Monday, September 16, 2024
Home Blog Page 115

Mr. TopStep Can Say It Better Then Me…


I think the video below is the clue to where this market is headed. We almost hit the 1108.30 SPX mark today, falling just short of it a 1105. I expect the jobs numbers to come in better then expected tomorrow, and the market will rally one final time, hitting the 1108.30 level.

After that, I expect a sell off to begin. I don't think we will close around the 1108.30 area, but instead only touch it intraday. Rally in the morning, selling in the afternoon... that's what I'm looking for. That's it for tonight's post. Look to get short at 1108.30 tomorrow, as I'll be waiting patiently there too.


Light Volume Puts the Market to Sleep…



Today was real yawner!  The market basically moved nowhere...  and just what's in store for tomorrow?  More of the same, with an upside bias.  Yes folks, one more day of this nonsense and the market should be back to normal trading.  Which means that a reality check is due.  So, let's see... is the market really that health or is it sick?

I think it's sick with false hope, fake numbers, outright lies, and manipulation like you've never seen before.  That means we should rally some more, right?  Yeah right... and I've got an honest banker I'd like you to meet!  Of course not folks...  I'm looking for selling to take place on Thursday and Friday, as the news out on those days should bring in some bigger volume.   If it's more then 200 million shares on the spy, we should be heading down.

Like I said in yesterday's post... 110.34 is like the "Great Wall of China", and will not be broken easily.  Closing above it is not likely too happen.  I'd like to see the market move up to that level tomorrow, so I can get the best short entry position.  It could do just that since it's a holiday tomorrow.  That light volume could float the market up to within inches of the wall, and possible go above it briefly to that 1108 spx area everyone is looking for.  I will be pouncing on the bulls when that happens.

Others think we are going higher, until OPX and then rolling over.  I think we are going down toward OPX, and then going higher.  I'm going to try and filter out the noise this time.  I've looked back at many of my own forecasts and found that I was pretty accurate on the direction, even though I missed a few ending points.  Overall, if I had followed myself I would have been a whole lot more profitably then I currently am.

There again... learn to stick to a plan.  That's my lesson for myself today.


Bears Get Crapped On Again…



Once again, light volume equals an UP market... and what an UP we had today! Only 150 millions shares traded on the spy today. Tuesday and Wednesday could be just as light too, as there isn't any real economic news out of a value till Thursday. I was looking for the 1080 area to hold, but the market blew past it like it wasn't there.

This means that the next major... and I mean MAJOR area of resistance is at 110.34 on the SPY. We hit 110.31 previously and sold off hard all the way down to 103, just as I expected it to do. Well, let me say that I expected it to sell off hard, but to what level I was unsure of? I expected the 102 level to be hit again, but it stopped a 103. So, you can't forecast everything correctly... that's for sure!

But, I will say that the 110.34 level is comparable to hitting "The Great Wall of China". It's going to take a whole lot of attempts to go through it. This area is the strongest resistance the Bears have in their arsenal right now. It's like pulling out the rocket launcher from the basement to fight off a yard full of zombie bulls! If this doesn't stop them... nothing will!


The only way I can see the Bulls taking this market past 110.34 is to jump over it with a huge gap opening. Well, they have about 2 more days to try to do it. By Thursday the market should be back to normal (as in... normal sense, not insanity), as volume will be back above 200 million (hopefully). And you know what that means... below 200 million shares traded on the SPY equals an UP market, and over 200 million equals a DOWN market.

I would say that has been truly accurate for over 99% of the last 3 months of trading. I'd say 100%, but I don't feel like going back and researching every day, so 99% means that there could have been a day or two that the volume didn't match up with the 200 million rule.

Needless to say, it's a pretty accurate way to forecast the market direction. So, how do you know how much volume each day in the future will bring? You don't, but you can get a general feel for the market by looking at what news will be released over the coming days. How much of it is "market moving", and how much of it isn't?

I said that I was going to go short on Tuesday, but I might wait until Wednesday, as there isn't any real news on that day either... hence the market could rally up some more. We actually hit 109.68 today, which is the lower boundry of the October, 2008 gap. The top of that gap is at 110.34, which is why I don't think the market will take it out this go around. Could it eventually do it... yes, of course? But, a nice pullback is due first.

So, for tomorrow, I'd expect a little pullback or flat day. Then, on Wednesday, I'm expecting another push up to that 110.34 area. Super heavy resistance is there and every last Bear standing will be waiting at that line, just like every last Bull just jumped on the bandwagon today. This will be the battle of all battles, and the bears stand the best chance this time around.

