will be ignored if the news is really bad, and instead the daily and weekly charts will take the lead.   Which means... a big down day!

So, for the Bear case... I'd say that the mega resistance area between 109.68 to 110.34 held up again, and pushed the Bulls back down.  On top of that, the daily, weekly, and monthly charts all support the Bear case.

The close right at the lower level really isn't bullish or bearish, as it gives NO clues to the direction on Monday.  We could be in a narrow range until after OPX?  It's really hard to say, but I will say that a big, and I mean big, move down is coming.

If it doesn't start next week, then the week after opx is almost certainly a down week.  However, my gut tells me that it starts next week.  I just don't think they can pull off another 5 days of doji's, only to close on Friday at 1100.

A pullback should occur next week, which will only be the start of a big move down over the coming weeks to months.  I could easily see the 107 area being hit for gap fill from the 9th.  I'm really leaning toward a couple a big days down, then a rally back up... only because it's OPX and the market makers don't want to lose money by paying call holders, or put holders.  They are basically doing "stop sweeps" to scare out the hobby bulls and bears.