I will be waiting there on Wednesday for the 110 area to be hit, as I will be siding with the bears to drive back the might bulls. My armour will be the year old gap that hasn't been breached, and my weapons will be the unemployment numbers and other news that will be coming up from behind on Thursday an Friday. Yes, it will be a bloody battle, but I won't be going alone this time. I'm sure I'll see many of you readers standing beside me...


Weekend Update…



Sometimes following your own forecast is harder to do then writing it.  I find that true this week, as I posted on last weeks' "Weekend Update" that we would probably go up to 1073-1076... and we did.  But, I didn't listen to my gut and follow Scenario ONE or TWO, instead I followed Scenario THREE and went short on Thursday around 1062... only to have to sell that position on Friday for a small loss.

Why didn't I listen to my own forecast?  Who knows?  Maybe because my forecast was based on logic and technical analysis's, and I went short on emotion.  This just go to show you that it's not easy trading... even if you make a correct forecast from time to time.  Your emotion will hinder your success untill you learn to control it.

I must admit that I'm not there yet.  I still let the outside noise in and react to it with emotional trades.  I clearly stated that Scenario THREE was unlikely, but I went short anyway.  Every chart I looked at had us retracing back up to almost 1080 to form a right shoulder, then dropping.  But, in the end, I'm still here to trade another day.  Let's just hope that I learn from this mistake and don't make it again.

Next week...

I'm expecting a few more days up to hover around that 1080 area.  We could see a down in the morning and back up in the afternoon day on Monday.  Then more up on Tuesday, but probably a flat close.  Wednesday through Friday should be more interesting as I expect more bad news to be released.  The difference this week will be that the market will be up against heavy resistance and won't be able to break through on that bad news.

So, I do expect selling to occur, and I'm still inclined to believe that we will hit 998-1000 before option expiration.  It will most likely come fast and hard, and could hit it before the 20th.  If so, you can expect a nice bounce off that level.  If you can keep a close watch on your account you could make some quick money by going long on the first hit of that area.  If could dip as low as 995 intraday, so be cautious... and be quick to jump on.

So, I'm looking to go short on Tuesday around 1080... if it makes it there?  It may do so on Monday as I expect another light volume day, which of course means another UP day.  But, my gut tells me that Monday will dip down early and rise back later.  That will squeeze any bears that went short at Monday's open, and get the rally up into Tuesday.

Ask yourself that question... "What would you do if you were a Market Maker"?  Of course the answer is...  Steal as much money from the dumb public as possible!  But how specifically would you do that?  I think a fake down move to tell the bears that "This is it", only to pull the rug out from under them later in the day with a rally back.

Regardless of how it happens, I'm going to go short again around the 1080 area.  I'm planning on holding these positions until opx if needed.  However, I think we'll hit at least 1020 before opx, and rally back into it.

Here's a little bonus video for you...



UUP Halted Today…



The UUP (dollar index) was halted today as they released another 100 million shares into the market place.  This caused the price to swing wildly, and should adjust back to normal in a few days.  The markets didn't react negatively as they usually do when the dollar rallies.  This seems to be the norm these days, as the market ignores everything negative.

Moving on...

The markets rallied up today as expected, but they took out the 1060 high from yesterday.  It looks like we might be going to 1073-1076 after all.  This move up should be a wave 5 that will top tomorrow most likely.  This should complete a larger wave 2 up from the 103.08 spy low, with larger wave one being from the 110.31 high to the 103.08 low.

However, there is a lot of resistance right where we closed today around the 1066 spx area.  It might just spike up to touch the 1073-1076 area, and then reverse into the close.  It all depends on the volume tomorrow.  Today had 174 million shares traded on the spy.  Once again, light volume equals an up market.  So, at this point, I have to say that we are looking like Scenario ONE is in play after all.  Friday's usually have light volume, so the market could continue up tomorrow.

The only wild card is a bad jobs number.  But, I seriously doubt that Obama will allow any really  bad numbers to be told to the public.  He will have his accountants get out their erasers and a new number will magically appear.  Funny how over 500,000 NEW People get laid off every week, but the continuing un-employment claims barely moves up.  I guess 499,000 people get hired too each week. LOL!

Anyway, expect more rallying tomorrow as the marine that killed a bunch of people reduced the un-employment numbers... which is good for the market, right?  The insanity continues I guess... Of course I went short today around 1062, and I'll look to close that out tomorrow on any dip lower.  I'll have to wait untill Monday to go short again...


Whipsaw Galore…



Wow!  Was that a wild day or what?  I'm glad I wasn't day trading, as that must have slapped a lot of people silly.  But, in the end, the market hit 1060, and then fell into the close.  Since 1060 was Scenario Three  on my weekend post, that could be the high before we start falling again to 998-1000.

The only thing that has me paused about that... is how the government likes to lie about any and all reports that they release.  I have a feeling that the new claims numbers released tomorrow will be under 500k, and cause a another pop up in the market.  The jobs numbers haven't ever been accurate, but they are a whole lot more manipulated today then a year ago.

The last 3 weeks those numbers have been above 500k.  I think it's time to fudge them, so the market will rally and squeeze out everyone who went short into the close.  You know how those market makers love to take out stops!  I could be wrong of course... in which case the market will continue on down.  But, it just doesn't feel right.  I know we aren't suppose too trade based on feeling, but the market is made up of human beings buying and selling on emotion.

Sure, TA's are important, but ultimately people buy on greed and sell on fear.  A small rally in the morning, after the jobs numbers (assuming that the government lies and says that they are under 500k), and then selling in the later part of the day... due to fear of the continuing claims numbers on Friday.  If that hits 10%, I think the selling will be hard and fast.

Personally, I think they'll lie on that one too.  It will probably come in at 9.9%... just under 10%.  However, I don't think the market will believe any number they release, and the selling will happen anyway.  Who in their right mind would want to be long over the weekend?  I don't see Scenario ONE or TWO happening, as they have 1073-1076 as the high.

I think the high is in for now at 1060.  So, there might be a pop early tomorrow, but the selling should start back down again tomorrow, and continue into Friday as well.  Once we hit 1020 I'll look for a bounce, but the larger bounce should occur at 998-1000.

If anyone went short today at 1060 you're probably safe for awhile, as it's unlikely to rally back above it anytime soon.  Look  for 1020, and then 998-1000.  I'll be looking to go long at that point, but cautiously of course, as we are most likely in Primary Wave 3 down.  If not, then a bottom around 950-955 should be expected before a larger move back up.  How how is the question?

Many say we will hit that 1200 mark, after a fall to 950-955 in the next month or so.  I can't answer that, but my gut tells me that once the holiday season is over and the new year begins... more selling will come into play.  That's a few months away, and too far for me to forecast.  Plus, I like the shorter term trades, as that's where the most money is.

My plan for tomorrow is to short any rally up in the morning, and hold till 1020 before deciding the next move.


Stuck in the middle…



I'm not comfortable going long here, or short... yet.  We are stuck in the middle between solid support at 998-1000, and huge resistance at 1100-1108.  Don't let this sheep be you!  Unless you like to gamble, I'd wait until the direction is clearer.

Wednesday, the Fed's comments should move the market, as it's not going to stay here at 1040 area forever.  So, the question is... which way?  We are clearly oversold, but we are also forming a bearish pattern.  My gut tells me that a small rally will occur to sucker in all the retail bulls.  It should fall just short of key resistance levels to prevent the bears from jumping on and profiting.

You know those market makers like to steal money from both bulls and bears.  So, expect a lot of fake moves.  The trend is down, and no decent rally will occur at this level.  It needs to hit the larger support at 998-1000 before I'd feel comfortable going long.  Even then, it's still only for a few days, and the selling will continue after that rally ends.

So, I'm looking at Scenario Three to play out at this point.  A smaller rally to 105-106 is all I can see right now.  I'd hope'd for 107.30-107.60, but it's not looking too bullish right now.  With Warren Buffett buying Burlington Northern, which caused that stock to trade up about $25.00 to just under $100.00.  That, and the dollar falling should have moved the market higher today. 

But, it barely moved up.  That's very bearish, as the market would have been up 100 points (Dow) or more in the past with that kind of news.  That makes me think that any small negative news will cause more selling.  Be cautious here, until a direction is found.  Personally, I'm waiting a little longer.


What I wild ride today was…




Today looked like a roller coaster ride!  Up, down, back up, then down.  That's what you call a major "Whiplash".  It looks like we might be in the middle of Scenario ONE, or THREE, from my weekend post.  We have another Fed Meeting Wednesday, and I expect the market to continue trading wildly with an upward bias until the meeting.

Then, I'm expecting more selling.  We've hit that 104 spy level and busted through it, so it won't be much support on the way back down.  The 102 level should have some bounce, but I don't think it will be much.  It will probably be hit around Thursday or Friday... right when the jobs numbers comes out.  I think they are done manipulating the numbers to the degree that they did during the rally up.

Yes, we all know that the really unemployment is around 16% percent, not the 10% that they tell us.  But, they seem to know that the market is now in a corrective phase, so they simply report the numbers that they are told.  That's my thinking at least.  The last 2 weeks the numbers were quite bad.  I see no reason to think that anything has changed since then.

The big boys are in "Sell Mode" right now, so they just let the chips fall where they may!  If it's bad... just report it.  They are short the market anyway, and will profit as it falls.  So, back to my original thoughts... the 1020 area should be hit during that bad jobs numbers.  That means it's likely to fail fairly quickly and move on down to the next support level at 998-1000.

You will probably see a intra-day bounce at 1020, but ultimately we are headed to 998-1000 before any decent bounce.  I will be looking to go short on Tuesday or Wednesday, just before the Fed's have their little "pow wow".  After we hit support at 998-1000, I will get out of all shorts and go long.

I'm not sure yet how high we will bounce off that level, but there is an 80% chance of a nice bounce there.  I would expect a 50%, or 61.8% retracement back up.  That's from the 1102 high, to where ever it finds support around the 998-1000 area.  That's about 100 point move, so 50% would takes us back to about 1050, or 61.8% to about 1060.

But, let's play one bounce at a time.  Let's look for a high tomorrow or Wednesday before the Fed's talk.  It's looking pretty weak, and Scenario THREE may be in play?  That means a move to just under 1060, instead of the 1073-1076 area listed on Scenario ONE and TWO.

That might be the retracement point back up after we hit the 998-1000 level?  So, hang in there friends as this party is just getting started!


Weekend Update…


OK... so what's the plan for next week?  Well, I was off on my Thursday forecast, as I expected a flat day on Friday and Monday.  I guess you can't be right a 100% of time?  The volume was 325 million on the spy.  That means a down day of course... and what did we have?  I huge down day!  Fortunately, I wasn't in any position... short or long.  So, no harm done I guess.  I hope all of you weren't long either.

Anyway, I'm looking at 3 possible scenarios...

Note:  All charts are from "The Chart Patten Trader".  You can find the link to his site, and his charts on my blog list to the right of this website.  Hopefully he doesn't mine me borrowing his chart.  I just added my thoughts in purple, and the black text with yellow background around them.


One.  We continue on down to the 1020 spx support level and bounce back up from there.  We could just bust on through 1020, as this will be a second major hit at that area.  On the first hit of any support area there is about an 80% chance of a bounce.  Each time it is hit the chance of a bounce lowers.  I'm giving the 1020 area about a 70% chance of a bounce on this attempt.

If we bust on through then the next level of support is 998-1000.  There is an 80% chance of a decent bounce there, and I will be looking to go long at that level.  I'm just not sure if we bust through 1020, as it is also the lower trend line of what could be a "head and shoulders" formation forming, with the left side low at 1020 on the first of the October.

Now, if 1020 holds, then I'm still expecting 1073-1076 area to be about the highest possible retracement level on the way back up.  There is a gap from 12th-13th at about 107.60  to 108.35 (spy).  I believe we will get close to it, but not fill it.  Much like the way the market would gap up in the past, and not fill the gaps on any correction down.  I think we will now start a series of gap downs and not fill the gaps on the retracements back up.  The reverse of what happened from the March lows to the current high of 1102 spx.

I remember how many times I waited for a gap fill to happen on any corrective move down in the past, only to be disappointed when the market stopped just shy of it, and started rallying back up.  The markets likes to tease people... especially those that follow technical analysis.  The old trick... bring in close, then snatch it away from them!

Everyone was looking for 1120 to be the top, and it fell just short of it at 1102.  The same may happen on the way back up.  Many will expect 1080 to be hit, and they will be waiting to go short at that level.  All the more reason not to get back up to that point.

Now,  on to Scenario Two...


This one has us rallying on Monday from the current level.  Which, could also run up to the same level around 1073-1076 spx in a few days.  Notice how that area would break the upper downward sloping channel line on the chart above.  How many times have you seen a channel that gets broken out of... only to fall back in it again?  It's another way the market likes to trick you into going long, and then reversing in the other direction.

Notice also that he has marked a 1,2, and 3 on each move down.  If we mark 4 as the 104.35 to 106.86 move, and 5 as the 106.86 to 103.44, then we have a 5 wave move down.  Is it complete?  That's the real question.  Certainly it could just continue down some more to the 1020 area, which I believe would be the end of wave 5.  Or, it could be complete right here, and start a larger wave 2 back up... which wave 1 being the entire move from 110.31 down to 103.44.

I'm not an elliottwave expert, but I do know that the wave 2 back up should be higher then the top of the smaller wave 4 at 106.86.  Since Monday's are usually light volume days, then a rally seems to have the best chance of happening on that day.  Once started, short covering would come in a push the market back up on Tuesday.  Many people will put their stops at the 104.35 low... which could be easily hit if Monday has light volume.

Then, the 106.86 would also have lots of stops there waiting to be taken out my the market makers.  That could be enough to push us up again to just under the 1080 area.  In the past, there would have been a whole lot of bears that shorted the market, and any short covering rally would have really pushed the market much higher.  However, I believe that many bears missed this correction down.  So, that means that there isn't a whole lot of them in the market to "short squeeze".  Hence the reason that I don't really see us reaching the 1080 level... only close to it.

Withthat being said, I do believe that whatever level we retrace back up to, the bears are going to all pile on and drive this market down in a big wave 3 move.  With this scenario, 1020 won't hold but maybe intraday, and the next level down at 998-1000 will be hit.

This means that Monday is a "wildcard" day, as it could complete a smaller 5 wave move down, or it could just continue the 5th wave until 1020 is hit.  So, how do we play this move... that is the big question?

 OK, if scenario one is what happens, then I will wait for 1020 to be hit, and then go long for the move up to at least 1060 again, but I'm expecting that 1073-1076 area.  I'll just be very cautious at 1060, as it could dump again there?  Any long position should only be deep in the money calls, or spreads, as time value and volility will kill your option value on the way up.

Next, if scenario two is in play, then I'll wait for 1073-1076 to be hit and then go short, looking for 1020 as the first support on the way down and then 998-1000.  I will determine which as we get close to that time period.  So, I play the "wait and see" game.  By far, the safest bet is to wait until the retracement back up to just under 1080 is hit, and then go short expecting 998-1000.  The next safest move is to wait until the 998-1000 level is hit and go long.

As I said early, I'm not an expert in elliottwave.  I believe they have their place, but unfortunately they can't accurately predict the next move... only tell you possible moves.  That's why I focus on major support levels, and volume in the market.  Bounces occur at the support levels, which makes the EW ABC and 12345 wave counts.  Anyway, let's move on to one more possible scenario.


Scenario Three.  We concluded a larger wave one down at 104.35.  It would have been an ABC move down.  Next, we completed a larger wave 2 up at 106.86.  And now we are in the first smaller wave inside the larger wave 3.  This larger wave 3 should conclude at the 998-1000 support level.  It could have 5 smaller waves inside it, which could mean a bounce up on Monday for wave 2 (or A), then down to 1020 for wave 3 (0r straight down to 998-1000 for wave C), back up to about 1040 for wave 4, and then down to 998-1000 for wave 5.

I don't really favor this scenario, as it doesn't give the 1020 much chance of a decent bounce.  If scenario 3 happened, then we are in a larger wave 3, and the 1020 would be right in the middle of a smaller wave 3 (or C), inside a larger wave 3.  Two waves 3's would bypass 1020 like it wasn't even there!  I don't see that happening.

We've fell pretty far in the last week and we are due for more of a bounce then just the 105-106 area that scenario 3 presents us.  I really think we will bounce back to just under 108.  Now, the question is... from where?  That's either at 998-1000 (80% chance of good bounce), 1020 (70% chance of good bounce), or from where we currently are now.

That means that we should be looking to go long a 998-1000 for the best chance of success, and long 1020 for a good chance of success.  And, we should be going short just under the 1080 area for another great chance of success.  Waiting for either of those levels to be hit is the hardest thing to do, as the market loves to fake you out.  Patience is learned, not giving!


Just a little more…



Wow... when I said I expected a bounce, I didn't think it would all happen in one day!  That was a pretty big move, but it happened on light volume.  Again, under 200 million shares traded (spy) equals an up market.  Looks like we might be on our way to about 107.30 to 107.65 (spy) before the selling continues.

So, I'm looking for a flat to up day for Friday.  Remember, Friday's and Monday's are usually very light volume days.  That means the markets should float higher.  Of course if we have some good volume the market could continue the downward move.  But, I think a few days of rest is good for Mr. Bear, before he starts attacking those Bulls again.

I'm thinking that Monday could be the high, before a drop resumes toward the major support at 104 again.  However, I believe it will fail this time, and the next level at 102 will be the next destination before another rally will occur.  Now, if 102 doesn't hold, then we are going to 99.80 - 100 in a big hurry.

We should definitely bounce there as that hasn't been hit in quite awhile.  I give it an 80% chance of a large bounce.  That means at least a 50% fib. level move back up.  (That's from the current high at 110.31).  So, just take the weekend off, and be ready to go short again on Monday, or Tuesday at the latest.

I almost most forgot... this is a holiday weekend.  The markets aren't closed, but many traders will go ahead and leave early for Halloween.  So, that's just one more reason for the market to have light volume Friday, and also Monday.  Which means... say it with me now!  Light volume equals an UP market.

OK, that wraps up tonight's post....


Time to Bounce…



I'm expecting a bounce now for a few days... maybe into Monday?  We hit the target of 1040-1050 area as I expected.  Since there is a lot of support here, and the auction tomorrow and Friday, I expect the dollar to fall for a few days.  The market should rally up to 1070-1080 range, but it might not make it that high?

The jobs numbers Friday could be bad enough to stop it from a big bounce, but a small bounce is coming soon.  Tomorrow could be a flat to up day, as the market finds some support here around 1040.  Any bounce is just another opportunity to short.

I'm expecting 1020 or maybe even 998-1000 by option expiration.  I'll be looking to go short again next week... probably Monday or Tuesday, as I expect that to be the end of any bounce that we might get.  It could continue down tomorrow, but we're pretty oversold here, so I'm really expecting this to hold for now.


Almost ready for a bounce…



Today was a flat consolidation day as expected.  I'm still looking for the 1040-1050 area to be hit before any decent bounce back up.  That area has multiple supports from horizontal and 2 upward sloping trend lines.  And the moving average is also in that area too.

That means that a bounce is almost a sure thing.  Almost being the key here... as some disaster or political event could cause a big sell off.  But, under normal conditions, the market should bounce in that area.  After the bounce is over, the selling should continue until we hit 1020 (next support), at which time I expect a pause before breaking through.

Remember, 1020 has held in the past, but I expect it to fail this time around.  Next will be the 998-1000 area.  That will be the first hit, and has an 80% chance of a bounce.  I would expect around 50% retracement back up from the 1102 high when that area is hit.

The fed has more auctions on Thursday and Friday.  I expect that is the main reason that the dollar has been rallying.  So, you could see one more push up on the dollar tomorrow, ahead of the auctions.  After the auctions are over you can expect the Fed to dump the dollar again.

This means that the market should find a temporary bottom around 1040-1050 tomorrow or early Thursday, then rally as the dollar get sold hard after the auctions are over.  You would think the everyone could see that the government simply props up the dollar before every auction, and then dumps it, which causes the market to do the opposite... but wall street just plays along until the party ends!


That’s What I Call a Good “Bitch Slap”…


bitch-slap-the-movie (Medium)

Well, it looks like the bulls finally got "bitch slapped"... It's about time!  Over 242 millions shares traded on the spy today... and that means a "Down Day".  As I said in my weekend post, I was looking for 1090 to be hit before any more selling.  It hit it, and dropped like a rock!

Wow!  I didn't see that coming.  I was wrong on my gut feeling that the market go down in the morning and up in the afternoon, but I guess you can't get everything right.  Anyway, I'll keep this simple... big support at 1040.  Expect a bounce there for a day or two, then more selling.

Next support is 1020, then 998-1000.  I think that area will be hit sometime next month.  Probably by option expiration.  As for tomorrow, I say a pause day is in order... but you never know?  Once the bears start slapping the bulls around... they might not stop for awhile.


Weekend Update…



That sure was a nice start... Let's hope that it continues, (unless you're a bull of course).  Just an update... I sold my short positions for a small profit Friday, and I'm now looking for the next opportunity.  Short or Long, I don't care... but short is my favorite.

So, what will next week bring us?  That's a tough call.  Monday's have had very low volume over the last few months.  Each time that happened the market rallied up.  Once again... light volume equals an "UP" market.  The magic number seems to be around 200 million shares (on the SPY).  Guess how many we traded on Friday?  About 240 million!  And that equals a "Down" day of course.

Above 200 million is almost always a down day and below 200 million is almost always an up day.  Since Mondays' have produced some of the lightest trading days of the year, I'm hesitant to tell you that the selling will continue.  Yes, the morning could continue the selling... but the midday light volume could erase any gains you make.  So, I'd get out early if the selling continues in the morning, and then seems to slow down and go sideways.  That's usually about 11am time frame.

If it continues to go lower then we really do have another down day.  That would be really bad for the market.  If a light day can't get the market back up, then the heavy volume days coming after Monday should produce a hard sell off.  This is one of those things were it's best to wait and see what happens on Monday morning.

There are no earnings or economic news of any importance on Monday.  Couple that with light volume, and the markets should rally back up.  If they don't, and instead have a flat consolation day, then look out... the rest of the week could get ugly!

If I had to choose, I would say that Monday would either be a flat consolation day or an up day.  Maybe back to the 1090 area or so.  I could be wrong, and the market just sell all day long.  If so, then there is support at 1060, and then 1040.  But, my gut tells me that we'll go down a little in the morning and rally back all day on light volume.  Then close basically flat.

If the market rips higher in the morning then I'll be looking to go short at 1090 area.  If it falls in the morning and rallies back throughout the day then I'll wait until the end of the day and look to go short then.  If it continues to fall all day, then I'll sit on the sidelines as I would have missed a nice down move.  I'm not going to chase it down, only to have it hit 1060 and rally back on me.

This are just what I'm looking for on Monday.  Predicting what is going to happen is just guessing at this point.  So, yes... it should continue down, but light volume could stop anymore selling temporarily, and even produce a rally back.  Basically, I'm glad I'm in cash right now.


Let’s flip a coin…



Tomorrow is a tough call to make.  On one hand, the market did retrace back up as I expected... but it did it on horrible jobs numbers and with a strong push up.  It wasn't a weak move by any means.  As strong as that move was it could continue up tomorrow as Friday's always have light volume... which means an up market.

On the other hand, the 110.34 spy level is still holding back the market.  The rally up today hit the lower point of the gap fill at 109.68, and then fell back.  We could hit 110.34 (about 1108 spx) tomorrow and stall there again.  If volume is really light then the market could push on through it.  If that happen you will also have a big up day on Monday too, as that level is a huge resistance point.

So, my plan for tomorrow is to look for the fall down in the morning.  If it doesn't happen then I'm closing out my short position, as anything can happpen over the weekend.  Since I went short around 1092 Wednesday I'll be getting out about break even.

Everything says the market should fall, but it's not run by logic... it's run my crooks!  Keep that in mind when going short.  I'll go short again when the time seems right again.  But for now, I'm really expecting another up day tomorrow, as it should have fell with the bad jobs numbers.  There isn't much left to cause a down move tomorrow.

Maybe a nuclear bomb going off in New York or something... but I think the market would view it as positive and rally.  That's a few million less people on un-employment!  Duh!  Nothing makes any sense in this rigged game.


Big Volume equals a Down Day…



Looks like the market hit close enough to the 110.34 SPY mark, as it quickly reversed at 110.31.  I went short today and sure enough the market sold off hard at the end of the day.  It took me by surprise, but I was glad I was short.  Those were definitely some "Big Red Candles" during the last hour of the market.

As for tomorrow, I'm expecting the government to lie again about the jobs numbers.  We could get a small bounce up if they report it under 500k, but if it comes in above 520k or so... then I expect more selling.  Of course there will be small bounces on the way down, but I see 104 as a major level that should produce a nice bounce.

This is going to shock a lot of bulls and bears, but I think we are in for a sharp and fast fall.  Most bears will miss it, and the bulls won't believe it.  There could be very little bounces until we hit 104.  Even then, I don't expect more then a few days up from it.

But, let's take it one day at a time.  For today... Bulls - 0, Bears 1


Big Volume in the Dollar?



The UUP had some big volume on the buy side today.  That's telling me that some big players think the dollar is around a significant bottom level.   Could it go lower?  Yes, as rarely does anyone pick a bottom or a top exactly.  But, we about as close as you could ask for.

That means that the market will soon roll over as the dollar rallies hard.  It could start as early as tomorrow, but by Friday I'm pretty sure a significant high in the market will be reached, just as the bottom will be in for the dollar.  I'm looking to go short tomorrow, as I expect a backtest to occur in the morning and a sell off to occur later.  It could just sell off all day... but a backtest should occur, as it has done so many times in the past.

Volume was still under 200 million on the spy, which helped the late day grind back up.  Once we make it above 200 million selling should be hard and fast.  Hold on to hats, as this roller coaster is going straight down!


Waiting on the sidelines…



Not much to add today.  Volume was light at 159 million on the spy.  Of course the market rallied on the light volume.  We are extremely close to a top.  Maybe tomorrow we'll hit 110.34?  Apples' earnings were good after hours and that could be enough reason to rally just a little bit more.

The dollar got pounded again... the PPT hard at work as usual.  It's almost funny how the dollar gets sold hard about 10:30 am to 11:00 am everyday.  After that, the market rallies on the light midday volume.  It pretty simple to move the market higher... just destroy the dollar, and the commodities will rally, pushing up the spx.

Regardless, I'm looking to go short Tuesday or Wednesday, as I believe we will hit 110.34 and then selloff.  Remember... inside information is sometimes better then charting.


Weekend Update…



I'm still looking for the market to go to 1108 spx before any significant correction down.  I believe it will be reached next week by Wednesday.  Option expiration was Friday for most stocks and indexes, but the VIX expiration is actually this coming week, on the 21st... which is Wednesday.  That's one reason that I don't think any major sell-off will occur until after the October month is closed out.

Those market makers don't want lose any money, so they need to keep the vix low until those positions expire worthless.  After that... well that's another story.  November should be a down month, as I expect a nice drop to occur in the next few months.  Why you ask?  Well, it's not all based on Technical Analysis, Elliottwaves, Fib Levels, or Turn Dates.  Nope, it's based on insider information.

You see... TA, EW, Fib's, Astro turn dates and any other method you can think off, hasn't worked too well lately.  In the past... yes, they all worked well.  But today things are different.  Massive printing of money equals massive manipulation of the markets.  So, you can basically throw all that charting out the window.  If the government wants the market to go higher... it will.

With that said, I don't mean to imply that charting is worthless.  Quite the opposite is true.  Charting is still valuable.  But, basing a decision on charts alone is foolish as the government can keep print more money to buy up any dips in the market.  Just when the charts say that the market is ready to crash... BAM!  Here comes the PPT to the rescue.

Going short against the government is suicide, and going long with companies that are borderline bankrupt is also suicide.  So, what do you do?  You wait until the government pulls the money from the market and allows it to behave normally... that's what!  When that happens, it will go down of course, as the economic conditions are still horrible.  If the government would just stay out the market and let it find a true bottom we would get this recession over with quicker and start a real recovery.  But, crooks do what they do best... lie, steal, and cheat to get what they want.

How does that benefit us?  Well, I believe that there are individuals that know what's going on... and most importantly what going to happen next.  I think that one of those people is the guy known as "Mr. TopStep".  He and his group of traders most likely have inside information, which they share with anyone who wants to know.  All you have to do is watch their video's on youtube.

I don't think that you should throw all other methods away and only do what they are doing, but they do know more then the average trader.  And after all, aren't most people who visit and read blogs every day just average traders?  I know I am... how about you?  If you had access to some inside information, from Goldman, JP Morgan, or some other bank "in the know", would you be looking for information on the future market direction on some blog, or would you listen to that source?

If I had that kind of information I wouldn't waste my time reading blogs everyday.  I do so because I feel that many of those posters have better knowledge then me.  Of course figuring out which ones is the really hard trick to do.  With that said, I think that listening to someone who is trading on the floor of the S&P futures is someone who most likely has some inside information, or at least more accurate information then most do.

And, he's willing to share it with anyone who wants it.  Just watch the free video's he posts on youtube.  Again, I want to say that you shouldn't make your decision to buy or sell based solely on what Mr. TopStep says, but you should listen and take that into consideration before making a decision in the market.  About a month ago he said that the market wants to close that gap from October, 2008.  Here's the video...


As you can see, we are almost there.  In the past, when the market gets inside the gap area and pulls back, it almost always trys again until it closes the gap.  Rarely does it go inside the gap window and not close it.  Since the market pulled back Friday, and the gap isn't closed yet (on a daily bias), I believe the market will rally one final time early next week to finally close that gap at 1108 SPX  (110.34 spy).  Here's Mr. TopSteps' latest video...


Then, the market should pull back to the 900 area or so, before another rally up.  Now, you may be asking... will that rally up break the current high, or the future 1108 high (if it makes it there next week)?

That's up the in air at this time.  If the government injects more money, then maybe is the answer.

If they don't, then "Hell NO" is the answer... Dow 4000 here we come!


But for now, let's just focus on the present... and that says that the market is going to close the gap this week and then sell off.  I'm just going to sit and wait until the high is hit, then go short. 


Taking a breather…


The markets are just taking a breather, before one more up swing to 1108 next week.  Be ready, as once that level is hit you can expect a drop to the 900 area within the next month or so.  More details on my weekend post.

Have a good weekend everyone.


